In my opinion Asbury is far better than is was 4 years ago.  Progress is taking place, values have gone up and I see people shopping on coookman ave.  My vote will be for the incumbets (except for the one arrested by the FBI).

jerseyjohn99 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Interesting how they endorsed all the incumbents except for one, the
one "straight white male" on the ticket to quote 3CN.

I'd love to see a reprint of that hatchet job the APP did on Asbury a
few months ago, to see, besides the Monmouth County real estate
market, what exactly has changed in the last four years.

--- In, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From APP
> "Loffredo is savvy and knowledgeable, and he understands the need for
> both patience and for the long view. Mellina, though a lightning rod
> for much of the anti-redevelopment criticism, has been a tireless
> worker and understands better than most that the city's only hope for
> building a better life for everyone in the community is to expand the
> ratable base."
> Loffredo is obviously savvy enough to know which side his bread is
> buttered on. The APP is a joke. They repeatedly refused to print my
> response to Loffredo's public reversal on the Triangle sale and his
> lip-syncing for Al Faiella, Asbury Partners' attorney. The Coaster
> also refused to print it. The other day in NYC, Charlie Rangel
> apparently reversed himself on the West Side Jets stadium. Every local
> paper took him to task for it. I guess things in NJ are different and
> the papers let elected officals betray their constituients. Remember
> on May 10th that Loffredo tried to sell you a bill of goods. On Dec 15
> he stated that the values in both appraisals for the Triangle were too
> low in his professional opinion. He brought up none of the "facts"
> that he one week later tried to convince you really meant we were
> getting $33 million for the Triangle. Contrary to his later
> advertisement for Asbury Partners, he either was "not up on the facts"
> when the ordinace was discussed, or he chose to purposefully withold
> them from the public. In the end, his and Faiella's facts are hogwash,
> they have nothing to do with the price we are supposed to get for the
> Triangle. Remember on May 10th, this is the last real estate asset we
> have left to sell or give away to Asbury Partners. Its worth several
> millions of dollars, not the $400,000 Loffredo and cohorts are ready
> to give it away for, and certainly not the $175,000 Asbury Partners
> wants to steal it for. Why is this issue so important, because it
> reflects how the majority voting block on the council has handled
> everything with Asbury Partners.

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