I asked about how long your timeout was for the plugin server because I have
not had an instance of the plugin server timing out and not logging that
timeout...but I can warn you, the timeout between Remedy and the server (2
min's) is not configurable...so even if you increase your plugin
timeout...if the server doesn't respond to the client (Mid-Tier/User) within
that 2 min window, then you will have a timeout situation occur no matter.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of pascale.bo...@daimler.com
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 2:08 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: API Call not being made

We've been having issues with this particular  webservices for the past few
weeks.  It started when the web team changed the web server.  But of course
it has nothing to do with it  :o(
It must be a Remedy issue, never a web service issue.... Sounds
It started with the plug-in failure which was due to the time-out being to
low.  Once we increased the time out , we got the webservice exception
error.  Then, the web server team did some tweaking at the OS level (a Unix
issue they said) and the error disappeared. Instead, this new arerr 92
appeared.  Our DB was running with only 200Mb of memory available, so we
installed more (2 Gb more) this weekend. Still not working.
Then you guys asked about the plug-in so I launched a trace and voila!  the
time-out on the web service was there again...
Awaiting more investigation on the web server team.
Any help still greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Pascale Boyer
Remedy Developer
Daimler Trucks North America
Portland, OR

Sent by: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 

05/18/2009 12:59 PM 

Please respond to



Re: API Call not being made


How long did it take your SoapUI to timeout, and what is your plugin timeout
configured to if not the default 40? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Carey Matthew Black
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:54 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: API Call not being made


That should be an ARS  BUG in my opinion.

At the very least the server should note (AKA: Log) that it gave up due to a
timeout. Which implies that the CE that spawned the WebService (Er... AR
Filter plugin call) needs to show up in the logs too.

It may be a reasonable behaviour for ARS to timeout. But it is very
important that it not do something without telling us what it is doing.
(Well, when the logs are turned on at least. :) )

I strongly suggest that you NOT let BMC off the hook on this part of your
 You spent how much time trying to figure it out?
 Several other customers (via ARSList) spent time thinking and/or testing.

Because the AR Server did not tell you that an error happened and that it
took an action due to that error condition.

And I would bet that you are not the first person to have this kind of
problem either.

This fault cost BMC customers a lot. It should be fixed before it costs more
customers even more money.


Carey Matthew Black
BMC Remedy AR System Skilled Professional (RSP) ARS = Action Request

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:13 PM,  <pascale.bo...@daimler.com> wrote:
> **
> I was able to reproduce the time-out totally outside remedy using SoapUI.
> So it is still a webservice issue.
> It looks like the set field on the webservice call fails because of 
> the webservice timing out and the API call CE doesn't get logged since 
> it failed.  Not sure it is supposed to behave that way, but it seems 
> to be what we are experiencing.
> Thanks all for the guidance.
> Pascale Boyer
> Remedy Developer
> Daimler Trucks North America
> MP9
> Portland, OR
> 503-745-8712
> frederick.w.gro...@xo.com
> Sent by: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> 05/18/2009 10:33 AM
> Please respond to
> arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> To
> arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> cc
> Subject
> Re: API Call not being made
> **
> Anything in the Plugin Logs on the server?
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of pascale.bo...@daimler.com
> Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 11:41 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: API Call not being made
> **
> Hi all,
> Hope someone has a clue about this one...
> We are experiencing a sudden breakage on our production server.  And 
> as usual, no one did anything, nothing was changed by no one on the 
> system, the server, the OS or the DB or the DB server...
> But this is what is going on.
> We have a basic workflow that does the following:
> Active link execute on Return on field
> Action: push field to from B
> Filter on form B
> Execute on Submit
> Consume web services.
> The results: arerr 92 time-out at the database ... server busy ... etc
> This is not happening once in a while, but constantly now.
> I ran the API, SQL and Filter logs
> If I compare the logs of working and not working with the exact same 
> value being used, this is what I get:
> I see the AL being launched the push field started then nothing, not 
> even the API CE being made.  The system seems to go dead (timing out 
> after 2
> minutes) and returning the error 92.
> This is only happening on workflow pushing data to form B.
> The DBA checked the integrity of the tables (T, B H) and says that 
> everything is fine there nothing.  This is a tiny table of barely 2000 
> records.
> Since the DB itself was running low on memory (200Mb),  we added 2 Gb 
> this weekend.  Still not working.
> Any one has a clue on where to look now?
> we are on AR 7.0.1 patch 003
> WIN XP server
> MSSQL2005 DB  on a WIN XP server
> Thank you,
> Pascale Boyer
> Remedy Developer
> Daimler Trucks North America
> MP9
> Portland, OR

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