Hi List ^_^

I have a little question, when I log "SQL" with ARS it happens that some very long SQL queries (like nearly 4k) are "truncated" and finish by "...", for example (I just post the begin and the end of it):
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T2120 WHERE ((((T2120.C230000009 = 'ACTIVITY') AND (T2120.C1000000427 = 'SGP000000000211') AND (T2120.C7 >= 20) AND (T2120.C7 <= 40)) OR ((T2120.C230000009 = 'MAINCHANGE') AND ((T2120.C1000000427 = 'SGP000000000211') OR (T2120.C1000000079 = 'SGP000000000211') OR (T2120.C1000000079 = 'SGP000000000211'))
 OR (T2120.C60900 LIKE '%;20031;%') OR (T2120.C60900 LIKE '%;1000000007;%') OR (T2120.C60900 LIKE '%;1000000107;%') OR (T2120.C60900 LIKE '%;20000;%') OR (T2120.C60900 L...

Is there a way to get / log the full SQL query? I mean, apart asking the DBA since when we have those logs it's too late to ask them for it.

Best regards.


_ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

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