So your MVP award last year was for Most Voluminous Poster?

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Longwing, Lj <> wrote:

> **
> That is may be back when 1/3 of the users may
> have been a significantly smaller list...and didn't come out and
> SAY it...but I'm sure I account for about 80% of the posts on the list :D
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Cecil, Ken <> wrote:
>> **
>> I think the majority of those 740 only pay attention to the list when
>> they have an issue they need help with and probably won’t even read this
>> thread. How many of those 740 posted more than 10 times since October (more
>> than once a month)?  I bet that 80% of the post come from less than 20% of
>> the people.****
>> ** **
>> “What is a good turnout” depends on how many people are actual active in
>> the list. So I’d say if you get 10% or more (and I hope you do) or more
>> than 74 votes per round then you are getting a good turnout.****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> Ken.****
>> ** **
>> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:
>> arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] *On Behalf Of *LJ LongWing
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 26, 2013 2:51 PM
>> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> *Subject:* Re: ARSList Award Voting Time****
>>  ** **
>> ** ****
>> My bad...I used the wrong email address :) is .com, not .org....***
>> *
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:32 PM, LJ LongWing <>
>> wrote:****
>> So, Daniel and I have been talking offline regarding 'what is a good
>> turnout'.  Daniel says that 740 people have posted to the list since
>> roughly 10/1/ this moment we are at 51 voters...that is roughly 6.9%
>> of the readership that cares enough to look at the list and vote.  Looking
>> at the US Presidential election, we average somewhere in the 50% turnout
>> range, Daniel says that during its hay day, the voting got roughly 1/3 of
>> the population this case that would be about 250 votes...we
>> aren't even at 10% and I'm not sure if we will be able to reach I
>> pose this question to the list...and I would like to spark a lively
>> discussion and debate on the list regarding this topic.****
>> ** **
>> If you haven't voted yet, why not?****
>> ** **
>> I have heard discussions in the past along the lines of 'I don't pay
>> enough attention to be able to make an informed decision'...I counter that
>> with 'you don't think that stops the US public when voting for their
>> president, do you?''s not the right message...I'll counter with
>> 'then pay more attention, do the research in your own mailbox, and help
>> promote someone's career'****
>> ** **
>> Honestly, I have never gotten a job offer based on my nomination to MVP,
>> nor my win last year, but I will tell you that my participation in this
>> list has made me a better developer, and I think I speak for YOU, yes
>> you...reading this, that you are a better developer, more aware of what
>> trends are happening, and better equipped to do your job because of this
>> list.  Subscription to the list is free, but I'm positive that running the
>> list isn't free...someone is paying for the servers and bandwidth necessary
>> to maintain it (no clue who foots those costs, but my guess would be Daniel)
>> ****
>> ** **
>> I would say get off your butt and vote...but most of us type while
>> in this case I want you to stay sitting (if that's how you
>> write emails), and send an email to for
>> your top 3, and whomever you feel deserves the BMC Beyond the Call most.*
>> ***
>> ** **
>> So...out of the 740 people that posted in the last 'year' on the
>> many can we get to care enough about this award?****
>> ** **
>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:04 PM, LJ LongWing <>
>> wrote:****
>> Interesting stats for you..42 votes thus far...out of the 11 nominees in
>> both categories...only 5 of them have even voted yet, and only one of them
>> voted for themselves :)****
>> ** **
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:07 AM, LJ LongWing <>
>> wrote:****
>> Wow...that lost steam ALLOT faster than expected...I hope I don't need to
>> be like those political ads that you see 5 times in a 1 hour sitcom that
>> you are watching.****
>> ** **
>> Ok...we have 4,200 subscribed email addresses (who knows how many of
>> those are distribution lists, so no real way of knowing actual subscriber
>> base that will read this), we had roughly 7,000 posts since the beginning
>> of October last year.****
>> ** **
>> Now, granted, there are those people that only read their ARSList in
>> daily digest format, so they may not have noticed the email yesterday...but
>> seriously...only 12 people voting in the first day is a bit
>> weak...especially with the outcry that we had last year about people caring
>> about this.****
>> ** **
>> So...lets get some votes in to****
>> ** **
>> Remember, give me your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for MVP, and your BMC
>> Beyond the Call vote as well****
>> ** **
>> we want to make sure the most deserving people are on that final 3 list
>> for MVP, and the only way we can get that is if you tell us who deserves it.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:45 PM, LJ LongWing <>
