I think the majority of those 740 only pay attention to the list when they have 
an issue they need help with and probably won't even read this thread. How many 
of those 740 posted more than 10 times since October (more than once a month)?  
I bet that 80% of the post come from less than 20% of the people.

"What is a good turnout" depends on how many people are actual active in the 
list. So I'd say if you get 10% or more (and I hope you do) or more than 74 
votes per round then you are getting a good turnout.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of LJ LongWing
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 2:51 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: ARSList Award Voting Time

My bad...I used the wrong email address :)....it is .com, not .org....


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:32 PM, LJ LongWing 
<lj.longw...@gmail.com<mailto:lj.longw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
So, Daniel and I have been talking offline regarding 'what is a good turnout'.  
Daniel says that 740 people have posted to the list since roughly 10/1/12...at 
this moment we are at 51 voters...that is roughly 6.9% of the readership that 
cares enough to look at the list and vote.  Looking at the US Presidential 
election, we average somewhere in the 50% turnout range, Daniel says that 
during its hay day, the voting got roughly 1/3 of the population voting...in 
this case that would be about 250 votes...we aren't even at 10% and I'm not 
sure if we will be able to reach it...so I pose this question to the list...and 
I would like to spark a lively discussion and debate on the list regarding this 

If you haven't voted yet, why not?

I have heard discussions in the past along the lines of 'I don't pay enough 
attention to be able to make an informed decision'...I counter that with 'you 
don't think that stops the US public when voting for their president, do 
you?'...no...that's not the right message...I'll counter with 'then pay more 
attention, do the research in your own mailbox, and help promote someone's 

Honestly, I have never gotten a job offer based on my nomination to MVP, nor my 
win last year, but I will tell you that my participation in this list has made 
me a better developer, and I think I speak for YOU, yes you...reading this, 
that you are a better developer, more aware of what trends are happening, and 
better equipped to do your job because of this list.  Subscription to the list 
is free, but I'm positive that running the list isn't free...someone is paying 
for the servers and bandwidth necessary to maintain it (no clue who foots those 
costs, but my guess would be Daniel)

I would say get off your butt and vote...but most of us type while sitting...so 
in this case I want you to stay sitting (if that's how you write emails), and 
send an email to 
arslistawa...@wwrug.com...vote<mailto:arslistawa...@wwrug.com...vote> for your 
top 3, and whomever you feel deserves the BMC Beyond the Call most.

So...out of the 740 people that posted in the last 'year' on the list...how 
many can we get to care enough about this award?

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:04 PM, LJ LongWing 
<lj.longw...@gmail.com<mailto:lj.longw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Interesting stats for you..42 votes thus far...out of the 11 nominees in both 
categories...only 5 of them have even voted yet, and only one of them voted for 
themselves :)

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:07 AM, LJ LongWing 
<lj.longw...@gmail.com<mailto:lj.longw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Wow...that lost steam ALLOT faster than expected...I hope I don't need to be 
like those political ads that you see 5 times in a 1 hour sitcom that you are 

Ok...we have 4,200 subscribed email addresses (who knows how many of those are 
distribution lists, so no real way of knowing actual subscriber base that will 
read this), we had roughly 7,000 posts since the beginning of October last year.

Now, granted, there are those people that only read their ARSList in daily 
digest format, so they may not have noticed the email yesterday...but 
seriously...only 12 people voting in the first day is a bit weak...especially 
with the outcry that we had last year about people caring about this.

So...lets get some votes in to 

Remember, give me your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for MVP, and your BMC Beyond 
the Call vote as well

we want to make sure the most deserving people are on that final 3 list for 
MVP, and the only way we can get that is if you tell us who deserves it.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:45 PM, LJ LongWing 
<lj.longw...@gmail.com<mailto:lj.longw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Please accept my sincerest apologies in the misspelling of your name.

It is now time to VOTE for this years ARSList MVP and BMC Beyond the Call.  The 
rules changed a bit this year regarding the nomination process, which allows us 
to have a larger pool of nominees than would normally be available, which 
brings its own challenges.  The voting will run 4 weeks this year.  I'm going 
to run it as several voting rounds with people being eliminated, and by the 
final round have finalists.  This year we have a record number of nominees.  
Here are the rules.

