I need to put over 18000 assets into Remedy using AIE then have the PEOPLE tab 
in the asset on the Asset Console show the 'used by' person. 

I have written jobs to pull the assets into a staging dataset, then reconcile 
them into BMC.ASSET.
I have an AIE relationship class job to relate the person from BMC_Person to 
the asset CI which populates the RELATIONSHIPS tab in the form.

I have another AIE AR form job that goes against AST:AssetPeople. This is where 
I am failing. The job is taking all of the fields that I saw being populated in 
the SQL log when I manaullayt added a person via the Asset form.  What I get is 
an error that says "AddAssetToAR: AR API returned error during ARCreateEntry rc 
= 2
Required name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is empty. (102)"

The AIE log is below:(I have XXXed out the PI)
Thu May 09 2013 11:22:59.9890] - <TID: 001> <API   > + ARSetEntry -- Form 
[EIE:Exchange_Runs] for Entry [000000000000895]
[Thu May 09 2013 11:22:59.9890] - <TID: 001> <API   > - ARSetEntry           OK
[Thu May 09 2013 11:22:59.9890] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: select 
full_name from dbo.CTM_People 
where Internet_E_mail='kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx'  AND profile_status=1
[Thu May 09 2013 11:22:59.9890] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: SELECT 
personID FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where email='kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx' AND 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.0210] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: SELECT 
instanceID FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where email='kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx' 
AND assetlifecyclestatus=3
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.0520] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: SELECT 
InstanceId FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_ComputerSystem
Where Name ='2015551212' AND DatasetId ='BMC.ASSET'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.0830] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: SELECT 
ReconciliationIdentity FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where 
email='kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx'AND assetlifecyclestatus=3
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.1140] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: SELECT 

FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where email= 'kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx'AND 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.1460] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: SELECT 
InstanceID FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_ComputerSystem
Where Name ='2015551212' AND DatasetId ='BMC.ASSET'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.1770] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Process command: select 
dbo.ast_computersystem.request_id,dbo.ast_computersystem.instance_ID from 
AND dbo.bmc_core_bmc_computersystem.instanceID=
(SELECT InstanceId FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_ComputerSystem
Where Name ='2015551212' AND DatasetId ='BMC.ASSET')
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Data obtained from Source 
for mappings: 'iSYS AssetPeopleForm'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 1     : 
'constant|People', Value: 'People'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 2     : 
'constant|Used by', Value: 'Used by'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 3     : 
'TargetSQL|select full_name from dbo.CTM_People 
where Internet_E_mail='$Unique_Users_EmployeeEmail$'  AND profile_status=1', 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 4     : 
'TargetSQL|SELECT personID FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where 
AND assetlifecyclestatus=3', Value: 'PPL000000011996'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 5     : 
'CellNumber', Value: '2015551212'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 6     : 
'Unique_Users_EmployeeEmail', Value: 'kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 7     : 
'Equipment_Type', Value: 'Smart Phone'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 8     : 
'constant|BMC.ASSET', Value: 'BMC.ASSET'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 9     : 
'TargetSQL|SELECT instanceID FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where 
AND assetlifecyclestatus=3', Value: 'OI-B7BFEF81FC34455F8C11F56F125B6F8B'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 10    : 
'TargetSQL|SELECT InstanceId FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_ComputerSystem
Where Name ='$CellNumber$' AND DatasetId ='BMC.ASSET'', Value: 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 11    : 
ReconciliationIdentity FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where 
email='$Unique_Users_EmployeeEmail$'AND assetlifecyclestatus=3', Value: 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 12    : 

FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_person_ where email= '$Unique_Users_EmployeeEmail$'AND 
assetlifecyclestatus=3', Value: 'OI-B7BFEF81FC34455F8C11F56F125B6F8B'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 13    : 
'TargetSQL|SELECT InstanceID FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_ComputerSystem
Where Name ='$CellNumber$' AND DatasetId ='BMC.ASSET'', Value: 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 14    : 
'constant|BMC.ASSET', Value: 'BMC.ASSET'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 15    : 
dbo.ast_computersystem.request_id,dbo.ast_computersystem.instance_ID from 
AND dbo.bmc_core_bmc_computersystem.instanceID=
(SELECT InstanceId FROM dbo.BMC_CORE_BMC_ComputerSystem
Where Name ='$CellNumber$' AND DatasetId ='BMC.ASSET')', Value: 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Setting field values of 
Target for mappings 'iSYS AssetPeopleForm'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 1     : <Form 
Type (id: 260100013)> set to 'People'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 2     : 
<PersonRole (id: 260100005)> set to '6000'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 3     : <Full 
Name (id: 260100003)> set to 'KXXXXH KXXXXr'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 4     : 
<PeopleGroup Form Entry ID (id: 260100006)> set to 'PPL000000011996'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 5     : <Asset 
ID+ (id: 260100008)> set to '2015551212'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 6     : 
<Assigned To (id: 4)> set to 'kxxxxh.kxx...@xxx.xxx'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 7     : <Short 
Description (id: 8)> set to 'Smart Phone'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 8     : 
<z1G_Global_AST_ProductionDataSetID (id: 1714600)> set to 'BMC.ASSET'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 9     : 
<PeopleGroupInstanceID (id: 301104200)> set to 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 10    : 
<AssetInstanceId (id: 301104100)> set to 'OI-DDA0D6E8D0E248A390C52D4B63180ABC'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 11    : <z1D 
Char01 (id: 1000000058)> set to 'OI-38C09755C9254DDFAAED880644B790C8'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 12    : <z1D 
Char02 (id: 303548600)> set to 'OI-B7BFEF81FC34455F8C11F56F125B6F8B'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 13    : <z1D 
Action2 (id: 301961700)> set to 'OI-DDA0D6E8D0E248A390C52D4B63180ABC'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 14    : 
<AssetSchemaName (id: 301199600)> set to 'BMC.ASSET'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   >     Rule 15    : <Asset 
Entry-ID (id: 260100009)> set to 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <DTL   > Adding entry 2015551212 
to form 'AST:AssetPeople'
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2080] - <TID: 001> <API   > + ARCreateEntry -- 
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2550] - <TID: 001> <ERR   > AddAssetToAR: Error 
processing entry 2015551212, form AST:AssetPeople
AddAssetToAR: AR API returned error during ARCreateEntry rc = 2
Required name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is empty. (102)
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2550] - <TID: 001> <API   > - ARCreateEntry    Failed
[Thu May 09 2013 11:23:00.2550] - <TID: 001> <ERR   > Entry 2015551212 was not 
added to AR

I am not understanding why this is happening?
Which Required name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is empty?

I do nto want to have to manually add the 18000 people to the CIs and I want 
this to be an automated weeklyy job so running it through DMT is not going to 
meet the requirement.

Any ideas? 



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