"What concerns me about some of the candidates running?  They're
presenting themselves as picture-perfect paragons of knowing exactly
what needs – and needed - to be done. [No, they're stating what has
become too painfully obvious; the development agreement is so
obviously unjust, that its supporters must be held to account for
their stupidity, naiveté or complicity in agreeing to this fraud.] 
The hubris behind their way of thinking, having not spent ten minutes
in the position they're claiming to know all about, is alarming.  If
the job were that easy, everyone would be doing it." [No, they're
stating that council having thrown caution to the wind and ignored the
complexity of the job must be held to account for their stupidity,
naiveté or complicity in enacting this fraud.]  

`"When the Loffredo, Sanders, Bruno and Johnson ticket states, "The
future started here" they're not claiming that along the way
everything went perfectly. [No, that's exactly what they claim; worse
they're unable to acknowledge the error of their ways.]  To me, the
slogan simply says, quite appropriately, "Look around, after decades
of nothing, and worse, the future started…"'   
"Progress has begun.  Begun. [The only thing begun is the rape of the
waterfront.]  We're far from where we need to be. Unfortunately so
much of what I see swirling around the current political season is a
misguided attempt to throw the baby out with the bathwater. [There is
no baby; there is only a horrendous miscarriage, a shortsighted
wasting of Asbury's future to enable Weldon to make a quick buck.]  A
thinking that could, quite effectively, halt any progress.  Mire it in
an unnecessary, and sure to be difficult, learning curve for
inexperienced electees." [We've already suffered the waste caused by
what remains after 4 years an incompetent and inexperienced council;
it's time we demand openness, performance and honesty.]

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey Gang:
> Today, every address in Asbury Park, whether they subscribe or not,
> or was mailed a complimentary copy of The Coaster.  In it, is the 
> Pride Perspective column on the upcoming City Council election.
> Following the column, I address what a few of you have pointed out -
 that am 
> no longer a member of the AP Action Board of Trustees.
> Thanks for your time.
> Dane Hall
> 1103 Fourth Avenue
> The Pride Perspective by Dane Hall 
> The Coaster 
> Issue date:  4/28/05 
> “Dane Hall for City Council 2005.”   
> I was honored when, for a brief time, some believed I would be a good  
> candidate in this year’s Asbury Park elections.   
> (I know -  the thought boggles the mind!) 
> However, I wasn’t the right person for the job -  on a lot of
levels â€" and I 
> was smart enough to know it.  Not only not the right person, but 
> not qualified for what Asbury Park needs at this critical time in its  
> history. 
> On May 10th, what are needed are people  deeply knowledgeable about the 
> complicated, and often complex, inner workings of  our town.  I’ve
only lived in 
> Asbury  with Edward for four years and even then, primarily on the
> Yet, I  understand that “deeply knowledgeable” isn’t the same
as having opinions 
> on  what’s going on in town â€" a distinction more than a few
> running for  office have still to grasp. 
> On May 10th, what are needed are  people who can understand and
> that politics is, has, and always will  be about the art of
compromise while 
> continuing to strive towards a firm  goal.  Um…I wouldn’t count
the  ability to 
> compromise among my strongest traits.  <Grin>   
> What concerns me about some of the  candidates running?  They’re 
> themselves as picture-perfect paragons of knowing exactly what needs
 â€" and 
> needed - to be done.  The  hubris behind their way of thinking,
having not spent 
> ten minutes in the  position they’re claiming to know all about,
is alarming. 
>  If the job were that easy, everyone  would be doing it.   
> Myself included. 
> On May 10th, what are needed are people  strong enough to understand
> accept that along the way, they will make  mistakes.   People strong
 enough to 
> have a firm grasp on the reality of what holding public office 
means.  People 
> who are up and  running and have a solid sense of what’s required
and who can 
> continue the  momentum Asbury  Park so desperately needs. 
> In other words, who can offer  stability. 
