That's Metro's modus operandi. They are trying the same thing here.
They went ahead and spent money before they had approvals and when
you balk, they say that it's not fair. Some on the Council and this
City think Metro is the white knight. While I like their building, I
say slam the door on them unless they pay for the amendment.
Having been to every Planing Board meeting that pertained to the Metro Homes project, the public was assured by the investors and their lawyers that Metro understood the financial risks they were taking. I believe they said the where going by the P L A N.
No guarantees to rebuild a new C-8 if the steel frame was not safe. Plain and simple. No argument, no misunderstanding, its about steel above ground or in the ground. No guarantees from the Partners that Metro would even own C-8 if things went wrong or right, because of other paper work.
Terry Reidy repeated the whole discussion in summery before the P B voted to let Metro start the design process, so that  the whole room would understand what was about to happen. The pre-approval did not mean it was a slam done deal, only as to more things along, so Metro could start drawing while the structure inspection of C-8 site was completed by engineers.
Was the pubic lead to believe that the inspection reports would take months. I believe the Press at some of the meeting. Pictures in the paper. All this according to the P L A N. Then the report funked the footings and then city officials start making excuses. