Error log file
[Mon Nov 01 12:57:56.098] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 12:57:56.098] LoadApp- Processing component: srm
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:01:41.051] ImportFileNode- Non-zero rc in import
of items in C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC
Service Request Management\ar\srm\workflow\en\.\SRM_menu.def, result 2
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:01:41.051] ImportFileNode- 303 Form does not
exist on server PCT:Product Model/Version
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:01:41.051] ImportFileNode- 55 The following
item was not imported SRM:PDV:Product VersionSRM-Q
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:01:41.051] DefnImport- Defnimp failed, code 2,
filename C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC
Service Request Management\ar\srm\workflow\en\.\SRM_menu.def
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:03:23.411] LoadApp- At least one file in
definitions list received non-zero rc
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Application load completed, errors
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Worst RCs    2       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: srm
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Success      106     44              0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Failed       1       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Totals       107     44              0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.880] LoadApp- Worst rc for application overall: 2
[Mon Nov 01 13:04:56.895] rikMain- Returning  1054 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:05:46.723] rikMain- Returning  0 for command getsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:05:53.786] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:05:53.786] LoadApp- Processing component: srs
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:09:18.895] ImportFileNode- Non-zero rc in import
of items in C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC
Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\srs_deplapp.def,
result 2
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:09:18.895] ImportFileNode- 552 Failure during
SQL operation to the database The statement has been terminated.The
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was
found for the object name 'dbo.T1587' and the index name
'I1587_42001_1'. The duplicate key value is (Approval,
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:09:18.895] ImportFileNode- 55 The following
item was not imported Visualizer Module Registration
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:09:18.895] ImportFileNode- 552 Failure during
SQL operation to the database 42001,42007
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:09:18.895] DefnImport- Defnimp failed, code 2,
filename C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC
Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\srs_deplapp.def
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:10:00.348] ImportFileNode- Non-zero rc in import
of items in C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC
Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\SRS_menu.def, result 2
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:10:00.348] ImportFileNode- 303 Form does not
exist on server PCT:Product Model/Version
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:10:00.348] ImportFileNode- 55 The following
item was not imported SRD:PDV:Product VersionSRM-Q
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:10:00.348] DefnImport- Defnimp failed, code 2,
filename C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC
Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\SRS_menu.def
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:13:38.239] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:13:51.333] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:03.473] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:10.067] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:17.473] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:25.520] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:37.723] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:44.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:52.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:14:58.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:05.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:11.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:18.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:24.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:31.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:37.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:44.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:50.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:15:57.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:16:03.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:16:10.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:16:16.614] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[WARNING][Mon Nov 01 13:16:23.114] MigrateFile- 'WESTERN' charset is
been used for server DRBBSREMEDYAPP
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:16:29.114] LoadApp- At least one file in
definitions list received non-zero rc
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:18:44.676] ImportDataFile- (logfile:
AR System Import Tool  Mon Nov 01 13:18:42 2010

**** Attempting import from schema SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp in
file to SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp on server
**** Command Line options verified successfully for required options.
**** Begin building mappings from server and file.
**** Mapping: 1=$1$
**** Mapping: 1000000058=$1000000058$
**** Mapping: 15=$15$
**** Mapping: 160=$160$
**** Mapping: 179=$179$
**** Mapping: 2=$2$
**** Mapping: 3=$3$
**** Mapping: 300928600=$300928600$
**** Mapping: 301287500=$301287500$
**** Mapping: 303386300=$303386300$
**** Mapping: 303439400=$303439400$
**** Mapping: 4=$4$
**** Mapping: 490000200=$490000200$
**** Mapping: 5=$5$
**** Mapping: 6=$6$
**** Mapping: 7=$7$
**** Mapping: 8=$8$
**** Import of C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP
\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
\SRS_WOI_SRMAppTemplateBridge_cfg.arx started.
**** Record 1 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema:
SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp, entry: AOT000000000732, 2 unique
index(es), field(s): 179 303386300 160  ( 382) **** DATA
"AG001143D417CB16WmRQT1FzDwTk4G" "AG000D56BA2B18N1rxRwaG_GAAOBAA" ""
1206999607 "" "Work Order" "Demo" "" 1206999607 "Work Order"
"AOT000000000001" 1 "1206999607Demo1206999607Demo" "Demo" "Work
Order" "" ""

**** Import completed with errors:
     0 Records were imported to form SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp; 1
Records were not.

