@ Carey Matthew
Yes, I've run a select * from AR_SYSTEM_EMAIL_MAILBOX_CONFIG, but
found no spoor of the old domain here...

@ Thad
select s.name Form, f.name Filter_Name, fn.mechanism,fn.NOTIFYTEXT,
from filter f, filter_mapping fm, arschema s, filter_notify fn
where f.filterid = fm.filterid
and fm.schemaid = s.schemaid
and f.filterid = fn.filterid
and f.enable = 1
and fn.username like '%YOUROLDDOMAIN%'
order by 2

is a really amazing hint! Unfortunately no spoor of the old domain

Is there any conf files of the E-Mail Engine outside of the Mailbox
Configuration Form?

Now, I assume that the records appearing in the AR System Messages
have not yet been touched by the e-mail server, so I have to look on
the ARS side of things.
Is my assumtion correct?

Is there any way to log the process of translation of the User-ID into
the E-Mail address?

Is it possible, that some configuration or misconfiguration or cache
problem is replacing the domain of the addressee, before puting the e-
mail address into the AR System Messages form? Well, it's a rather a
rethorical question here. Apparently it is.


On 27 Aug., 20:43, Thad K Esser <tkes...@regence.com> wrote:
> If you are using ITSM, check the people record.  In older versions some
> emails were sent using the email address from SHR:People and some were sent
> from the User form.  The data was supposed to stay in synch, but
> occasionally it wouldn't be.  I don't think that issue exists in 7.0.3 with
> the notification engine though.
> Do you have the domain hardcoded in any filters?
> (oracle, for ARS 7.1)
> select s.name Form, f.name Filter_Name, fn.mechanism,fn.NOTIFYTEXT,
> fn.username
> from filter f, filter_mapping fm, arschema s, filter_notify fn
> where f.filterid = fm.filterid
> and fm.schemaid = s.schemaid
> and f.filterid = fn.filterid
> and f.enable = 1
> and fn.username like '%YOUROLDDOMAIN%'
> order by 2
> Thad Esser
> Remedy Developer
> "Now... Just where did I put that cheese...?"
> |------------>
> | From:      |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |Carey Matthew Black <black....@gmail.com>                                  
>                                                                        |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | To:        |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |arsl...@arslist.org                                                        
>                                                                        |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | Date:      |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |08/27/2009 06:53 AM                                                        
>                                                                        |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | Subject:   |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |Re: How to hunt down the domain of the e-mail?                             
>                                                                        |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | Sent by:   |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |"Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" <arsl...@arslist.org>     
>                                                                        |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Mark,
> Did you look in this form AR System Email Mailbox Configuration for
> references to the old domain?
> --
> Carey Matthew Black
> BMC Remedy AR System Skilled Professional (RSP)
> ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)
> Love, then teach
> Solution = People + Process + Tools
> Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:01 AM, Mark Milke<mark_mi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hi Listers,
> > a few month ago our company changed it's name, so the domain name
> > changed too.
> > We've changed the e-mail addresses in the User form and everywhere.
> > Watching notifications in the AR System Email Messages I still can see
> > e-mails using the old domain, even though I see the right domain in
> > the User form.
> > When I look into the workflow the notifications are being send to a
> > group, that contains 2 users. Both users' e-mail addresses are just
> > fine in the User form, i.e. they're using the new domain name.
> > In the filter log I can only see the e-mail being sent to user id, so
> > no e-mail addresses shows up here.
> > I've checked the User_Cache table, but there is only one record here.
> > How can I hunt down the wrong domain? Any ideas?
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
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