Give me a break – it has nothing to do with politics – the conference is a USER 
conference.  Do you think BMC took over the conference because they thought 
they could make money?  I would suggest it was more to gain control over their 
customer base and ENGAGE them to purchase more services from BMC.


They aren’t looking to cater to a few (20, 50, 100?) developers vs their 
customer or USER base.  I’ve been in a lot of meetings with customers and BMC 
recently and it’s all about their drive to not ‘customize’ the tool.   But 
enough venting.   As someone said – this thread has become long enough.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Rick Cook
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:54 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: ENGAGE



Let's keep politics off this list, ok?  Plenty to talk about on topic. 


On Jul 29, 2014 11:46 AM, "Brukeste G" < 
<> > wrote:


Bain capital has a relationship with BMC?  Mitt Romney?  Hmmmmm

On Jul 29, 2014, at 2:17 PM, Ken Pritchard < 
<> > wrote:


I’ve been reading this thread for the better part of 2 days now without 
commenting.  While I agree with the type of conference y’all are looking for, 
don’t forget what ‘we’ve’ allowed it to be called.


I think part of the disconnect is that it’s always been referred to as a ‘user 
group’ conference, not a developers conference.  Sounds like now that BMC-Bain 
has regained control of it they are treating it more strictly as a ‘user’ (as 
in customer) conference.  


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Lynn Larsen
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:06 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG> 
Subject: Re: ENGAGE



Do you really think that of the 20-some sessions still to be decided upon, that 
they will be focused on Remedy with the direction the rest of the 
agenda/sessions are going?  


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of LJ LongWing
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 12:12 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG> 
Subject: Re: ENGAGE



I think that was the attempt with the 'Subject to change' disclaimer at the 
bottom....but I personally dismissed that as 'we are covering our legal buts 
incase someone that's presenting pulls out', not 'we aren't finished publishing 
all of the sessions yet'


On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Jason Miller < 
<> > wrote:


So could a simple "here is what we have so far and we still have some to add" 
have avoided all of this?  My guess is we all would have been a bit quieter, at 
least until it was all published.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:00 AM, LJ LongWing < 
<> > wrote:

** 'plus' that I've seen so far is that they say that the catalog that 
we are looking at is a bit 'short'...meaning that they have stated it's only 
85% did the math...that means there are about another 20ish 
sessions still to be decided upon....will that be enough?  I'm not sure...I 
read on communities that most of the 'undecided' are in the track that Remedy 
resides it's possible that they will be adding sessions of a technical 
nature, but only time will tell.  Additionally, I saw that the 'early bird' 
timeframe was extended to Aug that gives people more time once the 
sessions are more finalized....I'm still watching the situation as it 
unfolds....we will see what we end up with at the end.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Jason Miller < 
<> > wrote:


I think what we see is the difference between a Remedy conference and a BMC 
conference (duh).  To expand on that obvious statement what we know and love is 
World Wide Remedy Users Group (WWRUG), Remedy is in the name.  BMC cannot cater 
to the Remedy community alone and neglect their other products (well they could 
but would probably upset the customers of the other products).  The conference 
that would have avoided all of this criticism from us likely would have looked 
very lopsided to non-Remedy customers and I imaging there were discussions 
around these points and a conscious decision that the conference had to be 


Claire pointed out they hired a company to help with the conference.  Since 
most of my IT career has been centered around Remedy I have not been to other 
corporate conferences however my guess is they look pretty similar to ENGAGE.  
BMC and the company helping them plan is likely using the usual format for a 
corporate event.  Unfortunately we have been spoiled and are use to getting the 
conference we want and that is designed to provide the maximum value for Remedy 
customers.  BMC is not and cannot provide that for us under the BMC-wide 


With that said I am still disappointed.  I feel they could have incorporated 
more technical, customer presentations and AR-specific content while using some 
of the lessons learned from the past 5 years of WWRUG and still providing a 
pretty balanced event (i.e. add some of the aspects we love to other product 
areas instead of taking away from Remedy).


