Release management is a new application and did not replace Change management. 
If you do not give any licenses to your users they will not see the entry point 
on the home page, 7.5 was the first version with release.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martinez, Marcelo A <>
To: arslist <arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>
Sent: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 10:20 am
Subject: release management

Hello Listers,
 have 2 questions on release management.
e are currently running ARS 7.1/ITSM 7.0.03 (microsoft shop).  We plan on 
oving to 7.6.0x in the near future.
y issue is: my users are not accustomed to using release management; heck it 
ook me a couple of years to make them use change management!
So my question here is if we implement 7.6.0x, do we have to implement release 
anagement or can we get away with just change management (at least for a couple 
f years)?
Also, if memory serves me right, release management was introduced in version 
.5.00 of ITSM correct?

hanks all,
Marcelo Martinez
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