** If you change your homepage to the normal homepage form, does it still take forever to log in? 


On 11/28/2011 12:17 PM, L G Robinson wrote:
Hi Folks,

I am struggling with a performance issue with Mid-tier running on a Linux VM. Well, maybe not exactly a performance problem. Perhaps it is a caching issue or a configuration issue. I'm just not sure. Let me say at the outset that I have read the "BMC Remedy Mid Tier Guide" for 7.6.03, but it is entirely possible that I have missed some salient points or misunderstood others.

Here is the basic configuration:

- Using multiple browsers on different machines, Mac and PC.
- Midtier 7.6.03 Patch 002
- Apache Tomcat/6.0.32
- Java 1.6.0_29
- OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit) running as a VM, 4 Gig
- EVC Mode: Intel Xenon Core 2

This is the behavior that I am seeing:

Upon connecting to the Linux VM, the Mid-tier login screen appears immediately. But after typing in a vald username/password, there is a delay of approximately two minutes before the Mid-tier Object List appears (my home page). After that initial delay, response to loading forms is fast with no significant delay. If the session is kept active by periodically loading forms, the delay does not return. However, if I log out for "about an hour" or if the session is allowed to time-out, the next login experiences the delay again.

If I restart Tomcat, the first login is always fast.

This system is not in production, so I am basically the only user accessing the system.

Questions and things I am confused about:

- Does the cache on the server timeout? If so, after what interval and how do I control this behavior?

- How does the browser cache play into this scenario? Sometimes after I flush the browser cache, I will experience the delay upon accessing the Mid-tier. Other times, flushing the browser cache does not seem to matter and load times are still fast.

- In the Mid-tier Configuration tool, I see that the various object types have non-zero "Object Counts", but the "Hit" and "Miss" counts are all always zero. What does this imply about my cache?

Mid-tier Settings:
Mid Tier Version: 7.6.03 Patch 002 201106210200
Web Server Information: Apache Tomcat/6.0.32
Operating System Name: Linux
Java Version: 1.6.0_29
Definition Change Check Interval (Seconds): 3600 (but I have tried longer)
Perform Check?: Yes, but I have tried "No" also.
Resource Check Interval (Seconds): 86400
Enable Cache Persistence: Checked.
Session Timeout (Minutes)*: 1440 (but I have tried shorter)
License Release Timeout ([30 - 300] Seconds)*: 60
Enable object list: Checked
Enable Skins: Checked

I have tried with and without prefetching the cache on the Mid-tier server and also tried using different users in the prefetch configuration (admin, non-admin and both). These changes do not seem to make a difference.

The thing that makes me think that something is amiss is the fact that I have a midtier server running on a Solaris 10 box accessing the same AR server and it does not display this behavior. It is running Mid-tier 7.6.03 for Solaris with OOTB configuration and no prefetch. This Mid-tier is running on the same physical host as the AR server (Solaris 10) and is configured as:

Mid Tier Version: 7.6.03 Build 001 201008170035
Web Server Information: Apache Tomcat/6.0.29
Operating System Name: SunOS
Java Version: 1.6.0_22
Definition Change Check Interval(Seconds): 3600
Perform Check?: Yes
Resource Check Interval (Seconds): 86400
Enable Cache Persistence: Checked.
Session Timeout (Minutes): 1440
License Release Timeout ([30 - 300] Seconds)*: 60
Enable object list: checked
Enable Skins: checked

The only difference is minor version differences in Tomcat and Java. The server.xml file is exactly the same on both servers. I have compared all of the configuration files that I can find and I have not found anything that would account for this behavior.

Any suggestions n what to look for?

Thanks for reading this far.  :-)
Larry Robinson
Remedy Developer/Admin
North Carolina State University
Office Of Information Technology
Raleigh, NC

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