Here is an idea that may help everyone have a chance to be "heard". I think 
that just about every area has a local RUG of some sort. Why don't these local 
groups try to get a representative involved with the WWRUG board? Not saying 
that the board needs to grow but the representatives could offer suggestions 
from their "constituents" and then possibly even help to lighten the load of 
the guys and gals that are jumping through hoops to make this function happen.
Of course that may already be occurring and I have just missed the memo.

Tommy Morris
Senior Remedy Developer
RSTS Technical Consultant II
Office# 817-415-2510

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of arslist
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 10:28 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: WWRUG13 Date and Location Announcement

Historically, going back to the first RUG in 1993, it has indeed always been 
east coast or west coast.
In fact for the first 6 years at least (I think? Someone who has a list of them 
all can answer this) I think, were all in the Bay Area. Certainly 8 of the 
first 10. The only times it has been off the West coast were Disneyland (or 
DisneyWorld whichever is in Florida) and Washington DC.

Next: As for votes we actually did something similar back in 2010 for choosing 
future cities, and asked attendees for suggestions.
First we did a short list of suitable cities out of what the attendees 
suggested, then had votes on which work best, then we did the actual venue.

Some of the factors considered (at least by me and the WWRUG Board):

Availability of Venues (and the requirements are more restrictive than you 
might think and I can only plan a year ahead not four or five) Direct flights 
from as many locations as possible. 
How easy is it for BMC to send as many Remedy technical people as possible (one 
of the reasons for the return to San Jose) Weather - We try to pick somewhere 
that weather will affect us as little as possible.
                    This can change based on when the conference is held, 
however, we decided to stick to a consistent timeframe unlike the RUGs of past.
Why San Jose not Houston? A combination of a great experience at the Fairmont, 
a tie in the votes for the two cities, 6 months to get the conference together, 
better for Remedy technical people

The Venues, flights, timezone same as California etc. was a huge factor when we 
scrambled to create the first WWRUG in 2009. Las Vegas for direct flights is as 
good as it gets.

Please note that if WWRUG continues the plan is Chicago for 2014, I hope that 
counts as central.

Happy to chat with folks at WWRUG13 about what goes into creating a conference; 
it makes a 1200 line project plan for an Enterprise ITSM system look 
easy/simple/straight forward.


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