What is the user account AIE is running on? Does it have necessary
privillages to Run the btch file?

- Karthik

On 8 October 2012 18:53, Murnane, Phil <pmurn...@windwardits.com> wrote:

> **
> Good Day, All:****
> ** **
> I’m having trouble with an AIE job and am hoping someone else may have run
> into this issue.  I’m trying to use the process| feature to set a field
> with the return value of an external process.  Really I’m not interested in
> the return value, I just want the process to run.  The process is 
> *c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
> /c “c:\temp\filename.bat”* and the contents of the .bat file are:****
> ** **
> set Path=C:\Windows\System32;%Path%****
> dir c:\temp | find "filename.ext" >>c:\temp\filename.log****
> exit****
> ** **
> That’s it – pretty darn simple.  So the data field mapping in AIE is 
> *process|c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
> /c “c:\temp\filename.bat”* .  The AIE exchange runs successfully, but
> nothing is logged to the file.  There’s no indication of any failure in the
> AIE debug logs.****
> ** **
> Any thoughts on what I could try?****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> --Phil****
> ** **
> --------------------****
> Phil Murnane, Principal Consultant****
> Windward IT Solutions, Service Management Practice****
> Email:  pmurn...@windwardits.com****
> Mobile: +1-703-896-6435****
> Web:    www.WindwardITS.com <http://www.windwardits.com/>****
> ** **
> _attend WWRUG12 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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