>> wrote:****
>> Claire,****
>> Please accept my sincerest apologies in the misspelling of your name.****
>> ** **
>> It is now time to VOTE for this years ARSList MVP and BMC Beyond the
>> Call.  The rules changed a bit this year regarding the nomination process,
>> which allows us to have a larger pool of nominees than would normally be
>> available, which brings its own challenges.  The voting will run 4 weeks
>> this year.  I'm going to run it as several voting rounds with people being
>> eliminated, and by the final round have finalists.  This year we have a
>> record number of nominees.  Here are the rules.****
>> ** **
>> * Voting starts now and ends Sunday August 18th at 5PM EST****
>> * Voting is by the Individual REAL person, so redistribution lists don't
>> vote, your identity must be known, and those that have multiple
>> subscriptions still get only one vote****
>> * BMC Software employees on the ARSList are eligible to vote****
>> * All decisions of myself or the oversight panel are final (if I have to
>> make a controversial decision, I confer with 3 past MVP winners for their
>> opinion)****
>> * The Award will be made on Thursday October 3rd at WWRUG13: Award
>> Ceremony during the WWRUG Awards keynote. [no one knows the winner(s) until
>> then, well okay, except me and Daniel]****
>> ** **
>> Each Person voting gets to vote for their top 3 picks.  1st, 2nd, 3rd,
>> each position has a weight to it.  At the end of 2 weeks, we will have a
>> runoff of the top 3 nominees where we will use the same format, which
>> should give us a clear winner, if a tie does occur, we will cull the 3rd
>> place votes and see if that gives a winner.  In the unlikely event that we
>> still don't have a winner, then just the top 1 vote will count.  If then,
>> we still have a tie, Daniel and I will confer with past winners to break
>> the tie.****
>> ** **
>> MVP Nominees are****
>> *Axton Grams* - Winner of the MVP in 2006, he is a steady member of the
>> community that provides resources both on and off list.  His nomination
>> this year called out his knowledge of integrations and server setups as a
>> key factor of his helpful nature.****
>> *Carl Wilson* - While a relative newcomer to the ARSList, Carl has been
>> part of the BMC Remedy community for quite a few years and since joining
>> the list has helped many members with a variety of problems.  His
>> nomination this year specifically called out his knowledge on SRM and ITSM.
>> ****
>> *Claire Sanford* - Claire is a staple of the ARSList, both asking
>> questions and answering other peoples questions.  Her nomination this year
>> didn't call out any specific areas of expertise, but instead discussed her
>> general knowledge and willingness to help anyone.****
>> *David Easter* - David is an ever present authority an all things
>> Remedy.  His nomination this year discussed his in depth knowledge of
>> documentation, quite often with links to the official BMC pages.  His posts
>> are always thought out and detailed in nature.****
>> *Frederick W Grooms* - A modern day renaissance man, Fred's nomination
>> this year speaks to a man of many talents from workflow and upgrades to OS
>> issues and more.  He often provides details that obviously require
>> investigation and work on his end before responding.****
>> *Jason Miller* - Often the purveyor of arcane knowledge, Jason is
>> willing to help people both on and off list.  His nomination this year
>> stated that Jason is so helpful in so many areas that it's hard to pinpoint
>> specific areas of specialty.****
>> *Laurent Matheo* - Laurent is new to the ARSList, but not new to Remedy.
>>  After meeting him at last years RUG event and telling him that the ARSList
>> is 'where it's at', he happily joined the list and has become a regular
>> fixture seeming to specialize in thinking outside the box and finding
>> creative solutions to everyday problems.****
>> *Mark Brittain* - There almost isn't a day that goes by that you don't
>> find Mark posting a question or answering one on the ARSList.  He is quite
>> often ready to either come up with a creative solution to your problem, or
>> point you to BMC Documentation on how to do it.****
>> *Tauf Choudhury* - Tauf takes the ARSList to a whole different level by
>> answering his posts while on the go.  Tauf regularly posts solutions to
>> problem in every realm, but his contribution in the SRM arena was
>> specifically called out in his nomination.****
>> ** **
>> The BMC Vote will be run in the standard one vote per person format for a
>> period of 4 weeks total.****
>> ** **
>> BMC Beyond the Call Nominees are****
>> *Doug Mueller* - As THE founding father of Remedy, Doug has inside
>> knowledge like no one else.  His posts to the list are regularly longer
>> than average, and chock full of more information than you might get out of
>> a week long training class.****
>> *Ryan Downing* - A relative newcomer to the list, Ryan has stepped up
>> and is becoming a regular fixture.  His posts are knowledgeable, in depth,
>> and quite often reported as fixing the problem.****
>> ** **
>> Let the voting begin.****
>> ** **
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:16 PM, LJ LongWing <>
>> wrote:****
