
        Thanks very much for your suggestions and instructions - I've
finally got the view form working as needed. It was exacly as Conny
explained - I included "Next-ID-Commit: T" in ar.conf and the problem
was solved!. 

        Just one more question Joe, you wrote that there's a way of dealing
with case sensitivity problem. Could you write more about that?. I
need to access multiple tables from MSSQL server and would hate to ask
the DBA to redo all field names to upercase. 

        Thank you all very much for your help. 

 On Sun 13/12/09 21:16 , Joe D'Souza sent:
  **  Victor,   Try that suggestion from Conny before the stored
procedure I suggested. Maybe that is what is required to insert that
missing commit.   If Conny's suggestion still doesn't work, then write
a stored procedure that performs that update, with a commit at the end
like I suggested a couple of emails ago.. I'll copy the design of the
body of that stored procedure just for your benefit again because
previously I suggested update but it looks like its an insert you need
to create a stored procedure for.. BEGIN insert into tablen...@..... (
) values (); commit; END;   Maybe before you try all this (either mine
or Conny's suggestion) SQL logging may indicate where a commit is
missing.. That is worth a try too.. Oracle SQL logging would also help
you find where a commit is missing..   Joe  -----Original Message-----
 FROM: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[]on BEHALF OF Conny Martin
 SENT: Sunday, December 13, 2009 7:57 AM
 TO: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 SUBJECT: AW: View form from Oracle based AR system to remote MS SQL
 **  Victor,   running only the insert statement from sqlplus is not
the whole story.    If you create an entry through ARS there are a
bunch of statements which gets executed. Immediately before the insert
are 2 statements to generate the request_id. You should see something
like this in your sql-logfile.   update arschema set nextid = nextid +
1 where schemaid = xxxx; select nextid from arschema where schemaid =
xxxx; insert into Txxxx (cxxx,cyyy,czzz) values ('x','y','z');   Try
to run these 3 in sqlplus. IMHO error  ORA-02047 indicates some
problem with handling distributed transactions. If this sequence of
statements generates an error in sqlplus try a commit; after the first
2 statements. If this solves the problem you can set "Next-ID-Commit:
T" in ar.conf. This causes ARS to issue a commit after generating the
nextid.   HTH   Kind Regards Conny    
 VON: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] IM AUFTRAG VON Victor Olufowobi
 GESENDET: Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2009 09:41
 AN: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 BETREFF: Re: View form from Oracle based AR system to remote MS SQL

        Thanks again Joe, 

        I will try what you suggested and have the outcome posted - but I
want you to consider the following:
 - I can update without problem using the view form created. It's
when I'm inserting (CREATE operation) the error occurs
 - I can successfull run the INSERT command ARS is trying to run from
sqlplus  BODY {  FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE:
12px }  
 On Sat 12/12/09 14:56 , Joe D'Souza sent:
 Well that's half the battle won then.. Yes MS-SQL can be weird when
it comes
 to case sensitivity of view names and columns within views even..
For e.g.
 if your ARS was hosted on a MS-SQL server, and the view name was in
 case and you tried creating a view form in upper case, it would not
 recognize that name. There is a way to override that case
sensitivity but we
 won't deal with that since you already updated the view to have it
 This is what I found for ORA-02047. [1]
 Based on the clue provided with the explanation of the error code,
can you
 the Run Process Application-Release-Pending just an action before
 the MS-SQL view data in your workflow - and if that does not work
the same
 action after the update action to that DB-Link? I'm assuming that
will force
 any pending commits before (or if necessary after) you try updating
 external view using that DB-Link in light of what the article in the
 link says..
 If that does not work (and the commit is required while and not
before or
 after the update), try writing a stored procedure that has a commit
 of it - e.g..
 update tablen...@..... set ... where ...;
 Use that stored procedure in a direct SQL at the point where you
want to run
 that update to the foreign database. Make sure that you declare all
 variables that you need while defining the stored procedure.
 Let me know how it goes..
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
 [ [2]]On Behalf Of Victor
 Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 3:48 AM
 To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG [3]
 Subject: Re: View form from Oracle based AR system to remote MS SQL
 On Thursday 10 December 2009 21:16:14 Joe D'Souza wrote:
 > Hello Victor,
 > That is what I suspected with the invalid identifier error.. if
your table
 > was not recognized it would be invalid table or view name error
which is
 > not your case.. Which is why the later part of my previous email
 > good.. Take a SQL log, you may find that offending column name or
 > There is something in the way that ARS is naming the offending
column or
 > columns causing that error..
 > When you find what column it is email the list or me directly and
 > to figure it out.. you might need to create a independent view in
 > that table having names of fields that are legal to use in case
there is a
 > column name there that the ARS converts into something else.. This
is just
 > a speculative solution, we'll know more when you know more..
 > Cheers
 > Joe
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
 > [ [4]]On Behalf Of Victor
 > Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 3:00 PM
 > To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG [5]
 > Subject: Re: View form from Oracle based AR system to remote MS
 > server
 > Thanks Joe,
 > I will try all you said and have you posted tomorrow(I'm out of
office at
 > the moment) but I want to point out that will creating the view
form I was
 > able to load the table and the pick the fields required for the
 > Only when I pressed "Create" the error occurred.
 > .. and furthermore the ms sql username and password was hard-cored
 > public DB link created
 > Victor

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 Thank you for pointing me to the right direction!.
 I set on SQL log as suggested and found out that while SELECTing
fields from
 MSSQL server to create a view in Oracle for the view form, ARS was
unable to
 parse fields created in Oracle db with fields from MSSQL server.
This is
 because the field names in MSSQL were in lowercases while in Oracle
 were all in uppercases! (can this behaviour be changed?)
 I redo the fields in SQL server to uppercases and I was able to
complete the
 creation of the view form!.
 Thanks a lot for that.
 However, when I tried to submit to the form I received this error:
 "ARERR [552] Failure during SQL operation to the database:
ORA-02047: cannot
 join the distributed transaction in progress"
 Once again I set on the SQL log.
 ARS was trying to INSERT the required values to the view created for
 view form when the error occurred.
 I ran the command ARS was trying to run in sqlplus and it was
 Do you have an Idea what might be the cause of the error in ARS?
 Thanks very much for you suggestions so far.

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