Thank you LJ.  I'm afraid the ideas for the c plugin haven't panned out,
but I have a better idea of what is in my config files now!  Always a good
thing.  I'm going to tackle the JAVA plugin now.  I'll let you know what I

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:50 AM, LJ LongWing <> wrote:

> **
> Warren,
> I first off apologize if any of this is rudimentary, or basic...but I want
> to make sure that everything is clear and understood properly :)
> So, there are two different types of plugins
> C - These plugins are loaded in the ar.cfg file with a line similar to
> Plugin: ServerAdmin.dll
> This is the only configuration, in general for these.  The C plugin server
> is loaded through the armonitor.cfg with a line that looks similar to
> "<install path>\arplugin.exe"  -i "<install path>" -m
> So, in your final example, the plug-in does not exist for server
> administration....the 'Plugin: ServerAdmin.dll' is the line you are looking
> for to exist in your ar.cfg file.
> The log file for C plugins is turned on/off through the Server Information
> Console for with the name 'Plugin'.
> The other Plugin server is going to be a Java one
> Java ones are significantly more complicated.  They are defined in
> multiple places.  First, in ar.cfg file, you will see a line similar to
> <server-name>:9999
> This line has several components that need to be explained, here is a
> template of this
> Server-Plugin-Alias: <what the workflow calls it> <what it's configured
> name is> <server the plugin server runs on>:<port the plugin server runs on>
> So....typically the first two are the same, unless you are wanting to run
> two different instances of the same plugin, in which case the alias (the
> first parameter would be different on the two instances, but the second
> would be the same)....
> Now, in Server group scenarios, each server in the server group is
> typically going to be running its own plugin servers, and you want the
> server to connect to its OWN plugin server, so the <server-name> is
> typically going to be that host, not the 'group' name, so I'll give an
> example
> Server 1:
> Server-Name: remedy-prod
> Server-Connect-Name: remedy-prod-node1
> Server 2:
> Server-Name: remedy-prod
> Server-Connect-Name: remedy-prod-node2
> So, in this case, remedy-prod is going to be typically a load balancer
> that at any point in time would point to either of the individual nodes,
> where as remedy-prod-node1/2, are going to be DNS aliases (or even host
> names) that point to a specific node.
> So, you will want your server-name in the Server-Plugin-Alias defined to
> point to either node 1 or node 2 (as appropriate)
> The 4th piece is the port.  This is defined in the pluginsvr_config.xml
> for that particular plugin server...the default one is 9999, but in ITSM,
> there are typically 3 or 4 of them that are running at any given time, so
> the port is typically specific to the server...I don't use ITSM, so I don't
> know their default ports for various functions
> Now....the Java plugin server is also started by the armonitor.cfg file,
> but looks more like this
> "<path to java>\java" -Xmx512m -classpath "<path to
> install>\pluginsvr;<path to
> install>\pluginsvr\arpluginsvr81_build001.jar;<path to
> install>\approval\bin\armaskingImpl81_build001.jar;<path to
> install>\arserver\api\lib\arcmnapp81_build001.jar"
> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain -x <server-name> -i "<path to
> install>" -m
> Now, the important thing I have found about this line is that the -i
> parameter should match what you have in your ar.cfg as the
> 'server-name' doesn't really NEED to as long as both respond to the
> same machine and such, but I have seen problems such as you are reporting
> that it can't connect, and I have never had anyone report that after making
> them the same, they still had problems.
> So, that's how the plugin server is loaded, and how the Remedy server
> references the plugin name, now, going back to what loads it...that's in
> the pluginsvr_config.xml file...for the one that defaults to 9999, that's
> in the <install directory>\pluginsvr folder.  Using the same example of the
> ARSYS.ALRT.TWITTER plugin, this is what actually LOADS that plugin
>     <plugin>
>       <name>ARSYS.ALRT.TWITTER</name>
>       <pathelement type="location"><path to
> install>/pluginsvr/aralerttwitter81_build001.jar</pathelement>
> <classname>com.bmc.arsys.plugins.alert.twitter.TwitterAlertDeliveryPlugin</classname>
>     </plugin>
> so, all 3 of those elements (ar.cfg, armonitor.cfg,
> and pluginsvr_config.xml) must be in place properly for the plugin to load
> properly.
> Now...logging for each Java Plugin server is defined in the
> respective log4j_pluginsvr.xml file for each plugin server.  You will find
> an entry in that file that looks something like
>   <appender class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender" name="PluginLog">
>     <param name="File" value="<path to
> install>/ARServer/Db/arjavaplugin.log"/>
>     <param name="MaxFileSize" value="5MB"/>
>     <!-- Keep two backups -->
> <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="2"/>
>     <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
>        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%t] %C (%F:%L) -
> %m%n"/>
>     </layout>
>   </appender>
> and then several lines that look like
>   <logger additivity="true" name="com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr">
>     <level value="warn"/>
>   </logger>
> I typically set all of these to debug.  These are not changeable during
> runtime like the C plugin I just set them to debug and let them run
> constantly.
> So.....with this, you should be able to take a look at your configurations
> and ensure that everything is correct.....please come back and ask any
> clarifying question you might have :)
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Warren R. Baltimore II <
>> wrote:
>> **
>> Good morning/afternoon/evening!
>> Recently, we've been seeing plugin errors creeping into our environment.
>> They have now gotten to a point where the system can no longer function as
>> designed.
>> ARS 7.6.04 Patch 5
>> CMDB 7.6.05 Patch 5
>> Mid-Tier 7.6.04 Patch 5
>> Apache Tomcat 6.0.20
>> Windows 2008 Standard Server (virtual)
>> MS SQL 2008
>> We are seeing similar issues with different functionality on both our Dev
>> and Prod environments.
>> 3 identical application servers and 3 identical Mid Tier servers (running
>> Apache Tomcat 6.0.20).
>> We see the following error when we try to create a "Seat" in our CMDB.
>> tli error - System error (connection refused)
>> If we attempt to open  the Impact Simulator, we see a similar error:
>> Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System Plug-In server :
>> [SERVER_GROUP_NAME] (9556) AIS.FILTERAPI : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error -
>> System error (Connection refused) (ARERR 8760)
>> We turned down 2 of the 3 app servers and did not receive the error.
>> However when we bring up the other 2, we continue to see them.
>> We see similar errors, but they come about differently.
>> Single app server and a single mid tier.
>> When we open the "AR System Administration: Server Information" form, we
>> see this error:
>> The specified plug-in does not exist. :
>> I've checked our ar.cfg files and armonitor files and they seem to be
>> pointing to all the right places.  I can't find anything that is specific
>> to this error in the kbase (although I've found things similar).  When I
>> run through the troubleshooting for these similar things, everything seems
>> to be OK.
>> We have turned on just about every type of logging we can thing of.  And
>> other than the Plug in does not exist error, we haven't found anything.
>> I suspect I have missed something.  I'm hoping this will ring a bell with
>> someone out there.
>> I did open a ticket with BMC.  They have escalated the issue to
>> Engineering.
>> Any help would be most appreciated.
>> Thank you in Advance!
>> Warren
>> --
>> Warren R. Baltimore II
>> Remedy Developer
>> 410-533-5367
>>  _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_
> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

Warren R. Baltimore II
Remedy Developer

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