A BMC event and WWRUG have two different focuses and I can't imagine them ever 
being close to the same thing.  The corporate run Remedy User Groups that we 
loved were hosted by Remedy Corp (ok so I never attended one of those but I 
know you guys and gals loved them).  Of course those catered to Remedy people, 
that was their only product family to focus on.


So I think the question is can a North America WWRUG and BMC corporate event 
exist in the same year?  I suspect with BMC back in the corporate event game 
they will not provide nearly the same level of sponsorship they have for 
previous WWRUGs.




On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Scott Philben < 
<> > wrote:


I'm not sure I could get to 5-6. 3-4 maybe. What would I do with the rest of my 


When I heard this was happening, I was excited. BMC was running it! The real 
insiders! There would be more discussions on the other BMC tools! All the good 
stuff all in one place! Adventure and excitement!


Now that I have seen the agenda, it's all about meh... Where are the technical 
discussions for us who don't need hand holding and the "New Remedy User 
Experience?" Where are the "ways to use Remedy that you never thought of?" How 
about Misi and seeing how he integrates things with Remedy? Where are the 
little customers and big customers explaining how they do things with Remedy?


This sounds like a lot of Marketing types there to sell me stuff.


And stop pushing The Cloud!


On Jul 29, 2014, at 11:49 AM, Rick Cook < 
<> > wrote:


Looks like they updated the session times to more reasonable values.  Some of 
that may be time zone adjustment, but at least evenings now look free for 
networking and other activities.  

I know that not everyone is ready for the advanced stuff, and that we need 
sessions at all levels.  But I see maybe 5-6 breakouts I would definitely 
attend.  The rest are kinda meh...



On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Warren R. Baltimore II 
< <> > wrote:


err...that would be San Jose....  heh...still haven't had my full load of 

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Warren R. Baltimore II 
< <> > wrote:

First off, as to Claire's earlier comment, I am truly flattered.....


I'm not sure why anyone would have thought this to be any different then it has 
ALWAYS been when BMC ran this thing.  I still remember giving an ear full to 
some poor staffer in San Diego back in 2006 (I think) about how upset I was 
that it was nothing more then one long marketing tool for the ITSM suite....  
At the time, all I did was development, and it was pretty darn evident that BMC 
no longer wished to sell the ARSystem as a development platform.


I've not been able to get to many of these since I left the University of 
Washington (it is so much harder to convince a profit motivated manager of 
these things then a University manager!), and I had hoped to go to this, but 
now I'm not so sure....  Maybe I'm just better off finding a good class 


BMC, you really need to start listening to this group.  They are some of your 
Remedy products biggest fans.  We can can be a bit of handful sometimes, but 
we're worth it!  Stop treating this as a way to just sell your products.  We've 
already bought into that.  Instead, think about how YOU can help US to better 
leverage these products.  Do a better job in running this event.  Perhaps give 
it to the education and engineering/R&D departments, and leave the sales staff 
at home!



On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Tami Palacky < 
<> > wrote:


too funny Jason!!!


seems they are going back to how BMC used to run the conference.  too bad there 
is no more WWRUG.  i guess the guys got burned out.  :(

On Monday, July 28, 2014 7:57:42 PM UTC-4, Jason Miller wrote:


By doing our own thing we would simply be creating an overlay on ENGAGE.  Once 
we create the overlay we can customize and changes by BMC won't have an impact. 
 Except if they delete one of us in base, that will have an impact on the 


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Tauf Chowdhury < 
<> > wrote:


Not if you do it from a hotel room though? I'll pitch in for a suite. We can 
set up a google hang out and a live tweet session. 


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:40 PM, laurent matheo < 
<> > wrote:


Yeah I proposed this... Somekind of "genius bar" or something, maybe panel 
like, or small breakouts or something...
Could have been setup like a "mini community onsite" using Matt for this...

Maybe we could squat the booth location for this when it's not attended? If 
it's like wwrug, it's just opened for lunch / not a long time, we could use the 
place to do some small groups about a theme or something?

So, a mix between the "bird & the feathers", "genius bar", "community" and 

We could even stream it live on the net so the others could see it (that could 
be a problem with BMC rules though).

