
Thank you for clearing up the Queue vs Thread terminology.

I definitely see the use of the private queue you suggest here. It will
make sure that the normal use of the system is minimally affected.

Can you direct a specific WebService to use a private queue, or do you
need to have a special MitTier set up for this?

I still see no major benefits from using a separate List- and Fast-queue,
as opposed to combining it to a single queue.

I understand that in a specific situation, it might be best to have 10
List-threads and 20 Fast as opposed to 15 List and 15 Fast. But how could
that setup be better than to have 30 threads in a single Common-queue?

Here again are the ITSM7 log results, with the correct terminology
(queue/thread), as well as the congestions percentage (calls being
Fast/10/35881/~26 minutes/50%
List/ 9/32543/~11 minutes/1%
The congestion in the Fast-queue indicates adding more Fast-threads, and
maybe remove threads in my List-queue to even things out.

If you turn up the max thread count on both List- and Fast-queues, the
system adds queues as needed. If the congestion in the List- and
Fast-queue happens at different points in time, I would think that you
would end up with a higher number of total threads than was really needed
if the queues had been combined... A thread created will not be removed
until the server is restarted I think.

Is it possible to turn of the List- or Fast-queue, and get all calls
routed to the same queue?

Is it not true that the distinction between List and Fast was more
important in the early days?

        Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se

Products from RRR Scandinavia:
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.

