Thanks for the post, Greg.

Yes, I tested that before posting and re-confirmed the bug remains with the 
"generic" example.  Here's the funniest part, when putting 3 panels in the 
panel holder,  the first 2 have a initial and max size of 200 and the 3rd has 
initial of 200 but max of STILL expanded the second panel and put the 
3rd panel at the bottom.

Just for giggles, I made another test with 3 panels that all were sized such 
that they maxed the holder size.  The holder was 630, each panel was 210 
initial and max.

Worked fine as expected, all 3 panels were normal.

Then I changed panel 2 to hidden.  

Bug displays again in that panel 1 expanded down to cover the space left by 
hiding panel 2 and meet panel 3, which was also normal

then I expanded the holder to 1800 and saved/re-cached.

panels 1 and 3 were as-spec'ed, panel 2 expanded past its definition to fill 
the empty holder space.

This is clearly a bug.

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