First off.....

ARS 7.6.04 patch 1
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
ITSM 7.6.04

MS SQL 2008 R2
Windwos Server 2008 R2 Standard

Linking to an Oracle 10g db

I am attempting to create a view form of the legacy server at my current
project.  It's a NON unicode database.  My current db is Unicode.

I've installed Oracle Client on the production db server.

I've tried 2 methods to connect

1.  I created an ODBC connection to the Oracle server.  I get a successfful
connection.  I then access the current SQL server and create a linked
server using the ODBC connection I had created.  All tables show up,
however when I attempt to select a table, I get an error that the table
(any of them) contains no columns or the current user does not have
permissions on that object.  This is strange as I am using the db owners
login to access the data.

Additionally, if I go ahead and attempt to create the view form at this
point, Remedy will pull back all of the fields on the form, but if I try to
save the form, I receive the ARError message 552:  "The SQL database
operation failed. : Invalid object name "\[2 task name]\[table name].  (SQL
Server 208)

2.  Instead of using the ODBC drivers, I instead tried to create the Linked
Server using the "Oracle Provider for OLE DB" provider.  I set it up with
the Product name of "Oracle" and the Data Source name is the appropriate 2
task name listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA file that I loaded on the server when
I installed the Oracle Client.  I am using the Oracle user that owns the db
to connect.  When I attempt to create it, I get the error "The Linked
server has been created but failed a connection test.  Do you want to keep
the linked server."  Additionally, it tells me that "An exception occurred
while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
(Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)" and "Cannot create an instance of OLE
DB Provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle for linked server "[2 task name]".  (Microsoft
SQL Server, Error:  7302).  Additionally, in the SQL Server log, I am
seeing the error "The OLD DB initialization service failed to load.
Reinstall Microsoft Data Access Components.  If the problem persists,
contact product support for the OLEDB provider."

I was going through the kbase and google, and I came across references to
making sure that Named Pipes and TCP are enabled (they are) and that the db
user (ARAdmin) has local admin privelages on the db server (it does).

I'm more than a bit stumped.  I don't currently have a lot of DBa support,
so I'm hoping someone in ARSlist land may have run into this and knows what
direction to point me.

Thanks much in advance!

Warren R. Baltimore II
Remedy Developer

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