
Have you tried to enable the Pre-Load option? You enable this is the
AR Server option.


2011/11/28 L G Robinson <n...@ncsu.edu>:
> **
> Hi Folks,
> I am struggling with a performance issue with Mid-tier running on a Linux
> VM. Well, maybe not exactly a performance problem. Perhaps it is a caching
> issue or a configuration issue. I'm just not sure. Let me say at the outset
> that I have read the "BMC Remedy Mid Tier Guide" for 7.6.03, but it is
> entirely possible that I have missed some salient points or misunderstood
> others.
> Here is the basic configuration:
> - Using multiple browsers on different machines, Mac and PC.
> - Midtier 7.6.03 Patch 002
> - Apache Tomcat/6.0.32
> - Java 1.6.0_29
> - OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit) running as a VM, 4 Gig
> - EVC Mode: Intel Xenon Core 2
> This is the behavior that I am seeing:
> Upon connecting to the Linux VM, the Mid-tier login screen appears
> immediately. But after typing in a vald username/password, there is a delay
> of approximately two minutes before the Mid-tier Object List appears (my
> home page). After that initial delay, response to loading forms is fast with
> no significant delay. If the session is kept active by periodically loading
> forms, the delay does not return. However, if I log out for "about an hour"
> or if the session is allowed to time-out, the next login experiences the
> delay again.
> If I restart Tomcat, the first login is always fast.
> This system is not in production, so I am basically the only user accessing
> the system.
> Questions and things I am confused about:
> - Does the cache on the server timeout? If so, after what interval and how
> do I control this behavior?
> - How does the browser cache play into this scenario? Sometimes after I
> flush the browser cache, I will experience the delay upon accessing the
> Mid-tier. Other times, flushing the browser cache does not seem to matter
> and load times are still fast.
> - In the Mid-tier Configuration tool, I see that the various object types
> have non-zero "Object Counts", but the "Hit" and "Miss" counts are all
> always zero. What does this imply about my cache?
> Mid-tier Settings:
> Mid Tier Version: 7.6.03 Patch 002 201106210200
> Web Server Information: Apache Tomcat/6.0.32
> Operating System Name: Linux
> Java Version: 1.6.0_29
> Definition Change Check Interval (Seconds): 3600 (but I have tried longer)
> Perform Check?: Yes, but I have tried "No" also.
> Resource Check Interval (Seconds): 86400
> Enable Cache Persistence: Checked.
> Session Timeout (Minutes)*: 1440 (but I have tried shorter)
> License Release Timeout ([30 - 300] Seconds)*: 60
> Enable object list: Checked
> Enable Skins: Checked
> I have tried with and without prefetching the cache on the Mid-tier server
> and also tried using different users in the prefetch configuration (admin,
> non-admin and both). These changes do not seem to make a difference.
> The thing that makes me think that something is amiss is the fact that I
> have a midtier server running on a Solaris 10 box accessing the same AR
> server and it does not display this behavior. It is running Mid-tier 7.6.03
> for Solaris with OOTB configuration and no prefetch. This Mid-tier is
> running on the same physical host as the AR server (Solaris 10) and is
> configured as:
> Mid Tier Version: 7.6.03 Build 001 201008170035
> Web Server Information: Apache Tomcat/6.0.29
> Operating System Name: SunOS
> Java Version: 1.6.0_22
> Definition Change Check Interval(Seconds): 3600
> Perform Check?: Yes
> Resource Check Interval (Seconds): 86400
> Enable Cache Persistence: Checked.
> Session Timeout (Minutes): 1440
> License Release Timeout ([30 - 300] Seconds)*: 60
> Enable object list: checked
> Enable Skins: checked
> The only difference is minor version differences in Tomcat and Java. The
> server.xml file is exactly the same on both servers. I have compared all of
> the configuration files that I can find and I have not found anything that
> would account for this behavior.
> Any suggestions n what to look for?
> Thanks for reading this far.  :-)
> Larry
> -----
> Larry Robinson
> Remedy Developer/Admin
> North Carolina State University
> Office Of Information Technology
> Raleigh, NC
> _attend WWRUG12 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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