Saturday, September 3rd, 2005
3:50 pm
Business Related Note
Brian brought back online a second OC3 connection and estimates the 3rd one will be back online within the hour. Any sites that were down will be coming on through the day into the night. We appreciate your patience during this continuing calamity.
2:01 pm
The Riverwalk may be on fire (shopping mall at the river at end of CBD/Quarter). Everytime we talk to the police, we hear about sniper fire at the fire scenes. I cannot confirm that there is any. This is all hearsay, but it's coming from the police. The police we talk to, while consistent about claiming there is sniper fire, are conflicted about whether it's police sniper fire trying to take out arsonists or criminal sniper fire trying to take out police and fire rescue teams. Again, this is rumor for now, but we're hearing a lot of this rumor.

Now this is something that requires tact, and I do not have much experience with reporting, but I think the world needs to know how overwhelmed the police are out here: I have reports from 3 different police sources that 2 police officers have committed suicide. Out of respect for their families, I will not name them or go into detail. Truly tragic how bad things are. I sincerely hope I did the right thing in reporting this.

The 3 guys you just saw on webcam are Jeff and Hank of Data Protection Services (one of our customers who swore to their customers that they would not go down because of this storm), and Doctor Tom, an anesthesiologist. These three men heroically found a way to deliver us fuel and supplies into this disaster zone. I say heroically, because the amount of effort it took them to coordinate a way to get a container and fuel and a route in to the city in the face of persistent danger on the streets was absolutely off the charts. Their customers need to know the lengths that these men went to in order to get the job done. I listened to their accounts and I was absolutely impressed by the initiative and resourcefulness of these guys. Their story will be forthcoming on my blog sometime in the coming weeks when this is all over. For now, I want to thank these men in front of the whole world for the service they just performed.
11:58 am
Fuel Drop Successful
1515 got fuel. We're solid now. We will maintain internect connectivity.
10:57 am
Ok, I'm out of the loop but trying to get info for you guys. What I do know is that we got fuel. There is fuel in the city for Telcove down the street, but the flooding is making things difficult and that they need National Guard approval -- but this is not confirmed. As of right now, I don't know if Telcove has been fueled or not.

So basically, you guys know as much as I do at this point. I will know soon what the status is.

Now for news about the city.

The police told my guys downstairs that Saks 5th Avenue is on fire. Another big fire somewhere else, near where the warehouse fire yesterday was.

Cam is still on.

I'm gonna grab a sandwich and a drink, and come right back.


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