> Folks,
> This thread has actually turned into several different conversations --
> all
> related to threads and queues and how the AR System server functions; but
> several different topics.  To help share a bit of information about how
> the
> system works and clarify what the purpose/intention around things are and
> to
> offer some comment on the original question, I thought I would try and
> address
> the various topics with some comments.
> 1) What is the difference between a queue and a thread?
> Before going into the fast/list discussion, I want to make sure that
> everyone
> is clear about a couple of terms:  queue and thread.  The fast and list
> are
> actually queues in the system which in turn have one or more threads
> defined
> for them.
> In the AR System server, there are a set of queues.  There is the Admin,
> Fast,
> List, and Escalation by default (OK, there are also some used for services
> like
> the plugin server and such).  These are essentially connection points that
> you
> can go to.  You can also have private queues that offer additional
> connection
> points to the system.
> Each of these queues has one or more threads -- each thread being a
> database
> connection and a processing lane for an API call.
> Think of it the following way.  If you were going to a futbol game in
> Spain
> (that's soccer for those of us in the backwards United States), the
> stadium
> generally has multiple queues you can enter.  Say in a simple case, they
> may
> be on the N, E, S, and W of the stadium.  Now, there may be a special
> queue
> in the NE for the "skybox" owners.
> Each of the queues, the entrances to the stadium, has multiple lanes where
> people can enter.  These are the threads.  Threads are local to the
> individual
> queues.  You cannot be in the queue on the N of the stadium and go through
> an
> entry lane that is on the S for example.
> However, if one of the queues is closed, people get routed to one of the
> queues
> that is open so you are not blocked out of the game just because the queue
> you
> were targetting is not available, you just get routed to another one that
> is
> available  (in the AR System case, the fast/list pair of queues is the one
> that
> you get routed to if your specific queue is not available).
> So, the system has a set of queues -- some pre-defined, some private and
> defined per site -- and each of them has processing threads as configured.
> No, this was not a topic brought up, but it is important to understand
> this
> clearly for some of the topics that were.
> 2) Why fast/list?  Are they relevant?
> One of the topics that was discussed is the fast vs. list queue and the
> reasoning behind it.
> As was noted, any queue in the system can perform any operation.  OK,
> almost...
> The exception is that any operation that restructures definitions or
> changes
> the database MUST go through the Admin queue and will be routed to that
> queue.
> No queue other than the Admin queue will process restructure operations.
> Anyway, other than that distinction, any queue in the system can perform
> any
> non-restructuring API operation.
> BMC has optimized the system to two different queues by default.
>    Fast (just a name without intending to indicate performance)
>    List (just a name as well but was aimed at things that search/scan/find
> and
>          return lists of things)
> List calls may be faster than Fast calls.  Fast calls may be faster than
> List
> calls.
> The "fast" queue gets all calls that are controlled by the developer and
> that
> have discrete operations and activity.  This includes operations that
> create,
> modify, delete.  It includes retrieving details of a single item given the
> ID of that item.  It includes a lot of miscellaneous calls that have
> definitive
> discrete operations where the end user is making a call/performing an
> operation
> where they don't really have control over what the operation is going to
> do
> at the end of the day.
> The "list" queue gets all the calls that often are (not always but often
> can
> be) affected by the end user or where the speed of operation is not always
> controllable.  It includes the search calls and operations like export and
> running processes on the server from an active link.  These operation are
> often
> fast, but they have the potential to become long.  There is high
> variability to
> the performance or throughput of the calls.  Depending on how well
> qualified or
> what you are trying to retrieve, they are calls that can return little or
> large
> amounts of data.  The user often has an influence into overall throughput
> or
> performance because they often have some level of control over the
> qualifications or the amount of data they can request.  (Yes, that is the
> reason the Admin has been given lots of different ways to control how much
> data
> and the way that the query can be constructed -- to control the
> performance and
> impact of these calls).
> It is still as relevant as it has always been to have the queues.  It
> allows
> for the adjustment of the threads that are needed to focus on the two
> different
> classes of operations.  Very often, system administrators will find that