[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:18:44.676] DataImport- Data Import failed with
code 1025 for file C:\Program Files\AR System Applications
\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:20:27.270] ImportDataFile- (logfile:
AR System Import Tool  Mon Nov 01 13:20:25 2010

**** Attempting import from schema Data Visualization Module in file
to Data Visualization Module on server
**** Command Line options verified successfully for required options.
**** Begin building mappings from server and file.
**** Mapping: 1=$1$
**** Mapping: 15=$15$
**** Mapping: 2=$2$
**** Mapping: 3=$3$
**** Mapping: 4=$4$
**** Mapping: 41000=$41000$
**** Mapping: 41001=$41001$
**** Mapping: 41002=$41002$
**** Mapping: 41003=$41003$
**** Mapping: 41004=$41004$
**** Mapping: 41005=$41005$
**** Mapping: 41006=$41006$
**** Mapping: 41007=$41007$
**** Mapping: 41008=$41008$
**** Mapping: 5=$5$
**** Mapping: 6=$6$
**** Mapping: 7=$7$
**** Mapping: 8=$8$
**** Import of C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP
\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
\Data_Visualization_Module.arx started.
**** Record 1 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: Data Visualization
Module, entry: 000000000000002, 1 unique index(es), field(s): 41000
41014 41015 41016  ( 382) **** DATA 0 "" "" 1158783233 "Visualizer
Plugin" "com.remedy.arsys.visualizer.plugin.BasePlugin" "" "1
Data_Visualization_Module_1183766762\\Visualizer_0.jar" "admin"
1183758916 "Visualizer" 0 "" "000000000000002" 0 "1158783233Demo"
"Demo" "1.0"

**** Import completed with errors:
     0 Records were imported to form Data Visualization Module; 1
Records were not.

[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:20:27.270] DataImport- Data Import failed with
code 1025 for file C:\Program Files\AR System Applications
\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:20:31.989] ImportDataFile- (logfile:
AR System Import Tool  Mon Nov 01 13:20:27 2010

**** Attempting import from schema SYS:Message Box in file to
SYS:Message Box on server
**** Command Line options verified successfully for required options.
**** Begin building mappings from server and file.
**** Mapping: 1=$1$
**** Mapping: 1000000000=$1000000000$
**** Mapping: 1000000058=$1000000058$
**** Mapping: 1000000076=$1000000076$
**** Mapping: 1000000134=$1000000134$
**** Mapping: 1000000135=$1000000135$
**** Mapping: 1000001789=$1000001789$
**** Mapping: 1000049=$1000049$
**** Mapping: 1100=$1100$
**** Mapping: 15=$15$
**** Mapping: 160=$160$
**** Mapping: 179=$179$
**** Mapping: 2=$2$
**** Mapping: 3=$3$
**** Mapping: 301600300=$301600300$
**** Mapping: 4=$4$
**** Mapping: 5=$5$
**** Mapping: 6=$6$
**** Mapping: 7=$7$
**** Mapping: 8=$8$
**** Import of C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP
\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
\SYS_Message_Box.arx started.
**** Record 3 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000166, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183481533 "" "000000000000166"
"SRM_IMPORT_AOT_DUP_ERR" "Imported AOT has the same name as an
existing AOT." "" "." 1 "1181751328appadmin1181751328appadmin"
1181751328 "appadmin" "SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 4 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000167, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183481730 "" "000000000000167"
"SRM_IMPORT_PFX_DUP_MSG" "The import process has terminated because an
imported AOT name is the same as an existing AOT.  The name prefix
provided will not result in a unique AOT name.  To import, verify that
the \"Import all definitions as new\" import option is selected, and
enter a different prefix to be added to the imported AOT name.  Then
run the import again." "" "." 1
"1181751420appadmin1181751420appadmin" 1181751420 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 6 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000169, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2CaxlwRge4M0AwemYA"
"appadmin" 1181758743 "" "000000000000169" "SRM_IMPORT_AOT_RENAME_ERR"
"AOT Name changed." "" "." 1
"1181751809appadmin1181751809appadmin" 1181751809 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 7 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000170, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1185216653 "" "000000000000170"
"SRM_IMPORT_CPY_EXIST_MSG" "The import process cannot proceed because
the company for the imported AOT does not exist on the import system.
To import the AOT:\r\n1.  Delete the staged data.\r\n2.  Create a new
company which matches the company for the AOT.\r\n3.  Run the import
process again." "" "." 1 "1181753926appadmin1181753926appadmin"
1181753926 "appadmin" "SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 8 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000171, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"appadmin" 1181758743 "" "000000000000171" "SRM_IMPORT_CPY_EXIST_ERR"
"Imported Company value does not exist." "" "." 1
"1181753984appadmin1181753984appadmin" 1181753984 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 9 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000172, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183481879 "" "000000000000172"
"SRM_IMPORT_CPY_GLOBAL_MSG" "The import process has terminated because
the imported AOT has a type of TEMPLATE.  You can NOT change the
company to - Global -  You will need to change the type value and run
the import process again." "" "." 1
"1181754868appadmin1181754868appadmin" 1181754868 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 10 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000173, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183481912 "" "000000000000173"
"SRM_IMPORT_CPY_GLOBAL_ERR" "Can not change company to - Global - when
type is TEMPLATE." "" "." 1 "1181754905appadmin1181754905appadmin"
1181754905 "appadmin" "SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 11 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000174, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183481955 "" "000000000000174"
"SRM_IMPORT_PDT_DUP_ERR" "Imported PDT has the same name as an
existing PDT." "" "." 1 "1181755481appadmin1181755481appadmin"
1181755481 "appadmin" "SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp"
"" "" ""