>> It is now time to VOTE for this years ARSList MVP and BMC Beyond the
>> Call.  The rules changed a bit this year regarding the nomination process,
>> which allows us to have a larger pool of nominees than would normally be
>> available, which brings its own challenges.  The voting will run 4 weeks
>> this year.  I'm going to run it as several voting rounds with people being
>> eliminated, and by the final round have finalists.  This year we have a
>> record number of nominees.  Here are the rules.****
>> ** **
>> * Voting starts now and ends Sunday August 18th at 5PM EST****
>> * Voting is by the Individual REAL person, so redistribution lists don't
>> vote, your identity must be known, and those that have multiple
>> subscriptions still get only one vote****
>> * BMC Software employees on the ARSList are eligible to vote****
>> * All decisions of myself or the oversight panel are final (if I have to
>> make a controversial decision, I confer with 3 past MVP winners for their
>> opinion)****
>> * The Award will be made on Thursday October 3rd at WWRUG13: Award
>> Ceremony during the WWRUG Awards keynote. [no one knows the winner(s) until
>> then, well okay, except me and Daniel]****
>> ** **
>> Each Person voting gets to vote for their top 3 picks.  1st, 2nd, 3rd,
>> each position has a weight to it.  At the end of 2 weeks, we will have a
>> runoff of the top 3 nominees where we will use the same format, which
>> should give us a clear winner, if a tie does occur, we will cull the 3rd
>> place votes and see if that gives a winner.  In the unlikely event that we
>> still don't have a winner, then just the top 1 vote will count.  If then,
>> we still have a tie, Daniel and I will confer with past winners to break
>> the tie.****
>> ** **
>> MVP Nominees are****
>> *Axton Grams* - Winner of the MVP in 2006, he is a steady member of the
>> community that provides resources both on and off list.  His nomination
>> this year called out his knowledge of integrations and server setups as a
>> key factor of his helpful nature.****
>> *Carl Wilson* - While a relative newcomer to the ARSList, Carl has been
>> part of the BMC Remedy community for quite a few years and since joining
>> the list has helped many members with a variety of problems.  His
>> nomination this year specifically called out his knowledge on SRM and ITSM.
>> ****
>> *Clair Sanford* - Clair is a staple of the ARSList, both asking
>> questions and answering other peoples questions.  Her nomination this year
>> didn't call out any specific areas of expertise, but instead discussed her
>> general knowledge and willingness to help anyone.****
>> *David Easter* - David is an ever present authority an all things
>> Remedy.  His nomination this year discussed his in depth knowledge of
>> documentation, quite often with links to the official BMC pages.  His posts
>> are always thought out and detailed in nature.****
>> *Frederick W Grooms* - A modern day renaissance man, Fred's nomination
>> this year speaks to a man of many talents from workflow and upgrades to OS
>> issues and more.  He often provides details that obviously require
>> investigation and work on his end before responding.****
>> *Jason Miller* - Often the purveyor of arcane knowledge, Jason is
>> willing to help people both on and off list.  His nomination this year
>> stated that Jason is so helpful in so many areas that it's hard to pinpoint
>> specific areas of specialty.****
>> *Laurent Matheo* - Laurent is new to the ARSList, but not new to Remedy.
>>  After meeting him at last years RUG event and telling him that the ARSList
>> is 'where it's at', he happily joined the list and has become a regular
>> fixture seeming to specialize in thinking outside the box and finding
>> creative solutions to everyday problems.****
>> *Mark Brittain* - There almost isn't a day that goes by that you don't
>> find Mark posting a question or answering one on the ARSList.  He is quite
>> often ready to either come up with a creative solution to your problem, or
>> point you to BMC Documentation on how to do it.****
>> *Tauf Choudhury* - Tauf takes the ARSList to a whole different level by
>> answering his posts while on the go.  Tauf regularly posts solutions to
>> problem in every realm, but his contribution in the SRM arena was
>> specifically called out in his nomination.****
>> ** **
>> The BMC Vote will be run in the standard one vote per person format for a
>> period of 4 weeks total.****
>> ** **
>> BMC Beyond the Call Nominees are****
>> *Doug Mueller* - As THE founding father of Remedy, Doug has inside
>> knowledge like no one else.  His posts to the list are regularly longer
>> than average, and chock full of more information than you might get out of
>> a week long training class.****
>> *Ryan Downing* - A relative newcomer to the list, Ryan has stepped up
>> and is becoming a regular fixture.  His posts are knowledgeable, in depth,
>> and quite often reported as fixing the problem.****
>> ** **
>> Let the voting begin.****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_ ****
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>>  _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_
> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

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