Dear ARTS users and developers,

I have recently started learning ARTS and appreciate its extreme flexibility.

According to the documentation, ARTS does not include an option of using 
FASTEM6 water surface model, however I see some evidence people have used it, 
for example here in Mr. Oliver Lemke's repository and in Mr. Stuart 
Fox's email to the list in November 2018.

I am struggling though to come up with a controlfile that would call FASTEM6. 
So I am kindly asking if anyone could please share a minimum working example of 
how to do that?

Also, a workaround that could work for my purposes would be reading surface 
reflectivities from a file, which I tried. It seems to me, however, that 
surface emissivities are always computed as (1-reflectivity), which is not the 
case for FASTEM. Thus my question: is it possible to override surface 
emissivity and to read it from a file instead?

Looking forward to hear your valuable advice.

Best regards,


Natalia Bliankinshtein

Research Council Officer/Agent du Conseil de recherches
NRC Aerospace/CNRC AĆ©rospatiale
National Research Council Canada/Conceil National de recherches Canada
1200 Montreal Rd, Ottawa (Ontario)  K1A 0R6
Bldg/Edifice U-61 | Rm/Ch. 233A
1920 Research Private
Tel.: (613) 998-5349 | Cellphone: (343) 549-4262

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