**** Record 12 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000175, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183481995 "" "000000000000175"
"SRM_IMPORT_PDT_DUP_MSG" "The import process has terminated because an
imported PDT name is the same as an existing PDT.  To import, select
the \"Import all definitions as new\" import option and enter a prefix
to be added to the imported PDT name.  Then run the import again." ""
"." 1 "1181755548appadmin1181755548appadmin" 1181755548 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp" "" "" ""

**** Record 13 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000176, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183482048 "" "000000000000176"
"SRM_IMPORT_PDT_PFX_DUP_MSG" "The import process has terminated
because an imported PDT name is the same as an existing PDT.  The name
prefix provided will not result in a unique PDT name.  To import,
verify that the \"Import all definitions as new\" import option is
selected, and enter a different prefix to be added to the imported PDT
name.  Then run the import again." "" "." 1
"1181755691appadmin1181755691appadmin" 1181755691 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp" "" "" ""

**** Record 14 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000177, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2CaxlwRge4M0AwemYA"
"appadmin" 1181758743 "" "000000000000177" "SRM_IMPORT_PDT_RENAME_ERR"
"PDT Name changed." "" "." 1
"1181755770appadmin1181755770appadmin" 1181755770 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp" "" "" ""

**** Record 15 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000178, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2CaxlwRge4M0AwemYA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1185216693 "" "000000000000178"
"SRM_IMPORT_PDT_WARN_MSG" "The staged PDT has had its name changed
using the prefix provided." "" "." 1
"1181755819appadmin1181755819appadmin" 1181755819 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp" "" "" ""

**** Record 16 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000179, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183482158 "" "000000000000179"
"SRM_IMPORT_PDT_NOAPP_MSG" "The import process has terminated because
the imported AOT references an application that doesn't exist on this
system.  Please install the applicaiton before trying this import
again." "" "." 1 "1181756996appadmin1181756996appadmin" 1181756996
"appadmin" "SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp" "" "" ""

**** Record 17 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000180, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"appadmin" 1181758743 "" "000000000000180" "SRM_IMPORT_PDT_NOAPP_ERR"
"The referenced application doesn't exist." "" "." 1
"1181757024appadmin1181757024appadmin" 1181757024 "appadmin"
"SRM:STAGE:ProcessDefinitionTemplate_DispProp" "" "" ""