> adjusting the number of threads in one of these queues has a significant
> impact on performance.  If there were not difference in the queues or the
> way
> load of the system was by default split between them, this wouldn't really
> be
> the case.
> Also, in general, it is found that a higher number of threads in the list
> queue
> than in the fast queue is an appropriate configuration of the system.  The
> vast
> majority of the time, the variability of the interaction on the search
> calls
> and the overall time spend on searching vs. creating/updating dictates
> that
> more database connnections and processing threads related to searching
> will
> give the system better throughput.
> 3) Dispatcher model for queue processing
> Now, to the strategy for how queue processing works.  When a call comes
> into
> the AR System server, it is targetted for some queue on the system.  If
> that
> queue is not available, the call is redirected to a queue that is
> available.
> If the target queue is available, the dispatcher for that queue accepts
> the
> operation and then places it on a single list for the queue.  All items
> that
> arrive in a queue are processed by that queue in the order received.  Once
> arrived at a queue, that queue is responsible for processing -- even if
> there
> is another queue somewhere else with fewer items to process.
> Once things are in that internal list, the operation at the front of the
> list
> is handed to the next available thread within that queue.  If there is a
> thread
> immediately available, the request never sits in the list at all.  If all
> the
> threads are already busy processing requests, the item will sit in the
> internal
> list until one of the threads finishes and then the next item will start
> processing.  There is no inherent limit of 5 items in the list and it is
> important to note that the list of pending requests is at the queue level
> not
> at the thread level.
> 4) The original topic -- how to deal with high volume blasts of
> concurrency
> Now, we are back to the original topic of blasts of concurrent operations.
> First, is it really the only way things work that there is no work and
> then
> a blast of xxx simultaneous and then no work?  Could the other system have
> a
> more steady stream of work rather than the periodic blasts of work?  Even
> if
> there was some differentiation, it would balance the load -- of both
> systems.
> Now, this all depends on the other system being able to spread things in
> some
> way.  If it can, this would be a big step to any system for dealing with
> volume.  If not, then we have to look at other things on the AR System
> side.
> Assuming you cannot spread the load....
> First, your note didn't indicate you were loosing operations or they were
> being
> rejected.  That is because of the dispatcher model and all the operations
> are
> being accepted and put on the list for processing, but they are not able
> to
> all be processed simultaneously.  So, to start with, we are not loosing
> operations, we just have a tuning issue to deal with.
> With the queue model of the system, the first thing I would recommend is
> to
> configure a private queue for the use of this system.  I assume your
> system is
> not only for the use of this one automated processor.  So, the first thing
> I
> would do is to define a private queue just for that automated system to
> isolate
> the load of that system from other users and especially from interactive
> users.
> You don't want to affect other users of the system when the "flood" hits
> from
> this automated system.
> Using a private queue will isolate the load -- just like in the stadium
> example where you have a special entrance for the "unrully crowd".
> Then, we can look at the number of threads that are appropriate for this
> private queue.  That can be looked at independently of the number of
> threads
> for other queues in the system for other purposes.
> In theory, there is no reason you cannot have 10s or even 100s of threads
> in a
> queue.  It is just a number to us.  We will start up that many if needed.
> What
> you need to be aware of is that each thread will open a database
> connnection
> so you need to have a database allowing that many connnections AND that
> each
> thread will take some amount of memory.  With the 7.5 release on UNIX and
> Linux
> supporting a 64-bit address space, the memory can be grown more if needed
> (still 32-bit on windows but 64-bit is coming).  You have to make the call
> about how much memory you have, and performance of swapping, and overall
> overhead of processes on the system for the number of threads you want to
> configure.  You also have to worry about system configuration of per
> process
> memory and file descriptors (open connections count as a file descriptor)
> and
> other such things that you may encounter if configuring very large numbers
> of
> threads.
> BUT, there is no inherent restriction in the AR System about the number of
> threads you could configure if you wanted to.
> You already have seen some of the issues that high simultaneous operations
> on
> a single table can do.
> There are some settings that can help with that, for example
