That is correct because you flushed the cache. The next time you
restart your JVM the specified forms will get loaded into memory for
fast retrieval.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Pargeter, Christie :CO
IS<> wrote:
> **
> Hi All - I am trying to setup my pre-fetch for Mid Tier but it doesn't seem
> to be doing anything.
> On the Mid Tier Config / Cache Setting page I have (where ... is other form
> names)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <midtier-prefetch-config xmlns="";>
>   <prefetch-user>
>     <user-name>appadmin</user-name>
>     <locale>en_US</locale>
>     <prefetch-server>
>       <server-name>ssoremdev1v</server-name>
>  <prefetch-form>
>                 <form-name>AP:Alternate </form-name>
>         </prefetch-form>
> ...
>  <prefetch-form>
>                 <form-name>Home Page</form-name>
>         </prefetch-form>
> ....
>   </prefetch-server>
>   </prefetch-user>
> </midtier-prefetch-config>
> Yet, when I press the Flush Cache button and then log onto the server the
> system still has to load each page.  What am I missing?
> Thanks!
> ARS/Midtier 7.1 p 6
> ITSM 7.0.3 p 9
> Windows IIS / Tomcat
> MS SQL 2005
> ________________________________
> Christie Pargeter
> Legacy Health
> IS - Programming
> SR Technical Analyst
>   1120 Building
> tel: 503-415-5149
> _Platinum Sponsor: ARSlist: "Where the Answers
> Are"_

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