**** Record 18 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000181, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"appadmin" 1181758743 "" "000000000000181"
"SRM_IMPORT_SRD_CPY_EXIST_ERR" "The company specified does not exist."
"" "." 1 "1181757434appadmin1181757434appadmin" 1181757434
"appadmin" "SRD:STAGE:ServiceRequestDefintion_Base" "" "" ""

**** Record 19 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000182, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1185216776 "" "000000000000182"
"SRM_IMPORT_SRD_CPY_EXIST_MSG" "The import process cannot proceed
because the company for the imported item does not exist on the import
system.  To import the item:\r\n1.  Delete the staged data.\r\n2.
Create a new company which matches the company for the imported item.\r
\n3.  Run the import process again." "" "." 1
"1181757533appadmin1181757533appadmin" 1181757533 "appadmin"
"SRD:STAGE:ServiceRequestDefintion_Base" "" "" ""

**** Record 20 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000183, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRs" "" "AG0011439CCB2CaxlwRge4M0AwemYA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1184262412 "" "000000000000183"
"SRM_IMPORT_COMPLETE_ERR" "Promote:  Import completed." "" "." 1
"1181758660appadmin1181758660appadmin" 1181758660 "appadmin"
"SRS:ImportExportConsole" "" "" ""

**** Record 21 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000184, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2CaxlwRge4M0AwemYA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1184262473 "" "000000000000184"
"SRM_IMPORT_COMPLETE_MSG" "Promote:  The staged data has been imported
into the production forms successfully.  Import has completed
successfully." "" "." 1 "1181758691appadmin1181758691appadmin"
1181758691 "appadmin" "SRS:ImportExportConsole" "" "" ""

**** Record 28 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000000192, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG00137260F2FDS3SKRgE46pUwxDIP"
"dev_aoconnor" 1183480400 "" "000000000000192"
"SRM_IMPORT_DELETE_NOTE" "Delete:  Staged data has been deleted." ""
"." 1 "1183479156dev_aoconnor1183479156dev_aoconnor" 1183479156
"dev_aoconnor" "SRS:ImportExportConsole" "" "" ""

**** Record 53 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000001571, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRM" "" "AG0011439CCAD4l7cgQwVq85CQMQAA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1208816607 "" "000000000000262"
"SRM_REQUEST_ATTACHMENT_WI" "Attachment from #SCHEMA-ALIAS#" "" "." 1
"1208802168dev_aoconnor1208802168dev_aoconnor" 1208802168
"dev_aoconnor" "SRM:Request" "" "" ""

**** Record 54 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000001572, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1209756296 "" "000000000000263"
"SRM_IMPORT_AOT_INACTIVE_ERR" "AOT set to Inactive" "" "." 1
"1209756296dev_aoconnor1209756296dev_aoconnor" 1209756296
"dev_aoconnor" "SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Record 55 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema: SYS:Message Box, entry:
000000000001573, 2 unique index(es), field(s): 1000000135 160 179
( 382) **** DATA "" "Config-SRS" "" "AG0011439CCB2C0BdwRgnD8uAwC2YA"
"dev_aoconnor" 1209757153 "" "000000000000264"
"SRM_IMPORT_AOT_INACTIVE_MSG" "The import process has encountered a
Warning.  The AOT #AOT_NAME# has a type of TEMPLATE.  You will need to
select a new Template for this AOT." "" "." 1
"1209756414dev_aoconnor1209756414dev_aoconnor" 1209756414
"dev_aoconnor" "SRM:STAGE:AppTemplateBridge" "" "" ""

**** Import completed with errors:
     33 Records were imported to form SYS:Message Box; 22 Records were

[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:20:31.989] DataImport- Data Import failed with
code 1025 for file C:\Program Files\AR System Applications
\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:21:08.411] LoadApp- At least one file in config
data list received non-zero rc
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:21:28.458] ImportDataFile- (logfile:
AR System Import Tool  Mon Nov 01 13:21:26 2010

