In 35 years, I don't remember that corner, ever being totally empty, 
except in a hard blowing rain, or a blizzard and since I have to pass 
that corner from time to time, it's disgraceful, that parents have to 
be intimidated, if they speak out. It's really sad, that so much 
effort, is being spent on redevelopment, of the boardwalk, when 
had an epidemic, right on that corner. When youths have to resort to 
selling drugs, rather than working at a regular job, there's 
something wrong, with the system. The rationale, is why work 
when you can rake in, as much as the market will bear? Funny thing, 
you seldom see a patrol car, there. I'm not condoning the sale or use 
of illegal drugs, just wondering, how the system failed these kids. I 
read that the school board had to cut back on programs. Why is Asbury 
Park, with all of its' problems, shortchanged? When the education 
budgets of other districts seem to be making it, why isn't Asbury 
Park? Doesn't the Board, employ an Attorney? If so, what does the 
Attorney do? Who makes up the budget? Why isn't this district, up to 
stuff? Not blaming the board, just wondering! Why can't Asbury Park 
keep a high school principal? Why are saleries, for Principals and 
Superintendant, so high? I remember when the President of the United 
states only received, $200,000 a year? Is it me? Does anybody know? I 
know that minority children, are suffering, from a lack of caring, no 
trade schools, to steer under-employed youth, etc. I don't see the 
military, as a way to avoid poverty, with this endless war going on. 
The rich, send the poor to fight wars, they themselves wouldn't suit 
for, wear flag lapel pins and call themselves Patriots and when you 
disagree with them, YOU become a threat and to them, a terrorist, 
for disagreeing. There's a whole lot of desk-hawks out there, so keep 
on supporting, whatever it is you support. You strap a uniform on 
black and white youths, cheer them on to the front and when they come 
back in body bags, or lame for life, you avert your gaze away from 
them, so no, the military, is not the way. These kids, can learn how 
to be electricians, plumber's, carpenters, chefs, or any myriad of 
alternate professions. Whatever hapened to that Jobs program that the 
council wrote a resolution for? Swept under the rug? I don't read or 
hear anything about it, so do citizens have to hold their feet to the 
fire? Inquiring minds want to know! Where's that UEZ money? Isn't 
that what it's for? Jim Keady is only one person but he IS making a 
difference! Too bad, others don't see our children as the prioity 
they ARE! Asbury Park will continue to have the BAD rep, they've 
carried, at the expense of other kids, who DO make it! I KNOW that 
Asbury Park kids, are good kids. Some, just make bad decisions, that 
make the whole town look bad!
Let's Support Our children!
--- In, traderdube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nancy Shields, who I recall getting slammed more than once or twice 
> this board, wrote a terrific and alarming article, front page below 
> fold, about
> dope peddling on the west side of AP. Only Keady and Bruno are 
> mentioned. The article details all the things that were said at the 
> council meeting that
> produced the Eminent Domain blessing by the city council. Eminent 
> Domain, waterfront permits, a taste of asbury, down town 
> Deal Lake,
> the Casino and Convention Hall...none of that means a thing if 
> Park can't, or won't, clean the streets of crime.
> That a united effort between the citizens, property owners, and 
> Hall are necessary to combat the criminals who openly ply their 
> throughout Asbury is a given. I would bet that the citizens, and 
> property owners would willingly devote their time money and 
resources to 
> rid Asbury of
> the criminal plague, I, based on the past lack of action, doubt 
> City Hall gives a KRAP about the nickel baggers and pock marked 
> prostitutes, let alone have the guts and
> grit necessary to make Asbury a safe haven for nice people to live. 
> Because that is what it all comes down to, ripping out the old and 
> decayed brick by brick and moving
> nice people into Asbury Park.
> So, when does the grass roots, bi-partisan movement to keep Codey 
> governor begin. Between Forester and Corzine, my old buddy Terry 
> might be a better choice. Meanwhile Codey makes smart moves, seems 
to be 
> of the people and for the people, and, to the naked eye, isn't a 
> sucking corrupt thief like our last elected governor.

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