Its a good naming convention - I won't go so far as to say its the best. There are a few things in the ITSP naming convention that I personally do not favor. For eg. AL's found in a guide that are used specifically in the guide alone and nowhere else.. Why different kind of names for each? Why do we need to know what each do? As a developer when looking at the list I would rather see them named as a functional name what the guide does. For eg if the Guide sets customer information and there are 5 AL's in that guide ordered 1 to 5 I would name them something like HPD:GuideSetCustomerInfo01 HPD:GuideSetCustomerInfo02 HPD:GuideSetCustomerInfo03 HPD:GuideSetCustomerInfo04 HPD:GuideSetCustomerInfo05
And name the Guide something like HPD:GuideSetCustomerInfo This is just one odd example of how it would make it easier for a developer to trace what someone else has worked on without running workflow logs for everything.. Joe ________________________________ From: Mahesh Chandra <> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 11:54:31 PM Subject: Re: ITSM naming convention sucks ** As per ITSP naming convention the standard format of an Active Link is: [z][SchemaCode]:[#]-[Field Name/Button/Function]-[Firing Condition][###E]-[Description]-[IndicatorSuffix][Status] Where z (lowercase) The lowercase z in front of the active link name indicates a Global Workflow Filter Schema Code Schema Code (Reference Schema Code in case of Global Active Link) - 3 Uppercase characters (usually the same as the entry-id prefix of the schema) # Grouping Code: 0 = Initialization (Window Open, Query, Set Defaults, Display, Copy to New) 1 = Execution (Submit, Modify) 2 = Post Execution (After Submit, After Modify) 3 = Close (Window Close) 4 – 5 (Unassigned/Reserved) 9 = In session (Button, Return, Menu/Row Choice, Gain Focus, Lose Focus0 z = Guide (Active Links Called by Guides only) ###[E] Execution Order (3 digits). Append E if Else Action exists Description Functional Description of the Workflow performed Indicator Suffix E = Error N = Note W = Warning R = Run Process Q = SQL G = Call Guide J### - Goto execution order PCDE = Push where CDE is the 3 character code Status + = New Workflow, requires testing (once tested the prefix can be removed) @ = Existing Workflow has been temporarily deactivated # = Existing deactivated workflow with the intent of deleting from the system HPD:INC: ContactSearch_120_GPn-G Even though this piece of workflow doesn’t exist in ITSP, I think this is the breakout. HPD Module Name INC 3 Character Schema Code stored in SYS:Form List (ITSP) and Schema Names (ITSM 7) ContactSearch Field Name 120 Execution Order Gpn (not sure) G Indicator Suffix for Call Guide In my opinion, ITSP followed some best naming conventions. Thanks Mahesh On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Matt Worsdell <> wrote: Not BMC's fault, ITSM is based on ITSP which was produced by a VAR (name withheld to protect the guilty). -----Original Message----- From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [] On Behalf Of ccrashh Sent: 20 March 2009 12:53 To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG Subject: ITSM naming convention sucks BMC has to be kidding with their ITSM suite's naming convention...for instance: On the HPD:HelpDesk form, the Customer Search button (inexplicably called Contact Search even though it is under the Customer Information section) has several Active Links associated to it (31 or so). If you were to go to the list of active links and sort by name, the first one that appears is: HPD:INC:ContactSearch_120_GPn-G However, the first one that triggers is: HPD:INC:ContactSearch_Info_035_GetPersonInfo Which is 19th in the list of 31 Active Links. WTF. Why would anyone do things this way? How can any real Remedy ARS developer work with this crap without wanting to put his/her fist through the monitor? Here's a tip...fix the naming convention! For example: HPD-INC-CUS:SR-b035-GetPersonInfo ... HPD-INC-CUS:SR-b120-GPn-G --- of course, this should be renamed to something more explicit like: HPD-INC-CUS:SR-b120-CallGuide_CF (CF being an acronym for the ContactFound guide...which I would rename to HD-INC-CF:ContactFound) See, now this naming convention makes sense. Broken down it is the HPD module INC form (though, I would change this to HD probably to match the form's actual acronym) CUS (for Customer - so we know this has something to do with the Customer information on the form) SR - for Search (so if this were the Create button, I would use CR, and MD for Modify) b - for button (other abbreviations would be s = submit, m=modify, mc = menu choice, etc.) 035 or 120 - execution order GetPersonInfo - or other - description of the functionality (can be followed by things like -E for Error, or -G for a Goto, etc.) So, if I were to modify all the ALs accordingly, sorting by name gives us the Active Links in order of their functionality and execution order within that functionality. What BMC has provided is total crap...'natch. And my contract may require me to work on this...double sigh. _______________________________________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at Platinum Sponsor: RMI Solutions ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"