My personal list 
14   7.5
13   7.1
12   7.0
11   6.3
10   6.0
 9   5.12

That's as far back as my builds go these days

But I was always under the impression Protocol was something completely

/* client Id for an API program */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN                 0
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_PRE_50                  1  /* Pre 5.0 ar client tools
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_WAT                     2  /* Windows admin tool */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_WUT                     3  /* Windows user tool */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_WIP                     4  /* Windows import tool */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_DSO                     5  /* Distributed server */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_ODBC                    6  /* ARODBC */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_APPROVAL                7  /* Approval server */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_WEB_SERVER              8  /* AR web server, waserver
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_MID_TIER                9  /* Mid-tier 5.0 and later
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_PALM_PILOT             10  /* Palm pilot */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_FLASHBOARDS            11  /* Flashboards */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_FLASHBOARDS_MID_TIER   12  /* Flashboards mid-tier */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_EIE                    13  /* Enterprise Integration
                                                  /*  Engine
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_RELOAD                 14  /* arreload */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_CACHE                  15  /* arcache */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_DIST                   16  /* ardist */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_RUN_MACRO              17  /* runmacro */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_MAIL                   18  /* armaild/armailex */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_IMPORT_CMD             19  /* arimportcmd */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_REPORT_PLUGIN          20  /* Report creator plugin
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_ALERT                  21  /* Alert tool */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_MAIL_DAEMON            22  /* New AR Mail Daemon, not
armaild */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_SIGNAL                 23  /* arsignal */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_DEBUGGER               24  /* debugger */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_OBJSTR                 25  /* object store API */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_OBJSTR_SYNC            26  /* object store sync
utility */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_SERVER_ADMIN_PLUGIN    27  /* Server Admin plugin */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_SIM_PUBLISHING_SERVER  28  /* bmc sim publishing
server */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_SIM_SME                29  /* bmc sim service model
editor */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_CMDB_ENGINE            30  /* cmdb engine */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_CMDB_DRIVER            31  /* cmdb driver */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_RECON_ENGINE           32  /* cmdb reconciliation
engine */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT_ENGINE      33  /*Assignment Engine */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_WEBSERVICE             34  /* Webservice client type

#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_END_OF_PRODUCT       3999

#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_DRIVER               4000  /* Driver: sample program
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_DISPATCHER           4001  /* distributor of appl. */
                                                  /*  command signals     */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_HELP                 4002  /* arhelp */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_JANITOR              4003  /* arjanitor */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_MENU                 4004  /* armenu */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_STRUCT               4005  /* arstruct */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_TEXT                 4006  /* artext */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_SQLED                4007  /* arsqled */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_CHANGE_SEL           4008  /* archgsel */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_CHANGE_ID            4009  /* archgid */
#define AR_CLIENT_TYPE_LABEL                4010  /* arlabel */


Ben Chernys

Senior Software Architect
Software Tool House Inc.

Canada / Deutschland / Germany
Mobile:      +49 171 380 2329    GMT + 1 + [ DST ]
Email:       Ben.Chernys _AT_

Check out Software Tool House's free Diary Editor.

Meta-Update, our premium ARS Data tool, lets you automate 
your imports, migrations, in no time at all, without programming, 
without staging forms, without merge workflow.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Donald Morton
Sent: July 2, 2010 10:19 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Client versions

In the API log, it lists what versions people are using. Protocol 13,
protocol 12, etc. Is there a list of what version these protocols map to
somewhere? I have seen log entries all the way back to protocol 5, 8, 9, 10,
etc. What versions are these?
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