Dear Bear:

This is an Asbury Park Group. We are Democrat, Republican and Other. Who is paying you to dish the dirt, you think you have, on the Democrats? Remember, "Nobody died, when Clinton lied"! Under Clinton, the Country had a LARGE Surplus, that your boy, Dubya, SQUANDERED! Bush gives tax breaks, ONLY, to the Rich and NOT the poor, who he lies to, daily. There were NO WMD's!  No Reason to Invade another country, torture its' citizens, rob it of its' antiquities and TAKE it's GOLD BULLION! Who has that? CHENEY? We are near 2000 Deaths, thousands of casualties, lost limbs and ENDLESS War! There are NO Kids of these DESK-HAWKS, Flag Lapel Pin Wearers, Over There! THEY, including, AWOL BUSh, EX-ALCOHOLIC, DRUG ABUSER, TEMPER-TANTRUM Having, Spoiled Frat-Boy, President, NEVER SERVED! His House of Cards, is about to fall after Outing a known CIA-Undercover Agent. It's a Federal Offense, YOU! Ditto, on Tom Delay and Bill Frist, those bastions of honesty! So why are YOU here?

Sharon Boone

At least Bush stays focused on his job rather than a previous president.  Democrats are upset because someone in that office is actually getting things accomplished..

I am not necessarly a republican but I sure would have a hard time voting in a democrat at this point anyway, they don't have a clue.


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