**** Attempting import from schema SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp in
file to SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp on server
**** Command Line options verified successfully for required options.
**** Begin building mappings from server and file.
**** Mapping: 1=$1$
**** Mapping: 1000000058=$1000000058$
**** Mapping: 15=$15$
**** Mapping: 160=$160$
**** Mapping: 179=$179$
**** Mapping: 2=$2$
**** Mapping: 3=$3$
**** Mapping: 300928600=$300928600$
**** Mapping: 301287500=$301287500$
**** Mapping: 303386300=$303386300$
**** Mapping: 303439400=$303439400$
**** Mapping: 4=$4$
**** Mapping: 490000200=$490000200$
**** Mapping: 5=$5$
**** Mapping: 6=$6$
**** Mapping: 7=$7$
**** Mapping: 8=$8$
**** Import of C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP
\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
\SRS_SRMApplicationObjectTemplate_Sample_SRS.arx started.
**** Record 1 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema:
SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp, entry: AOT000000000733, 2 unique
index(es), field(s): 179 303386300 160  ( 382) **** DATA
"SR0011439CCB2C6nbCRQKTZDCw8kky" "AG000D56BA2B18qVrxRwRS_IAAVRAA" ""
1206999721 "" "System Access Request" "Demo" "" 1206999721 "System
Access Request" "AOT000000000002" 1 "1206999721Demo1206999721Demo"
"Demo" "System Access Request" "" ""

**** Record 2 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema:
SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp, entry: AOT000000000734, 2 unique
index(es), field(s): 179 303386300 160  ( 382) **** DATA
"SR0011439CCB2C65bCRQwzjACwgXs0" "AG000D56BA2B18qlrxRwky_IAAVxAA" ""
1206999722 "" "BMC web page" "Demo" "" 1206999722 "BMC web page"
"AOT000000000003" 1 "1206999722Demo1206999722Demo" "Demo" "BMC web
page" "" ""

**** Record 3 : The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index
that has been defined for this form -- schema:
SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp, entry: AOT000000000735, 2 unique
index(es), field(s): 179 303386300 160  ( 382) **** DATA
"AG000F1F6C7B33#sjtRQwZS9FA3#8B" "AG000D56BA2B18qlrxRw4S_IAAWRAA" ""
1206999722 "" "On-board Employee sample" "Demo" "" 1206999722 "On-
board Employee sample" "AOT000000000004" 1
"1206999722Demo1206999722Demo" "Demo" "On-board Employee sample"
"" ""

**** Import completed with errors:
     0 Records were imported to form SRM:AppTemplateBridge_DispProp; 3
Records were not.

[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:21:28.458] DataImport- Data Import failed with
code 1025 for file C:\Program Files\AR System Applications
\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- At least one file in sample
data list received non-zero rc
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Application load completed, errors
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Worst RCs    2       1025            1025    
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: srs
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Success      168     95              19      
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Failed       2       3               1       
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Totals       170     98              20      
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.286] LoadApp- Worst rc for application overall:
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:32.301] rikMain- Returning  1056 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:48.817] rikMain- Returning  0 for command getsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:55.067] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:22:55.067] LoadApp- Processing component: asisrm
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp-  *****  Application loaded without
any errors *******
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp-  Following table summarizes number
and type of files loaded for the application
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: asisrm
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp- Success      77      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp- Failed       0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.583] LoadApp- Totals       77      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:33.598] rikMain- Returning  0 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:34.895] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:23:34.895] LoadApp- Processing component: apsfnd
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp-  *****  Application loaded without
any errors *******
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp-  Following table summarizes number
and type of files loaded for the application
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: apsfnd
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp- Success      38      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp- Failed       0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.489] LoadApp- Totals       38      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:13.505] rikMain- Returning  0 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:14.911] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:14.911] LoadApp- Processing component: fndsrm
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp-  *****  Application loaded without
any errors *******
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp-  Following table summarizes number
and type of files loaded for the application
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: fndsrm
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp- Success      67      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp- Failed       0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:50.989] LoadApp- Totals       67      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:51.005] rikMain- Returning  0 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:51.770] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:51.770] LoadApp- Processing component: fndsrs
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp-  *****  Application loaded without
any errors *******
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp-  Following table summarizes number
and type of files loaded for the application
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: fndsrs
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp- Success      4       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp- Failed       0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.411] LoadApp- Totals       4       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:53.426] rikMain- Returning  0 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:54.895] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:24:54.895] LoadApp- Processing component: srmtms
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp-  *****  Application loaded without
any errors *******
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp-  Following table summarizes number
and type of files loaded for the application
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: srmtms
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp- Success      42      1               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp- Failed       0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] LoadApp- Totals       42      1               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:21.801] rikMain- Returning  0 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:22.958] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:22.958] LoadApp- Processing component: caisrm
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp-  *****  Application loaded without
any errors *******
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp-  Following table summarizes number
and type of files loaded for the application
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: caisrm
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp- Success      36      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp- Failed       0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.286] LoadApp- Totals       36      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:25:43.301] rikMain- Returning  0 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:13.442] LoadApp-
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:13.442] LoadApp- Processing component: msm
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] ImportDataFile- (logfile:
AR System Import Tool  Mon Nov 01 13:26:28 2010