> When the Loffredo, Sanders, Bruno and  Johnson ticket states, “The
> started here” they’re not claiming that along  the way
everything went 
> perfectly.  To me, the slogan simply says, quite appropriately,
“Look around, after  
> decades of nothing, and worse, the future started…”   
> Progress has begun.  Begun.  We’re far from where we need to  be. 
> Unfortunately so much of what I see swirling  around the current
> season is a misguided attempt to throw the baby out  with the
bathwater.  A 
> thinking that  could, quite effectively, halt any progress.  Mire it
in an 
> unnecessary, and sure to  be difficult, learning curve for
inexperienced electees. 
> Well ya know what?  Life isn’t perfect.  Politicians aren’t
perfect.  Babies 
> aren’t perfect.  And yes, running tickets aren’t perfect.  But
does that 
> justify or warrant discarding any of them outright because things 
aren’t spot on 
> every time?   Or  even some of the time? 
> On May 10th, what are needed are people  who understand that
diversity is not 
> about any one group’s “special rights” â€" or  that any one
group “needs” 
> more support over another.  Diversity is the tacit understanding and
> everyone is equal.  Period.  When candidates perceive pockets of
citizens as “
> special groups” or separate  communities then how can they promise
to govern for 
> all the same way? 
> There is nothing more offensive to me than  someone who’s straight
boasting, “
> There is no bigger advocate for gays or  lesbians than myself.”   
> Um…wrong.  There are.  They’re gay men  and lesbians!  I’m not
saying we  don
> ’t appreciate the help and support, but let’s be honest,
straight people 
> have  no idea what our struggle is really about.  They can’t. 
They can  
> appreciate it, but they can’t know it. 
> For example, I don’t portend to fully know  what the Civil Rights
> has been like for black Americans.   I haven’t traveled that awful
 road.  I’ve 
> only traveled mine.  I can appreciate their struggle; have  empathy
for them 
> but I would never dare say there is no bigger advocate for  their
> than myself.                                                       
> On May 10th, what are needed are five  people willing to suffer the 
> accusations of fools; withstand the criticism of  the
quick-to-judge; and defy the 
> naked agendas of others.  
> Granted there are those running for office who  hold high some very
valid and 
> lofty goals.  Absolutely.  But they haven’t  spent sufficient time
in the 
> trenches of local government that will enable them  to makes those
dreams a 
> reality.  There is no teacher better than experience. 
> All of the above are the reasons why come May  10th, I’ll be
casting my votes 
> for stability.   I’ll be casting my votes for  maintaining an, at
> imperfect momentum.  I’ll be casting my votes for the ticket  of
> Sanders, Bruno, and Johnson.  My fifth vote will go to Pam
Lamberton.  #4,5,6,7 & 8. 
> And I will breathe a sigh of genuine relief that I  would not have
been faced 
> with the reality of not voting for myself. 
> Now, re: AP Action and myself: 
> "As it's been pointed out by a couple of people that I'm no longer
on  the 
> Board of Trustees of AP Action (a group I whole-heartedly support
and know  has 
> our city's best interests at heart) the reason I'm happy to share, 
is hardly 
> controversial and honestly quite a good one. 
> In fact, it's pretty obvious: The roster of the many, many very 
smart and 
> very organized people attached to this group!  
> Seeing that AP Action was in such strong and capable hands, I felt I
> able to focus my full attention to another equally worthwhile group
I've  been 
> fortunate enough to be associated with for a couple of years, The
Asbury  Park 
> Marketing Fund and the upcoming RoadTrip 4.
> That being said, what AP Action is doing is hardly easy, not always
fun,  but 
> very important and worth people stepping back and taking a few
moments to  
> look at the bigger picture.  This group has publicly put themselves
on  the line 
> in ways few others have been willing to do.  That, to me,  is at
least worth 
> your respect and appreciation for what they are trying to  accomplish.
