Before I expound, let me say that I heard them on Fox News saying "they" resent being called "refugees" because they are CITIZENS, first! The whole way they've been treated is inhumane! Most are from the West bank, Algiers, La., homeowners and were "forced" to leave. That area is NOT flooded. They just don't have essential services like fresh water and electricity, phone service or police protection. Not going to belabor it because it is not essential to what's happening there. They were transported by bus and "dumped" there with no water, no food but the promise of service which NEVER arrived. If you are the Christian you claim to be why are'nt you there with the "people" like Jesse Jackson, who came to New Orleans with buses but nowhere to take these poor people! I saw one woman who said, "this is NOT the way we live"! I know becuse they are the "cleanest" people on the planet. In the summer they bathe at least twice a day due to the heat and humidity, so to say the conditions are savage is an understatement. I am trying to get home to help out in a parish I know well, St. Peter Claver's on St. Phillip St. The priest there is feeding the "residents" left, three meals a day, clean clothes and a dry place to sleep. Basic comfort. Are you there to "cash" in? Many will be exploited of basic human service. I have 2 good hands and faith. I can change diapers, wash faces, cook for,  hug and comfort my people. When I say that I mean all colors, all persuasions and just "do"! Take my statement any way you choose. I don't care but they are NOT refugees, they are American Citizens, with a profound history in this country. The press is junping on Kanye West for telling the truth! When Florida has a storm, help is there the next day! Why not for the largest city in the South? Too Black, too strong, too democratic? God Bless and Keep you!

Sharon Boone

A refugee is not a foreigner it is some one that flees from persecution.  Usually they flee to another country because the country they are in is persecuting them.
The people in New Orleans are refugees because they are seeking refuge - they are lost everything..
sometimes it pays to look up a work before you EXPOUND...
Main Entry: ref·u·gee
"re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugium
Date: 1685
: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution
- ref·u·gee·ism /-"i-z&m/ noun


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