* Voting starts now and ends Sunday August 18th at 5PM EST
* Voting is by the Individual REAL person, so redistribution lists don't vote, 
your identity must be known, and those that have multiple subscriptions still 
get only one vote
* BMC Software employees on the ARSList are eligible to vote
* All decisions of myself or the oversight panel are final (if I have to make a 
controversial decision, I confer with 3 past MVP winners for their opinion)
* The Award will be made on Thursday October 3rd at WWRUG13: Award Ceremony 
during the WWRUG Awards keynote. [no one knows the winner(s) until then, well 
okay, except me and Daniel]
* PLEASE SEND VOTES TO arslistawa...@wwrug.com<mailto:arslistawa...@wwrug.com> 

Each Person voting gets to vote for their top 3 picks.  1st, 2nd, 3rd, each 
position has a weight to it.  At the end of 2 weeks, we will have a runoff of 
the top 3 nominees where we will use the same format, which should give us a 
clear winner, if a tie does occur, we will cull the 3rd place votes and see if 
that gives a winner.  In the unlikely event that we still don't have a winner, 
then just the top 1 vote will count.  If then, we still have a tie, Daniel and 
I will confer with past winners to break the tie.

MVP Nominees are
Axton Grams - Winner of the MVP in 2006, he is a steady member of the community 
that provides resources both on and off list.  His nomination this year called 
out his knowledge of integrations and server setups as a key factor of his 
helpful nature.
Carl Wilson - While a relative newcomer to the ARSList, Carl has been part of 
the BMC Remedy community for quite a few years and since joining the list has 
helped many members with a variety of problems.  His nomination this year 
specifically called out his knowledge on SRM and ITSM.
Claire Sanford - Claire is a staple of the ARSList, both asking questions and 
answering other peoples questions.  Her nomination this year didn't call out 
any specific areas of expertise, but instead discussed her general knowledge 
and willingness to help anyone.
David Easter - David is an ever present authority an all things Remedy.  His 
nomination this year discussed his in depth knowledge of documentation, quite 
often with links to the official BMC pages.  His posts are always thought out 
and detailed in nature.
Frederick W Grooms - A modern day renaissance man, Fred's nomination this year 
speaks to a man of many talents from workflow and upgrades to OS issues and 
more.  He often provides details that obviously require investigation and work 
on his end before responding.
Jason Miller - Often the purveyor of arcane knowledge, Jason is willing to help 
people both on and off list.  His nomination this year stated that Jason is so 
helpful in so many areas that it's hard to pinpoint specific areas of specialty.
Laurent Matheo - Laurent is new to the ARSList, but not new to Remedy.  After 
meeting him at last years RUG event and telling him that the ARSList is 'where 
it's at', he happily joined the list and has become a regular fixture seeming 
to specialize in thinking outside the box and finding creative solutions to 
everyday problems.
Mark Brittain - There almost isn't a day that goes by that you don't find Mark 
posting a question or answering one on the ARSList.  He is quite often ready to 
either come up with a creative solution to your problem, or point you to BMC 
Documentation on how to do it.
Tauf Choudhury - Tauf takes the ARSList to a whole different level by answering 
his posts while on the go.  Tauf regularly posts solutions to problem in every 
realm, but his contribution in the SRM arena was specifically called out in his 

The BMC Vote will be run in the standard one vote per person format for a 
period of 4 weeks total.

BMC Beyond the Call Nominees are
Doug Mueller - As THE founding father of Remedy, Doug has inside knowledge like 
no one else.  His posts to the list are regularly longer than average, and 
chock full of more information than you might get out of a week long training 
Ryan Downing - A relative newcomer to the list, Ryan has stepped up and is 
becoming a regular fixture.  His posts are knowledgeable, in depth, and quite 
often reported as fixing the problem.