**** Attempting import from schema MSM:MigrationTasks in file to
MSM:MigrationTasks on server
**** Command Line options verified successfully for required options.
**** Begin building mappings from server and file.
**** Mapping: 1=$1$
**** Mapping: 15=$15$
**** Mapping: 1710400=$1710400$
**** Mapping: 1711500=$1711500$
**** Mapping: 1711600=$1711600$
**** Mapping: 1711700=$1711700$
**** Mapping: 2=$2$
**** Mapping: 3=$3$
**** Mapping: 300442800=$300442800$
**** Mapping: 300664200=$300664200$
**** Mapping: 300679800=$300679800$
**** Mapping: 300762700=$300762700$
**** Mapping: 300928500=$300928500$
**** Mapping: 300928600=$300928600$
**** Mapping: 300967500=$300967500$
**** Mapping: 300967600=$300967600$
**** Mapping: 300967700=$300967700$
**** Mapping: 300967800=$300967800$
**** Mapping: 303453800=$303453800$
**** Mapping: 303453900=$303453900$
**** Mapping: 303454000=$303454000$
**** Mapping: 303454100=$303454100$
**** Mapping: 303454200=$303454200$
**** Mapping: 303459100=$303459100$
**** Mapping: 4=$4$
**** Mapping: 5=$5$
**** Mapping: 6=$6$
**** Mapping: 7=$7$
**** Mapping: 8=$8$
**** Import of C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP
\BMC Service Request Management\ar\msm\workflow\en\.
\MIG_SRMS_2.0_2.1.arx started.
**** Record 13 : Required field (without a default) not specified --
SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : DELETEOperationalCategoryLevel1
( 307)      ------------      Required field (without a default) not
specified -- SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : SRD_Number
( 307)      ------------      Required field (without a default) not
specified -- SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : Navigation Tier Tag1
( 307)      ------------      Required field (without a default) not
specified -- SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : SRD_LocationCompany
( 307)      ------------      Required field (without a default) not
specified -- SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : SRD_Request Type
( 307)      ------------      Required field (without a default) not
specified -- SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base :
RequestCatalogManager_Company ( 307)      ------------      Required
field (without a default) not specified --
SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : RequestCatalogManager_FullName
( 307)      ------------      Required field (without a default) not
specified -- SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base : DELETESRD_Title
( 307)      ------------      Required field cannot be reset to a NULL
value -- SRD:SrvReqDefFrequency : SRD_LocationCompany ( 326) **** DATA
"0" "BMC Service Request Management" "" "srs" 1193242518 "" "" ""
"dev_aman" "SRMS 2.0-SRMS 2.1" "" 50 "1) The SRD Level tag may be NULL
in some cases if the value was typed in the Level info instead of
using the menu. need to set the tag field if it is null.\r\n2) New
fields added (ParentInstanceID_DispProp and Locale ) to the form
SRM:UniqueQuestionList need to be set.\r\n3) New fields added
(ParentInstanceID_DispProp and Locale ) to the form
SRM:SourceToTargetDataAssociations need to be set.\r\n4) Copy the
value of the field ImageInstanceId from the
SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base form to the
SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_DispProp form.\r\n5) SRD_Level, SRD_Price
fields on the SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base need to be set with
the corresponding values from the
SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_DispProp form.\r\n" 1193756182
"000000000000020" "SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_DispProp" "NOT USED" 0
"1193242518dev_aman" "dev_aman" "UpdateSRDDispProp" "SRMS 2.1" "SRMS
2.0" "" "" "" "" "" ""