> What saddens me though, and you would think after four years  of
listening to 
> and being on the receiving end of the  same crap and the same
comments, the 
> effect would be less - is the  sheer level of nastiness that's being
> at the members of AP  Action.  
> And the most hypocritical part of all?  A great deal of this 
nastiness is 
> Folks, as others have said, if you don't agree with what the
candidates AP  
> Action has chosen, no one, NO ONE, is judging YOU!  
> Or saying ANYTHING bad about YOU!  That's your American right to 
chose.  To 
> vote!   Go do it!
> Make your case with the group! 
> Detail YOUR candidates qualifications!  Spread the word!
> But honestly, get up off your butts, and take ACTION yourselves!
> But please, stop spreading the hate.  
> Good God, isn't there enough of it already in the world without
spreading  it 
> among ourselves???
> Hey Gang:
> Today, every address in Asbury Park, whether they subscribe or not,
> or was mailed a complimentary copy of The Coaster.  In it, is the 
> Pride Perspective column on the upcoming City Council election.
> Following the column, I address what a few of you have pointed out -
 that am 
> no longer a member of the AP Action Board of Trustees.
> Thanks for your time.
> Dane Hall
> 1103 Fourth Avenue
> The Pride Perspective by Dane Hall 
> The Coaster 
> Issue date:  4/28/05 
> “Dane Hall for City Council 2005.”   
> I was honored when, for a brief time, some believed I would be a good  
> candidate in this year’s Asbury Park elections.   
> (I know -  the thought boggles the mind!) 
> However, I wasn’t the right person for the job -  on a lot of
levels â€" and I 
> was smart enough to know it.  Not only not the right person, but 
> not qualified for what Asbury Park needs at this critical time in its  
> history. 
> On May 10th, what are needed are people  deeply knowledgeable about the 
> complicated, and often complex, inner workings of  our town.  I’ve
only lived in 
> Asbury  with Edward for four years and even then, primarily on the
> Yet, I  understand that “deeply knowledgeable” isn’t the same
as having opinions 
> on  what’s going on in town â€" a distinction more than a few
> running for  office have still to grasp. 
> On May 10th, what are needed are  people who can understand and
> that politics is, has, and always will  be about the art of
compromise while 
> continuing to strive towards a firm  goal.  Um…I wouldn’t count
the  ability to 
> compromise among my strongest traits.  <Grin>   
> What concerns me about some of the  candidates running?  They’re 
> themselves as picture-perfect paragons of knowing exactly what needs
 â€" and 
> needed - to be done.  The  hubris behind their way of thinking,
having not spent 
> ten minutes in the  position they’re claiming to know all about,
is alarming. 
>  If the job were that easy, everyone  would be doing it.   
> Myself included. 
> On May 10th, what are needed are people  strong enough to understand
> accept that along the way, they will make  mistakes.   People strong
 enough to 
> have a firm grasp on the reality of what holding public office 
means.  People 
> who are up and  running and have a solid sense of what’s required
and who can 
> continue the  momentum Asbury  Park so desperately needs. 
> In other words, who can offer  stability. 
> When the Loffredo, Sanders, Bruno and  Johnson ticket states, “The
> started here” they’re not claiming that along  the way
everything went 
> perfectly.  To me, the slogan simply says, quite appropriately,
“Look around, after  
> decades of nothing, and worse, the future started…”   
> Progress has begun.  Begun.  We’re far from where we need to  be. 
> Unfortunately so much of what I see swirling  around the current
> season is a misguided attempt to throw the baby out  with the
bathwater.  A 
> thinking that  could, quite effectively, halt any progress.  Mire it
in an 
> unnecessary, and sure to  be difficult, learning curve for
inexperienced electees. 
> Well ya know what?  Life isn’t perfect.  Politicians aren’t
perfect.  Babies 
> aren’t perfect.  And yes, running tickets aren’t perfect.  But
does that 
> justify or warrant discarding any of them outright because things 
aren’t spot on 
> every time?   Or  even some of the time? 
