This administration is so scandal ridden that it makes Watergate look like a dry run! They've stolen so much; loss of jobs in the US, appointment of his UN-qualified CRONIES, which is why you had the KATRINA, debacle, loss of life, Americans called "refugees", his Mama saying that they're much better off in Houston, while she goes off and drink tea and cucumber sandwiches, Blacks scattered to the 4 winds! That takes care of the 67% black City, Huh at election time. A less-black New Orleans, so the powers that be, get their way, get rid of their public housing, illiteracy problem, all in one fell swoop! Red cross has their Black Shirts, shooting American Citizens and getting away with murder! If I ever give a dollar,  to the Red Cross, cut my hands off! After 9-11, they bought computers, office furniture, paid for trips, salaries with your contributions and didn't give the money where it was supposed to go; the SURVIVING families! Soldiers patrolling City Streets, Bird flu on the Way, just Kill off the rest!

This is the NEW America!

Sharon Boone

At least Bush stays focused on his job rather than a previous president.  Democrats are upset because someone in that office is actually getting things accomplished..

I am not necessarly a republican but I sure would have a hard time voting in a democrat at this point anyway, they don't have a clue.

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