Here is another idea in the communities to vote on:

Augment the current `! method of overriding Filter phases with a simple 
selection box in the Filter definition (somewhat like the Pool option for 

The options available could be:

    Blank (Null) - Filter follows normal Phasing (Phase is not overridden)

    1 - Filter runs in Phase 1 (same as the `! today)

    2 - Filter runs in Phase 2

    3 - Filter runs in Phase 3

Currently a developer appends the "`!" string to the end of the Filter name to 
indicate to the system that this filter needs to be executed in phase 1.  While 
this works alright for placing Filters in phase 1 there are times when it would 
be good to have a Filter forced into phase 3 (after all of the database commits 
have completed).  i.e. We have a requirement to push Remedy data to another 
system.  The options we currently have for this are:

    Web Services

The drawback to this method is that Set Fields run in phase 1 so we do not have 
access to the Request ID or Create Date fields on Submit. In order to use Web 
Services a developer must do some sort of push back to the form so the Web 
Service filter action can run in the Modify operation. This can require changes 
in other Filters to exclude this additional Modify from other business 

    A dbLink (Database to Database) with Direct SQL

            While this action does happen in phase 2 the drawback to using 
Direct SQL is that a developer has to create integer Display Only fields to 
hold Selection and Date values.

    A Run Process action to an external application/script

            While this approach runs in Phase 3 and can give the most 
flexibility it requires maintaining code/tools/scripts outside of ARS which in 
a lot of organizations is not allowed.

  The ideal approach would be to use Web Services, but have the Filter run in 
Phase 3.

Another example is when doing multiple pushes like walking a filter side table 
field.  If the developer needs to also work with some Display Only fields as 
part of the pushes the set fields actions run in Phase 1 so the end result is 
that all of the pushes get the same values as whatever the last set fields did. 
 The ideal approach here will be to keep the Set Fields and the Push actions in 
the same phase.

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