Dear Joe,
  while i am tempted to call you names, or mock your lack of 
investigative ability i will simply provide FACTS.

  In regards to the first point. I was simply stating that the 
sidewalk was currently clear. While it can be inferred, by my 
statement 'is no longer blocked..', that i was implying that it was 
indeed blocked, my sole intention was to point out that it was 
currently clear. It was a response to the original post. If i would 
have realized it would have filled you with such anger, i would have 
made my sentiments more clear. Rest assured, I will take care in the 
future not to enrage you over petty semantics.

Now for the fun part.

first off the mystery post I was referring to about discussion on 
6th ave and Dr Ahn's response can actually be found here, reprinted 
from, compliments of Skip (skippy, i owe you one for 
this, it was driving me f'ng nuts that i could no longer find it)..

as i stated previously, it is dated 2002. So it MIGHT have been out 
of date in todays asbury reality if not for the FACTS (more on that 

for yucks, i am throwing in Kate's opinion piece where it is 
discussed building a safety net for Dr Ahn into the plan 
(compensated with reserved on-street parking)..

also dated 2002. I am unsure if this provision was tied into the 
agreement/proposal. But if i was a gambling man, I would say no.

I know its been fun up to here, but here's where it gets 
exceptionally good.

please refer to the 'official' city of Asbury Park's website for the 
following document:

(for those who dont want to wait for the pdf to load, i will cover 
the salient points right here before your very eyes..first let me 
say that i have nothing up my sleeves, well other than my arms)..

this is section h (pages 82-88) of the waterfront redevelopment 
plan..its called the 'Implementation' section. It is also 
an 'amendment' to the original plan (their words not mine) {pay 
attention joe, this is where your investigative skills need work, 
but i will give you an A+ in Berating 101, and an 'O' for 
Outstanding under skill sets in regards to your ability to exhibit 
the fact that you are a total knob)..anyway back to the facts.. 
where was i, oh yeah..the really good part..section h, 
implementation, Part 4.1 - "Property Aquisition"..i can't take the 
suspense any more so i will skip past all of the other properties 
that are now considered fair game for eminnent domain..hey that 
rhymes, maybe i should take up poetry..anyway back to skipping right 
to the really really really good part..this is a verbatim paste from 
that document (drumroll please...cue the royal horns..)

Berkeley Carteret Hotel (Block 192, Lot 1): The plan envisions re-
opening Sixth Avenue (both sides) between Kingsley Street and Ocean 
Avenue to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. It is not the intention 
of the Plan to acquire the Hotel property unless the cost of re-
opening Sixth Avenue would necessitate it or if the Hotel falls into 
a state of disrepair. 

i hit the super not only mentions sixth ave and the 
Berkeley, but it also all comes uner the section that uses 'eminent 
domain' in the description. 

i know what your were so damn sure it was Professor 
Plum with the candlestick in the kitchen..oh well better luck next 

word of the day
n : overbearing pride or presumption

here is an example of it used in a sentence..
  Joe, I hope you enjoyed this educational asbury moment brought to 
you as a sole byproduct of your hubris.

  Please, next time don't be a jackass, this time of the year i am 
busy with work and it's bad for me to be diverted to formulate such 
a response. 
  A simple 'Tony, I don't think you have your facts straight, can 
you provide documentation that supports your crack pot statments?', 
would have done nicely and would have resulted in a much shorter 
response, directing you politely to the aforementioned websites.

 In your defense, maybe you were confused by my statement about 
the 'closing' of 6th ave. I should have been clearer in that i was 
talking about the closing of the 6th ave parking lot, which a former 
owner of the Berkeley purchased, resulting from the 'opening' up of 
6th ave. In addition, as part of the coversation I have clearly 
labeled as RUMOR, there was something mentioned about zoning and 
required parking space as a way to enable shutting the berkeley 
down, paving the way for eminent domain takeover due to closure. Not 
that I am saying that Asbury would ever ever be embroiled in 
questionable zoning practices. That was my original point, I never 
mentioned the redevelopment deal. It wasnt until you insisted i was 
a liar and a inuendo-er that I took the 5 minutes it takes to 
actually read the redevlopment plan. Actually, I should thank you 
for that because your arrogance resulted in me actually being able 
to present the FACTS and point out (with much glee i might add) that 
it never pays to open your mouth without thinking.
  Regardless, I have just three things left to say
  (A) I stand by my promise, in an effort to prevent sending you 
into a state that promotes such acrid responses, to take care with 
semantics in the future. 
  (B) as a consolation prize, I have peppered this response with 
questionable grammer and did no spell check. This at least gives you 
something to respond to me about and still save face.
  (C) Lastly, your debate fung-fu is very weak.

awaiting your (no doubt) spirited response..

P.s. Sorry about not being able to resist the temptation to call you 
names or question you investigative ability. but giving into 
temptation is the Asbury way.

--- In, Joe D'Andrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 2:18 AM +0000 3/31/05, Tony Tedesco wrote:
> >I am usually prettygood about being able to back up what i 
> >now though
> Re: Anybody's: The sidewalk was never blocked. The owner is 
complaining about the roadway not the sidewalk. The sign he refers 
to did/does indeed say sidewalk is closed but it is not referring to 
his sidewalk.
> Re: Berkeley: There is no mention of closing sixth avenue in the 
redevelopment plan or the redevelopers agreement. There is no 
mention of closing, taking over or acquiring by means of eminent 
domain the berkeley hotel due to street closure of sixth avenue or 
any other street.
> Re: "the sixth avenue option" ... never happened.
> This mailing list is filled with half-truths, incorrect 
assumptions, innuendo and outright lies.
> ~joe

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