> Next ID blocks -- limits contention on the next ID database column
> No status history -- If you don't need it for your table, you can set this
>    option and eliminate the create/management of the status history table
> and
>    entries  (definitely available in 7.5; maybe in 7.1 since I cannot
> remember
>    the release this option was added for)
> If your logic has workflow that does pushes to other tables that perform
> create operations there, you should really look at these settings on those
> forms as well because you are indirectly issuing creates against them too.
> There are options to control where your DB indexes are stored vs. the data
> to
> put indexes and data on different disc areas -- which helps throughput on
> heavy scale create/modify operations.
> You should investigate operations your workflow is performing to make sure
> that
> they are tuned as well as possible and that there are no inefficient
> searches
> or steps to the process so that the total processing time for each create
> can
> be minimized.   If you don't have to do something during the interactive
> processing of the create, don't.  Don't do it at all if it is not needed
> or
> perform the processing later if it is not necessary for interactive
> response
> to the user.
> Hopefully, this gives some ideas to look at.  It is not a definitive
> answer to
> your inquiry, but hopefully some useful thoughts that lead you toward the
> best answer for your situation.  And, maybe some ideas for others to
> consider.
> Hopefully, this note has been useful in terms of providing some
> information
> about how the system functions -- and maybe some reasoning behind why
> choices
> were made.  I hope it also provided some ideas for dealing with high
> simultaneous operations situations.
> Doug Mueller
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Misi Mladoniczky
> Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 9:18 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Fast/List Concurrent settings?
> Hi,
> I do not think that we disagree here.
> I checked some logs, and apparently my statement about "list" in the name
> does not guarantee that the call is routed to list-thread. But the
> ARGetListEntry() and ARGetListEntryWithFields() is definitely calls that
> is routed to the List-threads, and the ARCreateEntry() and ARSetEntry() is
> going to the Fast-threads.
> My opinion is that the fast/list-threads has lost a little of their
> function.
> This is definitely true if you look at the ARCreateEntry() and
> ARSetEntry() calls, as they quite commonly performs a lot of stuff on the
> server side, and is not fast at all.
> Why would it be an advantage if you have queuing going on on either the
> fast- or list-threads and the other type (fast or list) has no work to do?
> It would be better to throw everything into the same pool, and remove the
> settings for list/fast threads.
> The admin queue, escalation queues and private queues still serve a valid
> purpose.
> I checked some server logs from ITSM7, and hear are the numbers:
> Thread/Calls/Time
> Fast/35881/~26 minutes
> List/32543/~11 minutes
> The "Fast" threads have a slightly higher number of calls, but user more
> than double time per call. The "Fast" calls ran at 0.044 seconds per call,
> and the "List"-calls ran at 0.019 seconds per call.
>         Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se
> Products from RRR Scandinavia:
> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.
>> Misi, I know that you know AR System internals very well, and so
>> normally,
>> I
>> would never question you.  So consider this response with that in mind,
>> as
>> well as the disclaimer that this is the last thing I was taught on the
>> topic
>> - if the architecture of the internals has changed, I must have missed
>> that
>> memo.
>> The purpose behind Fast and List threads was to separate single-API
>> functions (Submits, mostly) from multiple-API functions (pretty much
>> everything else).  The thought, from what I can infer, was to have an
>> express line of sorts so that quick DB transactions wouldn't have to
>> wait
>> in
>> line behind long search/retrieve tasks.  If, as you infer, Fast/List
>> threads
>> no longer have any relevance in terms of different function, why do they
>> still exist as separately tunable parameters?
>> Rick
>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Misi Mladoniczky <m...@rrr.se> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I do not think that updates from Web Services use the list threads. It
>>> would be the same thing as the Save-button in a Modify-form.
>>> It performs a ARSetEntry()-call through a Fast-thread. It is performed
>>> by
>>> the Mid-Tier-server just as any other client.
>>> The Fast- and List-threads are just a blunt way to group and route
>>> various
>>> calls.
>>> If we exclude the admin-tool/developer-studio calls, I think that any
>>> call
>>> with "list" in it's name access the List-servers and any call without
>>> "list" in its name go to a Fast-server.
>>> There is no technical difference between Fast and List threads. They
>>> perform in the same way.
>>> As a Fast-call can be very slow, and List-calls very quick, I would