**** Import completed with errors:
     13 Records were imported to form MSM:MigrationTasks; 1 Records
were not.

[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] DataImport- Data Import failed with
code 1025 for file C:\Program Files\AR System Applications
\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service Request Management\ar\msm\workflow\en\.
[ERROR][Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- At least one file in config
data list received non-zero rc
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Application load completed, errors
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Worst RCs    0       1025            0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- File Load Status for overall
Application: msm
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp-      Packing Lists   Config Data     Sample
Data    All Files
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Skipped      0       0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Success      21      0               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Failed       0       1               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Totals       21      1               0       
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] LoadApp- Worst rc for application overall:
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:43.130] rikMain- Returning  1055 for command loadapp
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:44.036] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:45.036] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:46.020] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:46.989] reportResult- Returning en
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:47.005] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:48.036] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:49.051] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:50.005] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:50.989] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:51.958] reportResult- Returning en
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:51.973] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:53.098] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:54.176] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:55.161] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:56.161] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:57.130] reportResult- Returning en
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:57.145] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:58.114] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:26:59.114] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:00.098] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:01.301] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:02.067] reportResult- Returning en
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:02.083] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:03.067] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:04.723] rikMain- Returning  0 for command getsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:27:05.739] rikMain- Returning  0 for command setsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:22.348] rikMain- Returning  0 for command getsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:24.880] reportResult- Returning 7.6.00
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:24.895] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:25.942] reportResult- Returning 7.6.00
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:25.958] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:26.958] reportResult- Returning 7.6.00
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:26.973] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:27.926] rikMain- Returning  1 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:29.161] reportResult- Returning 7.6.00
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:29.176] rikMain- Returning  0 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:28:30.130] rikMain- Returning  1 for command appinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:31:15.598] rikMain- Returning  0 for command getsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:31:15.989] rikMain- Returning  0 for command setsvrinfo
[Mon Nov 01 13:31:16.208] rikMain- Returning  0 for command getsvrinfo

On Nov 1, 4:29 pm, remedy lee <> wrote:
> I reverted back to to an earlier Vm snapshot to try again.  I'll post
> the error messages as I get them.
> Thx
> From SRM 2.1 patch 1 to SRM 2.2
> The error messages
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srm\workflow\en\.\SRM_menu.def: Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\srs_deplapp.def: Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\SRS_menu.def: Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
> \SRS_WOI_SRMAppTemplateBridge_cfg.arx: Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\Data_Visualization_Module.arx:
> Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.\SYS_Message_Box.arx: Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\srs\workflow\en\.
> \SRS_SRMApplicationObjectTemplate_Sample_SRS.arx: Failed
> C:\Program Files\AR System Applications\DRBBSREMEDYAPP\BMC Service
> Request Management\ar\msm\workflow\en\.\MIG_SRMS_2.0_2.1.arx: Failed
> On Nov 1, 4:11 pm, remedy lee <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've been trying to upgrade SRM 2.1 to 7.6 and it always fails.
> > I've upgraded SRM 2.1 to patch 1 (2) successfully
> > Then I upgraded SRM 2.1 patch 1 to SRM 2.2 with some failures.
> > Then I patched to SRM 2.2 patch 1 - 3 with failures. But the upgrade
> > shows up in SHARE:Application_Properties.
> > However SRM 2.2 patch 3 to 7.6 fails and it doesn't install at all.
> > None of the SRM forms are updated.
> > Background:
> > We made some customizations on the SRM forms like WOI and SRM forms.
> > Only the Work Order forms have customizations with Type Fields that we
> > added (our  consultant used reserved fields).
> > We use the advanced interface forms for onboarding, offboarding and
> > purchase requests.  We have extensive process templates and a lot of
> > REQ/WOI tickets that need to be kept for compliance.
> > What's the best way to upgrade to 7.6 (apparently 7.6 is the real
> > complete SRM)?
> > ___________________________________________________________________________ 
> > ____
> > UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives
> > attend wwrug11www.wwrug.comARSList:"Where the Answers Are"
> ___________________________________________________________________________ 
> ____
> UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives
> attend wwrug11www.wwrug.comARSList: "Where the Answers Are"

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