Opps. I just realised that isn¹t exactly what you meant.
I am not sure that there is a way of doing this in Artemis easily and you
may need a script.


On 12/12/07 10:40, "Tim Carver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Mel
> You can use the ŒCreate Intron Features¹ option under the Create menu and then
> write those to file.
> Regards
> Tim
> On 12/12/07 09:39, "Duffield Melanie L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> I would like to extract all the non-coding region of sequence from my
>> bacterial sequence and write this out to a file.  Is there any way of doing
>> this in Artemis?  I can select all CDS or genes and I've tried toggle
>> selection but this then selects any features not previously selected rather
>> than DNA sequence not included.
>> Thanks 
>> mel 
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