Hey Saby,

Thanks for your response..

That’s exactly what I’m leaning towards doing pending BMC Support approval (I 
have a support ticket raised with them).. Unfortunately though, I can’t be 
trigger happy just yet & attempt that change as I have other developers working 
on some other bits while I work on mine, & I didn’t want a change to break 
things for them.

Also if some other java process is loading any of these files, I may have to 
configure a shared location for these processes to use for shared libraries, so 
it could be shared with the WS plugin. An attempt to load them twice by two 
separate processes may cause an ‘unable to load’ kind of an error for the 
process trying to load it the second time..

I was also looking for the best recommended version of these files for use with 
the AR System 7.6.03 WS plugin server..
Could there be any other possible reasons for the error I am receiving apart 
from the warning that I get because of the absence of these two files???
From: Sabyson Fernandes 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 4:02 PM
Newsgroups: public.remedy.arsystem.general
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
Subject: Re: Error while consuming a web service - ARERR [9130]...

**  Hey Joe,

      Check your classpath and make sure that the files exist in the folder it 
is pointing to. On my servers I have 2 copies of these files. One in a folder 
where Kinetic is installed and the other in <jre_home>\jre\lib\ext.


      --- On Mon, 2/27/12, Joe Martin D'Souza <jdso...@shyle.net> wrote:

        From: Joe Martin D'Souza <jdso...@shyle.net>
        Subject: Error while consuming a web service - ARERR [9130]...
        To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORGto 
        Date: Monday, February 27, 2012, 8:40 PM


        I am on AR System 7.6.03 (unpatched) and use Oracle – 64 bit 
– its an all round windows environment. Not that it matters but we have the 
ITSM apps 7.6.03 (unpatched) along with SRM and RKM installed too.

        I have used SoapUI and tried to pass the same parameters, and have had 
no problems getting a good response, but if I try to consume the same web 
service from the AR System using a Set Fields action in a Filter, I get the 
following message.

        "ARERR [9130] Error encountered while executing a Web Service : Unknown 

        I have attached the arjavaplugin.log file along with the 
arjavaplugin-stderr-2012-02-27 and the arjavaplugin-stdout-2012-02-27 file at 
the time the error was generated. The Filter and API log does not say anything 
that is not already present in the arjavaplugin.log file pertaining to this 
error. In fact the arjavaplugin.log file contains more details.. (Hopefully the 
logs will find their way through the list server...)

        #### MY ANALYSIS so far ####
        A warning appearing just before the error on the arjavaplugin.log could 
be the possible cause of the problem. The warning is:

        2012-02-27 10:46:11,919 WARN  [pool-4-thread-9] 
org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils (JavaUtils.java:1308) - Unable to find required 
classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). 
Attachment support is disabled.

        These two classes javax.activation.DataHandler and 
javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart, should be found in the activation.jar and 
mail.jar file respectively. These files are not found anywhere bundled with any 
of the WS plugin.

        However there is a mail.jar file found at:
        C:\>dir mail.jar /a/s
        Volume in drive C has no label.
        Volume Serial Number is A0A4-1005

        Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\jre\lib

        06/02/2006  11:42 AM           280,984 mail.jar
                       1 File(s)        280,984 bytes

             Total Files Listed:
                       1 File(s)        280,984 bytes
                       0 Dir(s)  21,731,061,760 bytes free

        From the date of this file this is a pretty old version. I however 
listed the table of contents in this file and the class 
javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart is present in this file although its not 
recently dated..
          5558 Fri Dec 01 00:02:02 EST 2000 

        I have 3 different versions of the activation.jar file on the server 
found at:
        C:\>dir activation.jar /a/s
        Volume in drive C has no label.
        Volume Serial Number is A0A4-1005

        Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\jre\lib

        06/02/2006  11:42 AM            45,386 activation.jar
                       1 File(s)         45,386 bytes

        Directory of C:\Users\esmadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\Utilities\cmdb

        01/22/2010  01:01 PM            62,983 activation.jar
                       1 File(s)         62,983 bytes

        Directory of C:\Users\esmadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\Utilities\rik

        12/08/2009  07:23 AM            54,829 activation.jar
                       1 File(s)         54,829 bytes

             Total Files Listed:
                       3 File(s)        163,198 bytes
                       0 Dir(s)  21,731,127,296 bytes free

        I listed the table of contents of the activation.jar file located at 
these three locations and found the class javax.activation.DataHandler of 3 
different versions..
          7683 Fri May 21 14:14:22 EDT 1999 javax/activation/DataHandler.class
          9912 Tue May 02 09:25:26 EDT 2006 javax/activation/DataHandler.class
          7892 Wed Aug 28 13:49:50 EDT 2002 javax/activation/DataHandler.class

        Must any of these files be copied to the WS plugin directory? Or do I 
need to download the mail.jar and activation.jar file of some other specific 

        If the absence of these files is not the reason I am experiencing this 
ARERR [9130] problem, then let me know if you’ll have any other thoughts.

        I’ll appreciate all responses..


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