Hey Ken...

I guess what I am trying to say is that - I don't think you could
build such a generic interface. Maybe some approximation thereof, but
not completely. Once you have this API, then what - build a new suite
of toolsets to leverage the API?

We are currently using Abydos - I am extrapolating from this concept -
to suggest that process definition/engineering should supersede API
augmentation if we are looking at a way to make ITSM more efficient.

On Nov 4, 9:58 am, "Cecil, Ken" <kce...@hubbell.com> wrote:
> I would think that any interface designed would be agnostic to processes and 
> just be concerned with providing the services agreed upon in the contract. No 
> matter what happens behind the scene, the interface would handle the request 
> the same whether it be for interactive users, service consumers, other ITSM 
> apps, or other integrated apps/processes. The interface should be somewhat 
> abstracted from the underlying forms, processes, and customizations. The 
> interface contract should be generic and flexible enough to handle/anticipate 
> customizations and schema changes (similar to xml).
> Elry,  I believe Abydos Designer already does most of what you were referring 
> to about diagramming and creating workflow via a visio type diagram.
> Ken Cecil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Elry
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:26 AM
> To: arsl...@arslist.org
> Subject: Re: Request for Comments
> This interface discussion is interesting and all , but I do not think
> that the ITSM application will readily conform to this approach. I
> think we are forgetting that ITSM is meant to be ITIL compliant.  For
> those who have worked on the process side of ITIL - I am certain that
> you will be aware of how tightly coupled the ITIL proceses are...
> Keep in mind that the ITIL process is a blueprint for how things
> should work and not necessarily the "cookie cutter" approach for all
> organizations.  This is why many of us find work "customizing" the
> ITSM application.  I use the term customize loosely, since this could
> mean adding a few fields to revamping large portions of the process
> model.  Now, if you put fixed structures in place and standardize the
> interactions between processes - you are effectively making a flexible
> model "rigid".
> I think that if we keep in mind that this is a process driven
> application; therefore, it must remain as flexible as possible - then
> we would have to conclude that the current architecture - offers the
> greatest degree of flexibility.
> BMC has done an excellent job giving us some base structures and
> processes as well as amazing integration tools (by BMC and third party
> vendors).  I believe that Overlays are a great concept - that once
> refined will be a formidable tool for our customization tool set.
> To me (keeping in mind that this is an ITIL tool set) - the only
> missing component for ITSM is a tool that would enable the BMC
> Engineer to modify the ITSM process "on the fly".  We have the
> technology, and the people (all you arlisters), now all we need for
> our tool belt is something that could effectively change a process "on
> the fly", or build/re-engineer a process "on the fly".
> Imagine if you would that there is a tool that would:
> 1.  Allow you to design your process in Visio.
> 2.  Link your process to the underlying ITSM structures.
> 3.  Link your process to the underlying categorization structure, and
> product catalog.
> 4.  Enable customization to be defined through process definitions.
> 5.  These processes that are graphically designed can then be called
> from the ITSM application and executed based on the underlying ITSM
> structures and workflow.
> This would mean that:
> 1. You utilize the underlying ITSM application to hold your data and
> basic workflow.
> 2. Overlays are utilized to make structural changes that or
> Organizationally dependent.
> 3. Workflow is designed and executed through process diagrams that are
> written in a Visio like environment.
> 4. API integration would focus on integration between enterprise
> applications.
> 5. BMC could and will continue to focus on "plugins" for the purpose
> of integration.
> Process, process, process...
> This is "my take" on this...
> On Nov 2, 3:55 pm, Richard Baird <richard_ba...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> > That works for me Axton. If they wanted to get even fancier, they could
> > implement it via the "Interface Form" model I described, and have the saving
> > of the form (along with it's attached/embedded XML legal operations,
> > exceptions, etc...) automatically create and publish the web service.
> > That way every integration method/mechanism would have the same behaviour,
> > because it would be based on the same source (the "Interface Form" for the
> > specific interface)
> > Cheers!
> > Subject: Re: Request for Comments
> > From: Axton <axton.gr...@gmail.com>
> > Reply-To: arsl...@arslist.org
> > Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 14:45:38 -0500
> > ** I envisioned the interfaces implemented as web services, not as an API.
> > A web service layer makes plugging into other things easier.  One of the
> > drivers for me starting this conversation is what I see many of the cloud
> > providers offering and leveraging as their interfaces into and out of their
> > applications.  I have some exposure to the service oriented architecture as
