We have indexed CI Name for FTS and MFS search. This is in CMDB 7.6.04 patch 002.
All searches are QBE i.e., all examples below are typed into the field, not using the "Advanced Search". When a QBE search is run against this field we are getting some weird (IMHO) results. If I search for "microsoft" (no quotes) I get all the three word or four word phrases I'd expect, like these: Microsoft Office Professional 2007 MICROSOFT OFFICE COMMUNICATOR MICROSOFT OFFICE PROJECT ...and a few others. What does NOT show up however is two word combination entries, like: MICROSOFT LYNC I can't figure out why. The QBE value for this field is set to leading. So by default any search for that would be the functional equivalent of this: microsoft% And in fact that is what I see in the logs: the SQL log says this: Thu Nov 15 2012 09:05:32.3209 */FTS: Search request for schema ID 3158, field ID 200000020, search term ((microsoft%)) Even stranger, searching for just "lync" DOES find it, even though the FTS search issued is lync%. This does find it (all text below literally entered as a QBE entry): [microsoft test] I'm....so....confused....I understand how things are tokenized, etc. but given the search being issued it should find it. William Rentfrow wrentf...@stratacominc.com<mailto:wrentf...@stratacominc.com> http://www.stratacominc.com 715-204-3061 Office 715-498-5056 Cell _______________________________________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org attend wwrug12 www.wwrug12.com ARSList: "Where the Answers Are"