Dear Natalia,

Yes, FASTEM is at hand, but it is a bit tricky to give a general answer. It depends on e.g.

* Do you want to retrieve any surface properties?

* Do you want to set specific wind speeds etc, or do you want to obtain wind speed etc. by interpolation from some data?

Can you give us some more information?



On 2019-03-06 20:51, Bliankinshtein, Natalia wrote:
Dear ARTS users and developers,

I have recently started learning ARTS and appreciate its extreme flexibility.

According to the documentation, ARTS does not include an option of using FASTEM6 water surface model, however I see some evidence people have used it, for example here in Mr. Oliver Lemke's repository and in Mr. Stuart Fox's email to the list in November 2018.

I am struggling though to come up with a controlfile that would call FASTEM6. So I am kindly asking if anyone could please share a minimum working example of how to do that?

Also, a workaround that could work for my purposes would be reading surface reflectivities from a file, which I tried. It seems to me, however, that surface emissivities are always computed as (1-reflectivity), which is not the case for FASTEM. Thus my question: is it possible to override surface emissivity and to read it from a file instead?

Looking forward to hear your valuable advice.

Best regards,


*Natalia Bliankinshtein*

Research Council Officer/Agent du Conseil de recherches
NRC Aerospace/CNRC Aérospatiale
National Research Council Canada/Conceil National de recherches Canada
1200 Montreal Rd, Ottawa (Ontario)  K1A 0R6
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