>>> argue
>>> that differentiating between these types of calls are not that useful.
>>> The calls to the fast an list threads typically comes in pairs anyway:
>>> An ACTL-Set-Fields performs two calls. One ARGetListEntry() to the
>>> List-thread, and one ARGetEntry() to the Fast-thread. An
>>> ACTL-Push-Fields
>>> performs a ARGetListEntry() and an ARCreateEntry()/ARSetEntry() call.
>>> In the old days, I think that the List-threads and Fast-threads had
>>> another distinction. When a user logged in, he was "assigned" to a
>>> Fast-thread but accessed the List-thread in a more random way. The idea
>>> was to minimize the calls to the transaction-daemon and portmapper to
>>> find
>>> the tcp-port of the fast-threads each time they were called. Now
>>> everything goes to a single tcp-port.
>>> When we got the FLTR-Push-Fields calls, the ARCreateEntry() and
>>> ARSetEntry() calls stopped being very fast. WebServices adds even more
>>> to
>>> this problem.
>>> In most cases, it is possible to rewrite workflow to be much faster. In
>>> some cases, especially with the bigger apps such as ITSM, it is more
>>> difficult. And you do not want to customize ITSM anyway...
>>>        Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se
>>> Products from RRR Scandinavia:
>>> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
>>> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy
>>> logs.
>>> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at
>>> http://rrr.se.
>>> > As an aside, technically your submits are going through the Fast
>>> > (single-API) threads, while your updates from Web Services would use
>>> the
>>> > List (multiple-API) threads.  That's if your submit is allowed to
>>> finish
>>> > and
>>> > then the ensuing record is updated by the WS.  If the WS return
>>> values
>>> are
>>> > part of the Submit process, then you have long transactions
>>> processing
>>> > through and clogging up your Fast threads, which is not what they are
>>> > intended to handle.  That will be the case regardless of the source
>>> of
>>> the
>>> > external data retrieval process or source, though the time they take
>>> may
>>> > be
>>> > affected by using DB vs. WS.
>>> >
>>> > Rick
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Jason Miller
>>> > <jason.mil...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> ** Just to make sure that I understand, the requesting system is
>>> waiting
>>> >> 40
>>> >> seconds for the quote to be returned?  Does the quote return need to
>>> >> done as
>>> >> soon as possible or can there be a minute or two before the return?
>>> >>
>>> >> Maybe have them only submit the record and not trigger the
>>> processing
>>> >> workflow.  Then have an escalation that will process the new
>>> record(s)
>>> >> and
>>> >> then make a call to a web service on requester's end that is
>>> designed
>>> to
>>> >> accept the return from a previous transaction.  It would take some
>>> >> redesigning on both sides but would alleviate the waiting and
>>> hanging
>>> on
>>> >> to
>>> >> threads/connections.
>>> >>
>>> >> The other thing might be to offload some of the Remedy processing
>>> (if
>>> >> there
>>> >> is a lot) to more efficient scripts and/or direct database actions.
>>> Web
>>> >> services can be a wonderful thing but not always the fastest.
>>> >>
>>> >> Jason
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:02 PM, LJ Longwing
>>> >> <lj.longw...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> **
>>> >>> LOL.....consider this Rick....Consider a 'submit' to be an
>>> interface
>>> >>> that
>>> >>> allows ALL attributes needed to completely configure a change with
>>> a
>>> >>> single
>>> >>> button press.  This may be a bad example...if it is I'm sorry...I
>>> >>> really
>>> >>> don't do ITSM....but the submit in question on our system actually
>>> >>> averages
>>> >>> about 40 seconds.  Makes no less than 4 calls to other external
>>> systems
>>> >>> via
>>> >>> web services and performs more calculations than I care to think
>>> about.
>>> >>> That being what it is....what would you do in that situation?
>>> >>>
>>> >>>  ------------------------------
>>> >>> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:
>>> >>> arsl...@arslist.org] *On Behalf Of *Rick Cook
>>> >>> *Sent:* Friday, January 15, 2010 3:55 PM
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>>> >>> *Subject:* Re: Fast/List Concurrent settings?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ** If your submits are taking 10 seconds each, you have a
>>> significant
>>> >>> problem, my friend!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Rick
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 2:52 PM, LJ Longwing
>>> >>> <lj.longw...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> **
>>> >>>> I completely agree with everything you said....but as you
>>> mentioned,
>>> >>>> if
>>> >>>> you have 60 submits and have 10 threads...you are only handling 10
>>> of
>>> >>>> those
>>> >>>> 60 concurrently....so if each transaction takes an average of
>>> say...10
>>> >>>> seconds...the first 10 will complete in 10, the next 10 in 20, and
>>> so
>>> >>>> on
