
Let me see if I can explain.  When you are trying to set the field to a 
"Static" value, then the CONDITIONS that you're trying to use in the action are 
not really used because they're irrelavent to the value that you're setting; 
it's basically like using a SET FIELDS action on the CURRENT FORM.  Your second 
scenario actually has a value that DEPENDS on the conditions, so it works as 

Now that you have a value in that field (any value will do), then you know if 
that value in that field is !=$NULL$ then you have a unique record for your 

Good luck,

George Payne
Corporate Applications Developer
Electric Reliability Council of Texas
(512) 248-3940
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [] On 
Behalf Of Brien Dieterle []
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 7:58 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: set fields behavior if no requests match  filter

Is it normal for a set fields operation, which is set to "Set Fields to
$NULL$" if no records match, to actually set the fields anyway if no
records match?  I didn't think so.  Here is the scenario:

I have Form A with a 'Field 1' character field and a 'NotUnique'
character field.   I want a set fields operation to, on modify, check to
see if there are any other records in Form A that have the same value as
'Field 1'.  I know this is a great case for a unique index, but lets
just assume that isn't an option.

So my Filter executes on modify and has one action- set fields. It uses
the Data Source of Server and Form A as the source.  The qualification
is something like this:  'requestid' != $requestid$ AND 'Field 1' =
$Field 1$ AND 'Field 1' != $NULL$.  In this way I don't care if there
are Nulls that "match", just actual values, and I prevent matching my
own record.

If no requests match: set fields to $Null$
if multiple requests match:  use first matching request
Set Field:  NotUnique = "True"

So what happens is NotUnique is set to "True" ALL the time, no matter
what.  Very, very strange.  Here is the kicker:  If I change the Set
Field to:

Set Field:  NotUnique = $Request ID$

THEN, it works exactly as expected.  For duplicate records NotUnique
contains the Request ID of the offending record.  If there is no
duplicate, it is null.  My guess is it is still broken and trying to set
the field despite no matches, but since there really isn't any value to
get, it sets it to null.  Whereas, in the former case I am using a
static string "True" instead of a field name.

7.5 patch 1


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