Hi all,

I'm learning to install the 8.1 ITSM product line on a windows 2008 R2 
environment for development uses. I typically get the IIS webserver and Tomcat 
(7) running independently and then do the Remedy installation steps. I had some 
issues with the preconfigured suite installer that I won't bother going into in 
detail, and decided to install the ARS platform and do things the old fashioned 
way while I learned.

What has happened is I have the 8.1 ARS platform installed and it starts ok, 
but my security guys are reporting security risks against what I've done and 
I'm trying to learn from it. They are seeing an old version of Jetty that has a 
known hash collision vulnerability and advising I update it. Since I never saw 
anything mentioning Jetty during the install, my first task to find out which 
installer did what.

So my questions are as follows: 

On the application tier, what role does Jetty play if any?
What tools make use of this feature? (I might be able to skip installing some 
parts for now while I learn.)

It is possible this has nothing to do with the Remedy installation since my sys 
admins also do things on the server without 'fully' understanding the 
implications. I might be barking up the wrong tree. If anyone has any ideas on 
what the security finding might suggest, though, I'd appreciate it. 


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