>>> >>>> with the final set of 10 taking a full 60 seconds from time to
>>> >>>> complete to
>>> >>>> process.  If your external application has a timeout of say....45
>>> >>>> seconds
>>> >>>> then you are only going to be able to handle 40 of the 60
>>> submitted
>>> >>>> concurrently and as such would have a 1/3 failure rate....in that
>>> >>>> situation
>>> >>>> would you then set your threads to say....15 to make it so that
>>> you
>>> >>>> could
>>> >>>> handle 60 in 40 seconds or would you take it to 60 to be able to
>>> >>>> handle 60
>>> >>>> in 10 seconds?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>  ------------------------------
>>> >>>> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:
>>> >>>> arsl...@arslist.org] *On Behalf Of *Rick Cook
>>> >>>> *Sent:* Friday, January 15, 2010 3:39 PM
>>> >>>> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>>> >>>> *Subject:* Re: Fast/List Concurrent settings?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> ** I would think that one of the larger software-related issues
>>> that
>>> >>>> would affect the number of concurrent Inserts would be the Index
>>> >>>> structure.
>>> >>>> I am sure you know this, but for the benefit of those who don't,
>>> >>>> indexes are
>>> >>>> meant to help us search on a form more easily.  However, above a
>>> >>>> certain
>>> >>>> number (around 8 for a Remedy form), that cause performance
>>> >>>> degradation when
>>> >>>> creating a new record, because each of the indexes has to be
>>> updated
>>> >>>> as part
>>> >>>> of the creation process.  If a system is seeing slow creates,
>>> that's
>>> >>>> the
>>> >>>> first thing I check.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> One other thing to think about is that since each thread can cache
>>> 5
>>> >>>> processes (that's the last number I heard, anyway) in addition to
>>> the
>>> >>>> one
>>> >>>> currently being handled, you could, with 10 Fast (Single-API)
>>> threads,
>>> >>>> handle 60 concurrent create processes without a transaction loss.
>>> >>>> There
>>> >>>> would probably be a bit of a delay for those farther back in the
>>> >>>> queue, but
>>> >>>> if you had a reasonably robust system, most users wouldn't notice
>>> it
>>> >>>> much.
>>> >>>> I seriously doubt all but a very few systems have to handle
>>> anything
>>> >>>> resembling that kind of concurrent load, with the exception of
>>> those
>>> >>>> who
>>> >>>> have a large number of system (i.e. NMS) generated records.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Also look at the Entry ID Block size when doing this test.  If -
>>> AND
>>> >>>> ONLY
>>> >>>> IF - you are regularly having large numbers of concurrent inserts,
>>> you
>>> >>>> can
>>> >>>> set the Entry ID Block size to something like 10 to cut down the
>>> >>>> number of
>>> >>>> requests to the DB for Entry IDs.  That is alleged to help with
>>> create
>>> >>>> times, though I have not seen that be the case in practical use.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Rick
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 2:27 PM, LJ Longwing
>>> >>>> <lj.longw...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> **
>>> >>>>> Here is an interesting question for you thread experts out there.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> How many concurrent 'creates' does your system support?  Creates
>>> >>>>> being a
>>> >>>>> generic term for any given process that your system supports.
>>> The
>>> >>>>> system
>>> >>>>> that I support is a home grown quote/order management system and
>>> last
>>> >>>>> year
>>> >>>>> we stood up a web service interface for people to be able to
>>> generate
>>> >>>>> quotes
>>> >>>>> from their systems and get pricing back.  The initial interface
>>> was
>>> >>>>> setup to
>>> >>>>> handle 3 concurrent creates...but as soon as it was a success we
>>> >>>>> started
>>> >>>>> getting slammed with several hundred at a time and choking our
>>> >>>>> system.
>>> >>>>> Through rigorous testing and tweaking over the last couple of
>>> weeks I
>>> >>>>> have
>>> >>>>> been able to get roughly 60 concurrent going through the system
>>> with
>>> >>>>> reasonable performance....so at this point I have my Fast set to
>>> >>>>> 30/100
>>> >>>>> min/max....confirmed that I'm not maxing anything specific
>>> out....but
>>> >>>>> I
>>> >>>>> personally have never run above 20ish threads as a high because
>>> most
>>> >>>>> transactions are short and a fast thread count of 20 will handle
>>> >>>>> hundreds of
>>> >>>>> users in 'normal' operation.....so I was just wondering how many
>>> >>>>> requests
>>> >>>>> you guys have your system to handle concurrently....and just for
>>> >>>>> verification...I'm talking about 'all of them hit the button
>>> within a
>>> >>>>> second
>>> >>>>> of each other' type of concurrent...not 'I hove 400 people logged
>>> on
>>> >>>>> concurrently'
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> Platinum Sponsor:rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"
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> Platinum Sponsor:rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"
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