Let the voting begin.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:16 PM, LJ LongWing 
<lj.longw...@gmail.com<mailto:lj.longw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
It is now time to VOTE for this years ARSList MVP and BMC Beyond the Call.  The 
rules changed a bit this year regarding the nomination process, which allows us 
to have a larger pool of nominees than would normally be available, which 
brings its own challenges.  The voting will run 4 weeks this year.  I'm going 
to run it as several voting rounds with people being eliminated, and by the 
final round have finalists.  This year we have a record number of nominees.  
Here are the rules.

* Voting starts now and ends Sunday August 18th at 5PM EST
* Voting is by the Individual REAL person, so redistribution lists don't vote, 
your identity must be known, and those that have multiple subscriptions still 
get only one vote
* BMC Software employees on the ARSList are eligible to vote
* All decisions of myself or the oversight panel are final (if I have to make a 
controversial decision, I confer with 3 past MVP winners for their opinion)
* The Award will be made on Thursday October 3rd at WWRUG13: Award Ceremony 
during the WWRUG Awards keynote. [no one knows the winner(s) until then, well 
okay, except me and Daniel]
* PLEASE SEND VOTES TO arslistawa...@wwrug.com<mailto:arslistawa...@wwrug.com> 

Each Person voting gets to vote for their top 3 picks.  1st, 2nd, 3rd, each 
position has a weight to it.  At the end of 2 weeks, we will have a runoff of 
the top 3 nominees where we will use the same format, which should give us a 
clear winner, if a tie does occur, we will cull the 3rd place votes and see if 
that gives a winner.  In the unlikely event that we still don't have a winner, 
then just the top 1 vote will count.  If then, we still have a tie, Daniel and 
I will confer with past winners to break the tie.

MVP Nominees are
Axton Grams - Winner of the MVP in 2006, he is a steady member of the community 
that provides resources both on and off list.  His nomination this year called 
out his knowledge of integrations and server setups as a key factor of his 
helpful nature.
Carl Wilson - While a relative newcomer to the ARSList, Carl has been part of 
the BMC Remedy community for quite a few years and since joining the list has 
helped many members with a variety of problems.  His nomination this year 
specifically called out his knowledge on SRM and ITSM.
Clair Sanford - Clair is a staple of the ARSList, both asking questions and 
answering other peoples questions.  Her nomination this year didn't call out 
any specific areas of expertise, but instead discussed her general knowledge 
and willingness to help anyone.
David Easter - David is an ever present authority an all things Remedy.  His 
nomination this year discussed his in depth knowledge of documentation, quite 
often with links to the official BMC pages.  His posts are always thought out 
and detailed in nature.
Frederick W Grooms - A modern day renaissance man, Fred's nomination this year 
speaks to a man of many talents from workflow and upgrades to OS issues and 
more.  He often provides details that obviously require investigation and work 
on his end before responding.
Jason Miller - Often the purveyor of arcane knowledge, Jason is willing to help 
people both on and off list.  His nomination this year stated that Jason is so 
helpful in so many areas that it's hard to pinpoint specific areas of specialty.
Laurent Matheo - Laurent is new to the ARSList, but not new to Remedy.  After 
meeting him at last years RUG event and telling him that the ARSList is 'where 
it's at', he happily joined the list and has become a regular fixture seeming 
to specialize in thinking outside the box and finding creative solutions to 
everyday problems.
Mark Brittain - There almost isn't a day that goes by that you don't find Mark 
posting a question or answering one on the ARSList.  He is quite often ready to 
either come up with a creative solution to your problem, or point you to BMC 
Documentation on how to do it.
Tauf Choudhury - Tauf takes the ARSList to a whole different level by answering 
his posts while on the go.  Tauf regularly posts solutions to problem in every 
realm, but his contribution in the SRM arena was specifically called out in his 

The BMC Vote will be run in the standard one vote per person format for a 
period of 4 weeks total.

BMC Beyond the Call Nominees are
Doug Mueller - As THE founding father of Remedy, Doug has inside knowledge like 
no one else.  His posts to the list are regularly longer than average, and 
chock full of more information than you might get out of a week long training 
Ryan Downing - A relative newcomer to the list, Ryan has stepped up and is 
becoming a regular fixture.  His posts are knowledgeable, in depth, and quite 
often reported as fixing the problem.

Let the voting begin.

_ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

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