> On May 10th, what are needed are people  who understand that
diversity is not 
> about any one group’s “special rights” â€" or  that any one
group “needs” 
> more support over another.  Diversity is the tacit understanding and
> everyone is equal.  Period.  When candidates perceive pockets of
citizens as “
> special groups” or separate  communities then how can they promise
to govern for 
> all the same way? 
> There is nothing more offensive to me than  someone who’s straight
boasting, “
> There is no bigger advocate for gays or  lesbians than myself.”   
> Um…wrong.  There are.  They’re gay men  and lesbians!  I’m not
saying we  don
> ’t appreciate the help and support, but let’s be honest,
straight people 
> have  no idea what our struggle is really about.  They can’t. 
They can  
> appreciate it, but they can’t know it. 
> For example, I don’t portend to fully know  what the Civil Rights
> has been like for black Americans.   I haven’t traveled that awful
 road.  I’ve 
> only traveled mine.  I can appreciate their struggle; have  empathy
for them 
> but I would never dare say there is no bigger advocate for  their
> than myself.                                                       
> On May 10th, what are needed are five  people willing to suffer the 
> accusations of fools; withstand the criticism of  the
quick-to-judge; and defy the 
> naked agendas of others.  
> Granted there are those running for office who  hold high some very
valid and 
> lofty goals.  Absolutely.  But they haven’t  spent sufficient time
in the 
> trenches of local government that will enable them  to makes those
dreams a 
> reality.  There is no teacher better than experience. 
> All of the above are the reasons why come May  10th, I’ll be
casting my votes 
> for stability.   I’ll be casting my votes for  maintaining an, at
> imperfect momentum.  I’ll be casting my votes for the ticket  of
> Sanders, Bruno, and Johnson.  My fifth vote will go to Pam
Lamberton.  #4,5,6,7 & 8. 
> And I will breathe a sigh of genuine relief that I  would not have
been faced 
> with the reality of not voting for myself. 
> Now, re: AP Action and myself: 
> "As it's been pointed out by a couple of people that I'm no longer
on  the 
> Board of Trustees of AP Action (a group I whole-heartedly support
and know  has 
> our city's best interests at heart) the reason I'm happy to share, 
is hardly 
> controversial and honestly quite a good one. 
> In fact, it's pretty obvious: The roster of the many, many very 
smart and 
> very organized people attached to this group!  
> Seeing that AP Action was in such strong and capable hands, I felt I
> able to focus my full attention to another equally worthwhile group
I've  been 
> fortunate enough to be associated with for a couple of years, The
Asbury  Park 
> Marketing Fund and the upcoming RoadTrip 4.
> That being said, what AP Action is doing is hardly easy, not always
fun,  but 
> very important and worth people stepping back and taking a few
moments to  
> look at the bigger picture.  This group has publicly put themselves
on  the line 
> in ways few others have been willing to do.  That, to me,  is at
least worth 
> your respect and appreciation for what they are trying to  accomplish.
> What saddens me though, and you would think after four years  of
listening to 
> and being on the receiving end of the  same crap and the same
comments, the 
> effect would be less - is the  sheer level of nastiness that's being
> at the members of AP  Action.  
> And the most hypocritical part of all?  A great deal of this 
nastiness is 
> Folks, as others have said, if you don't agree with what the
candidates AP  
> Action has chosen, no one, NO ONE, is judging YOU!  
> Or saying ANYTHING bad about YOU!  That's your American right to 
chose.  To 
> vote!   Go do it!
> Make your case with the group! 
> Detail YOUR candidates qualifications!  Spread the word!
> But honestly, get up off your butts, and take ACTION yourselves!
> But please, stop spreading the hate.  
> Good God, isn't there enough of it already in the world without
spreading  it 
> among ourselves???

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