On 29 Jul, 2014,at 01:36 AM, Tauf Chowdhury < 
<> > wrote:


I was willing to sponsor a technical/learning lab at the conference. Reached 
out to numerous people. Deaf ears. Oh well... I'm still going. Love networking 
(by networking I mean drinking) with you guys if you decide to go.


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:33 PM, Tauf Chowdhury < 
<> > wrote:

In browsing through the sessions and speakers, the title of unnamed speaker 
pretty much sums up my assessment of the catalog: Lead Technical Marketing 


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:31 PM, laurent matheo < 
<> > wrote:


The evening is still there, Tuesday from 6 to 8 PM:

But that's weird... Since breakouts continue from 6 to 9 PM on tuesday... So or 
you go stalk the Engineers (and potentially miss 2 breakouts), or you attend 
the breakouts (and miss the candy)?

On 29 Jul, 2014,at 01:26 AM, Rick Cook < 
<> > wrote:


And with so many evening sessions, where does the Evening with Engineering or 
the other evening activities go?  Will they even have them?


On Jul 28, 2014 4:24 PM, "Jason Miller" < 
<> > wrote:


Not impressed.  My first impress is welcome back BMC Marketing World.  We 
haven't missed you all these years.  Maybe I need to just let it soak in for a 
day or two?.?.?.


Unless I am overlooking something it seems there are very few presentations by 


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Sanford, Claire 
< <> > wrote:


Just shaking my head… 


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[] On Behalf Of laurent matheo 

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 5:32 PM


To: <> 
Subject: Re: ENGAGE




It seems the list is on now:

On 29 Jul, 2014,at 12:25 AM, "Sanford, Claire" < 
<> > wrote:

You are certainly trusting Terry!


I’ll wait for the agenda and hope they extend the early bird rate.   I can see 
it now… 

ME:  Hi Mr. Director, please spend thousands of dollars for me to be gone for 
almost a week for a conference where we have no idea what the content is.  
There is an early bird discount!!!

DIR:  Come back when you have an agenda and a firm grasp on what you sessions 
are going to attend AND how much you are going to spend.


ME:  Big Sigh…


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:...@ARSLIST.ORG] 
On Behalf Of Tauf Chowdhury 

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 4:52 PM

To: <> 
Subject:Re: ENGAGE




Is that like the "good faith" deposit at a car dealer? Say goodbye to that $75! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 28, 2014, at 5:49 PM, Terry Bootsma < 
<> > wrote:


I believe early bird pricing expires July 31st.   So, if the agenda is out 
today or tomorrow, that is just "under the wire".


However, I had to make a call last week,  so I registered and paid for the 
conference with the understanding that I could de-register up to a certain date 
with a $75.00 "admin" fee.  Well, we'll see about that.  :-) 








From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:...@ARSLIST.ORG] 
On Behalf Of Lynn Larsen 

Sent: July-28-14 5:03 PM

To: <> 
Subject:Re: ENGAGE



I’m glad I’m not alone in the trying to get approval for a conference that we 
have no idea what the content is… There should not be “early bird” pricing that 
expires before the detailed agenda is even published, in my opinion.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:...@ARSLIST.ORG] 
On Behalf Of Sanford, Claire 

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 3:55 PM

To: <> 
Subject:Re: ENGAGE




They missed one mark… in order to get a room you have to go through their 
conference desk.  We are adults.  We should be able to make our own 

If the conference is more “sales” than technical, there is no way I can get 
approval.  I’ll be disappointed if they go back to the way it was before it 
became WWRUG!


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:...@ARSLIST.ORG] 
On Behalf Of Jason Miller 

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 3:51 PM

To: <> 
Subject:Re: ENGAGE




I agree that our WWRUG friends are much better at communicating and giving 
people the information they need to decide, get approvals and make travel 
arrangements than BMC.  Let's just hope they don't completely miss the mark on 
this conference.




On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:47 AM, David Boylan < 
<> > wrote:

I still haven't seen much of what is being presented other that lots of 

Is this even worth going to?


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Tauf Chowdhury



Tauf Chowdhury

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Tauf Chowdhury

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Warren R. Baltimore II
Remedy Developer
410-533-5367 <tel:410-533-5367>  

Warren R. Baltimore II
Remedy Developer
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