Hi Shaofei,

You can pass the robust=1 option to ybatchCalc to avoid termination on failed 
batch cases.


> On 20. Nov 2023, at 11:20, Shaofei Wang <wangshaofei...@163.com> wrote:
> Hi, all 
> When i use ybatchCalc to simulate bt, some errors are triggered and then ARTS 
> terminates.
> I would like to ask if there is a way to skip the wrong simulation and move 
> on to the next simulation.
> I've tried converting .arts to.py and adding "try" and "except" in the .py 
> file. 
> However, it seems that try and except must be placed in the 
> ybatch_calc_agenda. 
> Therefore, i set allow_callbacks=True and ws.Touch(y, y_aux, jacobian). But 
> it still can't work correctly.
> Best regards,
> Shaofei Wang

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