Thank you, Toshiyasu! I will look to the Product Dictionary and Catalog to update those entries.
Kelly Logan, Sr. Systems Administrator (Remedy), GMS ProQuest | 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway, P.O. Box 1346 | Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346 USA | 734.997.4777<> ProQuest...Start here. 2010 InformationWeek 500 Top Innovator P Please consider the environment before printing this email. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender, and delete the message from your computer. From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Mori, Toshiyasu Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:41 PM To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG Subject: Re: Asset Management - Software license contracts - Microsoft Master Business Agreement, Data Management, categorization ** Kelly, Let me try to answer your question #2 and #4 2) about Software contract, Yes, you should use AST:AssetSoftware. CTR:GenericContract is using for customized contract type (if you want to add your own contract type, for example "Rent Contract") 4) about Product Categorization, the data comes from PDL:Product Dictionary. If you manually created product catalog, make sure you have add model/version to Product Catalog, and in Model/Version dialog form (PDL:ProductModelVersion), set Market Version and select Contract Required radio button to Yes. Also check Company Association if is it not - Global -, that means the product catalog restricted to certain company, then the Software Contract and License Certificate company should match to. If the product catalog was discovered from outside, check Atrium Normalization to use proper normalize option for the imported dataset during data synchronize to Atrium CMDB PDL:Product Dictionary is a joined form from PDL:ProductModelVersion (joined from PCT:Product Catalog and PCT:Product Model/Version)and PCT:Product Company Association. Toshiyasu Asset Management QA in BMC. From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Logan, Kelly Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:50 PM To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG Subject: Asset Management - Software license contracts - Microsoft Master Business Agreement, Data Management, categorization ** Hello all, I have been working with Asset Management 7.6.4 to prepare to enter our current contracts. My goal is to use the Data Management tool (Transactional-Contract.xls) to import the bulk of the license data once I have figured out the format to use. I have read through the AM docs (and a fair amount of the CMDB ones), but I still have a few questions on what I've found so far. 1.) Microsoft Master Business Agreements - We have negotiated a MBA with MS under their "Enterprise 6 Program", which gives us certain purchasing abilities. We can add or remove software on a year by year basis, and the numbers for each are 'trued up' each year as well. There is an MBA #, an Enrollment #, a Software Assurance ID #, and an Agreement/Contract #. I have listed my current strategy below. Does anyone have any other strategies, recommendations for representing these kinds of agreements? a. Master Contract for the MBA itself (with the {Enrollment #}-Master as the Contract ID, and the MBA # as the Customer ID), then b. Master Contracts underneath it for each year ({Enrollment #}-{year} as Contract ID), then c. Software License Contracts underneath each year master for each type of software with a representative ID (Ex: Contract ID "MS-EX-001-2011": Microsoft "MS" - Exchange "EX" - First to use the MS-EX prefix "001" - Year "2011"), and then d. License Certificates for each Software License Contract (eventually to connect to CIs from discovery tools, with same IDs). 2.) Importing Software License Contracts - The "CTR-GenericContract" tab says not to use it for Software License contracts. I looked up the mappings in the Data Mgmt Admin guide and it looks like I'm supposed to use "AST-AssetSoftware" instead as this goes to "CTR:ContractBase" and "AST:AssetSoftware" - Is this correct? 3.) What is used in the Contract Identifier field on the Data Mgmt tabs? Is this used to connect contracts and masters? How do I determine what to put in this column? 4.) When creating a license certificate with the dialog that pops up from the Contract "Add" button, I can choose, say, "Microsoft" as a manufacturer, but the categories available don't reflect the product categories I have created, just the generics. Is this pulling from a different area? Thanks in advance for your help, and any other advice for entering/maintaining licenses would be welcome as well! :^) Kelly Logan, Sr. Systems Administrator (Remedy), GMS ProQuest | 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway, P.O. Box 1346 | Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346 USA | 734.997.4777<> ProQuest...Start here. 2010 InformationWeek 500 Top Innovator P Please consider the environment before printing this email. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender, and delete the message from your computer. _attend WWRUG12<> ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_ _attend WWRUG12<> ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_ _______________________________________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at attend wwrug12 ARSList: "Where the Answers Are"