> > well, which plays into this paradigm nicely.
> > If, within Remedy, all the interfaces were exposed as web services and
> > Remedy had a native way to consumer those web service based interfaces, it
> > opens the door nicely for other things to operate at that level.  Web
> > services seem to be a common method of integration in the cloud space.  SOA
> > infrastructure deployments seem to be in their infancy, but I see them
> > gaining traction, as long as they are capable of delivering on their value
> > proposition.http://www.zapthink.com/2005/01/27/the-roi-of-soa/
> > The lifecycle around services is pretty well defined in this space as 
> > well.http://www.soablueprint.com/whitepapers/SOAPGPart3.pdf
> > Axton Grams
> > On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Richard Baird <richard_ba...@sympatico.ca>
> > wrote:
> > LJ,
> > Having done lots of OO stuff as well as ARS over the years, I fully grasp
> > the concepts you're putting forward, however, I think the goal should be
> > "Interfaces", not necessarily "API Interfaces". For most apps built using
> > java or .net (or some other OO platform) as a base, I agree that tightly
> > defined api interfaces are the way to go. But ARS is somewhat different in
> > that the integration tools already in existence are widely used both within
> > the ITSM as well as many other third party or custom apps and they afford
> > great flexibility, which is one of the reasons ARS became so popular to
> > begin with.
> > I don't see any reason that the capabilities we're talking about can't be
> > implemented via a "special" Interface Form type or layering versioning on
> > top of existing technology rather than requiring a call to a new C/java/.net
> > api. Not everyone uses the api to do integration and for integration between
> > apps both running on ARS platform (like the ITSM stuff), whether they are
> > BMC or someone else's, most will do it via workflow.
> > If the "special" form approach is used (and fully documented), then an
> > integration using the interface would behave exactly the same if it is done
> > via workflow, C API, Java API, .net api, Perl, etc... Nothing to stop BMC
> > from doing full error checking, implementing exceptions, etc... for activity
> > in the special form, and all the code would be visible so folks could easily
> > understand what is happening when they touch the form (or encounter
> > problems), regardless of the mechanism used. They could even define the
> > legal operations, exceptions, etc... via xml so others could build their own
> > Interface Forms for their own apps in a  standard way. In addition, we'd be
> > able to see exactly how the ITSM apps do their integration between each
> > other without searching all over the place for the push/set field workflow,
> > since it would all (or at least the majority of the big/important
> > operations) be localized to the appropriate Interface Form.
> > A potential drawback I see with this approach is that visual
> > studio/netbeans/eclipse/(insert your IDE here) might not see a specific
> > interface defined (i.e. we might still use setentry/getentry, which means
> > we'd have to actually read the interface spec....;). I suspect this is
> > exactly what some want, and again, there is nothing to stop BMC from adding
> > specific versioned interface api calls that interact with the appropriate
> > Interface Forms, but I think it would be a mistake to force the use of the
> > API, or any other particular mechanism when we don't have to do it to
> > achieve the goal, that being consistent, safe, published, versioned
> > interfaces between ITSM (or other) apps running on the ARS platform.
> > Cheers!
> > Subject: Re: Request for Comments
> > From: LJ LongWing <lj.longw...@gmail.com>
> > Reply-To: arsl...@arslist.org
> > Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 10:17:47 -0600
> > Richard,
> > The point of API interfaces is actually reduced flexibility....not really
> > the point, but a byproduct.  That reduced flexibility is actually a 'good'
> > thing though.  Remedy, in the way that it works now has absolutely no
> > enforced structure.  That lack of enforced structure allows you to literally
> > 'do what you want'...which is extremely flexible, but extremely hard to
> > support and optimize.  When you setup API interfaces to a system, you harden
> > them and make them less flexible, but because of the defined contract
> > between the publisher and consumer you have extremely reliable results.
> > Because of this reliability you can guarantee results and ideally
> > scalability, and because of this contract you increase interoperability.
> > Additionally, when you add to this contract, versions of the API...it in
> > theory allows you to upgrade from ITSM 10 to 11, but you aren't required to
> > upgrade your integrated app, because your integrated app can continue to
> > communicate with your ITSM Suite on the 10 version of the API and will
> > continue to function EXACTLY the same as it did when you were actually
> > running that version.
> > That's the theory at least :D
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> > [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Richard Baird
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 9:46 AM
> > To: arsl...@arslist.org
> > Subject: Re:
> ...
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