

That does make sense to me.  As Joe points out, the function dumps ALL cache
and then reloads it.  I am not certain but based upon what you found, the
cache may not have been completely refreshed from the restart of the server.
(Perhaps if I make enough steps out of bounds in answering you, Doug Mueller
himself will step in and "correct" me, or at least fill in the blanks )


If I remember (a big IF), perhaps I will bring up this issue at the WWRUG on
the night we meet with the Engineers (including Doug).  If I don't remember,
perhaps someone on the list will remind me when we are standing around the
BMC Engineering staff (I heard Darius is going to be there this year -


One of the interesting things about what you are doing is that even when you
only suspect something may be wrong (like seeing a setting you would expect
to be refreshed with a restart or cache flush) it is most helpful, if time
allows (for non-production issues mainly) to capture - even if it is just a
screen shot - what you find before you perform the function that you think
may correct or otherwise impact the current conditions.  As you have
discovered, after the proposed fix is put in place it is often times
impossible to identify the root cause.  Taking data points along the way may
seem like a lot of work to do for very little return, but the fact that you
have theorized what you suspect may have been the cause is a good gut feel
indication that you were probably right.  The use of the resulting
documentation can be used by the rest of the team and put into a KB or other
repository that would otherwise go by the wayside.


As a consultant, it is truly valuable for me to leave my customers with
documentation of what was performed and why.  Although this may appear to
eliminate the need for them to hire you back, it actually works in your (and
their) favor.  Both parties benefit since they not only have the "work
product" and supporting documentation of your efforts, but you instill a
level of trust with all those you interact with.  Good in case they want to
call you back for more work as well as leaving a trail of great references


Phil Bautista, WWRUG11 Advisory Board


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From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Ron Tavares
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:48 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: arsignal -r in a server group



Thanks for the info Phil.  Interesting that you should say that "a much more
efficient method to synchronize the servers".  Because I believe the
arsignal was successful at caching some settings that were out-of-sync,
which a regular ar restart was not able to capture.  Though I can't confirm
that.  But it was regarding the Menu Access settings in the view properties.
Example,  Search option was turned off, yet the search button appeared on
the Incident form.  This remained the case for about a year, ar server
restarts never caught this, until I ran the arsignal.  Or at least that is
my theory.  Does this make sense to you?



On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Phil Bautista <>




Depending on the number of servers that you have in your server group, ten
minutes is not bad.  I have used this command in a small server group (two
servers) for a SIT environment and depending on the number of objects that
are required to be synchronized it rarely took less than ten minutes.  For a
production server group containing ten servers, it has taken significantly
longer.  While you may have experienced equal or lesser times to simply
restart the BMC Remedy Arserver service there are other processes that are
dependent on the service.  I would take a look a the dependencies on the BMC
Remedy Arserver service and perform some tests if you prefer to compare the
two options and gather comparable times and verify the additional dependent
functions to see if all of the services come up in the same time it takes
you to simply run the arsignal command.  I am betting it doesn't


You should be able to execute this command from the primary admin server in
the server group.  There should not be a need to go to each server to
perform the command.


Bottom line, this typically a much more efficient method to synchronize the
servers in your server group and should be capable of executing from your
admin server.  Ten minutes is exceptional for a production server group and
even for some development and test server groups.


Sounds like a great topic for a birds of a feather session at the upcoming
WWRUG11 or a question to ask at the Evening with Engineering!


Phil Bautista, WWRUG11 Advisory Board





From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Ron Tavares
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 5:40 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: arsignal -r in a server group



Looking for some expertise on using this little gadget.


I have been experimenting with using arsignal -r to recache the servers in
our server group, as an alternate to restarting the ar system service on all
the servers.  I'm thinking this will reduce the impact to the end users.
However, in my tests, executing this command hangs the server for about 10
minutes.  Is this normal?  Because for that matter, might as well just
restart the service.  Is there any advantace to using arsignal instead of a


Also, the documentation says to execute as follows arsignal -r <server_name>
where server_name is the name of the server that is to reload the
information, and that you can execute from any server.  So, I figure I can
execute it from the admin server, once for each server.   But I find that
this does not work, that I have to go to each server, and execute it from
there.  Is that correct?


ARS 7.1




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