
When defining your filter, the WSDL will be access directly from your
Admin-tool, and not from the server.

When you actually use the Web-Service, it will go from the AR Server to
your Mid-Tier Server.

If you can access the WSDL from a browser, you can then do a "Save
Page..." and then point Admin-tool to this file.

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> Hello everyone,
> we're still on 6.3. I'm trying to do something with the Web Services,
> so I got started by setting up the PO Example from the ARS manual,
> i.e. I've created the PO and Line Item forms and the PO Web Service.
> I want to try consume the Web Service from the same ARS machine. In
> order to do that, I've created a from called PO Consumer and a filter
> with a Set Fields action trying to query a the aforementioned Web
> Service. I've entered the WDSL URL from the Web Service into the
> 'Choose wdsl' field, I'' pressing the 'Load' button and get:
> ERROR: URI not found
> https://ourdomain/arsys/WSDL/public/the_ip_of_our_ARS_server/PO
> The funny thing is, that on the WDSL tab of the Web Service the same
> URL displays the WDSL contents. The same URL works just fine in a web
> broswer too.
> QUESTION: Which route/path is ARS taking when I specify the URL to the
> WDSL in a Set Fields action. Is it trying to go from the Admin Tool to
> the specified URL? Is it trying from the ARS server to the Mid-Tier?
> Or what else? I guess some firewall might be blocking here, but
> without knowing what ARS is trying to do here, I can't really help it.
> This is really confusing...
> Another Web Service question I have is this: When you go to the WDSL
> tab in a Web Service, it will display the contents of the WDSL. How do
> I get this stuff into a file? I tried with copy and paste, but this
> always causes some formatting problems resulting in ARS not accepting
> the file.
> Thanks,
> Mark
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