Agung Nugroho Widhi

--- On Sat, 2/28/09, Ruang MES 56 <> wrote:

From: Ruang MES 56 <>
Subject: ((INVITATION)) PERSONA - A Solo Exhibition by Benjamin Miloux
To: "Adhin" <>
Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 4:59 PM




Wednesday / 4th of March 2009

07.30 PM

Ruang MES 56

Jl. Nagan Lor 17, Patehan, Kraton,


Exhibition ends

18th of March 2009


Saturday / 21st of March 2009

07.30 PM
Ruang MES 56

Jl. Nagan Lor 17, Patehan, Kraton,



"Persona", I extend my research on "being" and "appearing" while
focusing on the ritual usage and, especially, on the conception of the

"Persona" originates from the decontextualisation of my identity
triggered by my stay in Indonesia. The transition period between two
different life contexts enticed me to wonder about the representation
of my own identity outside its context of origin.

Thus, I wanted to extract all contextual references out of the
mask, conceived as a tool of both change of identity and revelation of

By placing my hands over my face in different
configurations, I have therefore created my own game of masks. These
masks are constructed from the different facets of my personality, to
which I added a number of visual symbols at the time of conception.

The very gesture of hiding my face reveals my identity. 

a complement to "Persona", I created "WanderWall", a wall made of body
parts as a direct picture of the symbolic weight of the other parts of
the body besides the face. For example, the torso, carrier of the
classical characteristics of Western masculinity, is used as an element
of wall construction, is used as a brick. And, through these bricks, my
body speaks.

But my body lies.

Because this wall is only an inert
surface, it only has a visual density. And is incapable of withstanding
the environment which surrounds it.


22 years old guy is in his first year of taking a Master degree at
Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, actively doing
research on humanity, its connection with environment and himself
through Sociology, Anthropology, and also through the exploration on
visual and audiovisual images.

He is currently participating in a residency program in Yogyakarta
for 6 months in cooperation with Lembaga Indonesia Prancis Yogyakarta. 

works try to question the frontiers implemented by humanity to
differentiate itself from nature. By asking such questions, he hopes it
will allow him to know better not only where mankind stands in this
world but also where he himself stands. The frontiers between species,
the definition of a landscape, and the appropriation of nature by human
beings can be questioned. One of the subjects of his reflection is the
frontiers that humanity has implemented in its social behavior in order
to get out of animalism and thus become “civilized”. In such context,
his objective is to study the techniques used daily by human beings in
order to preserve a certain idea of civilization and to secure the
harmony within human society.

>From this experience in residency, and after the presentation of
his work he made at mes 56, he opened the frontiers of his researchs.
The confrontation of his reflexions and many differents indonesian's
points of view, during his presentation, generate a lot of questions. 

Persona is the first result of these questions. 

CP: Ina +62 819 0371 5656

Ruang MES 56
Jalan Nagan Lor no.17, Patehan Kraton
Yogyakarta 55133 Indonesia
Ph: +62 274 375131 +62 817 915 1155 I



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