But why would it be a trick?  Who would gain from tricking the people?

Joe D'Andrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 2:02 PM +0000 7/26/05, dfsavgny wrote:
>--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Joe D'Andrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Who is being quoted in the fourth paragraph below. I'm surprised an
>unattributed quote got into a "Press Release"
>I thought it was clear that it was Forrester. Am I wrong?

Well Dan, it's not clear that it's anybody. There are a couple of words here and there in the press release that appear to be quotes from Doug Forrester (see www.AsburyRadio.com -- unless it's been edited then refer to the original post last Friday at ~10am ) although some of the quotes might simply be words quoted for emphasis.

Here's the paragraph in question... complete with it's enclosing quotes.

"I intend to clear my schedule of whatever programming is on deck in order to accommodate these candidates as soon as they're ready to debate. This election is crucial to New Jersey, which is riddled with political corruption and currently dominated by an unhealthy imbalance of power yielded by an extremely wealthy building industry. Our slogan is Speak Up, It's America; and that's never been more important to do than right now."

Now I know that Gubernatorial candidates are likely to have schedules that they keep but I doubt they refer to them as "programming [...] on deck." If the quote is really from Forrester then he seems to be making a claim that other candidates are unwilling to debate him. I've also scoured Forrester's website and I do find some slogans there but nowhere do I see a reference to what he says is his slogan "Speak Up, It's America."

So maybe it's Forrester or maybe it's just a trick intended to make you think it's Forrester. In any event it's confusing and the anonymous author seems unwilling to make a correction or clarification since Friday morning.

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