Title: Re: [AsburyPark] Questions for Assembly Candidates
At 5:01 PM -0400 10/2/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
... Since we gave them the topic areas awhile ago, your question would have to fit one of the following categories:  eminent domain, property taxes, political corruption, campaign finance disclosure or housing. This should be interesting to see what kind of input we get.

I'll bet the answers go something like this:

Eminent Domain: All four will be against it if a person's primary residence will be taken.

Property Taxes: All four will be for lowering property taxes.

Political Corruption: All four will be against political corruption.

Campaign Finance Disclosure: All four will be in fave of campaign finance disclosure.

Housing: Here's the one category of your limited categories where they might disagree. You should ask them all about other municipalities selling their RCA obligations to other towns, specifically Asbury Park. I'll bet that all four have the wrong answer. (Be sure to include your personal disclaimer on the issue of RCA programs.)

Now if you really want to see a debate, you can ask them about the one issue that they disagree on:  equal rights for everyone including gays and lesbians. You can ask Kean and Coredemus how it can be that they claim to have strong support in the gay and lesbian community when they didn't even vote in favor of the state's domestic partnership registration act. (Kean abstained and Coredemus voted no.) Doherty and Reilly are advocates for equal rights for all citizens and have made specific outreach to the gay and lesbian community including a fund raiser this very afternoon at Club Paradise. Republicans Kean and Coredemus' idea of reaching out to the gay community is having Tom De Seno calling me on the phone.

Here's another question... Since Doherty and Reilly have committed to opening their legislative office in Asbury Park once they are elected, you can ask Kean and Coredemus if they will do the same. Better yet... you can ask Kean why he moved his legislative office out of Asbury Park in the first place.



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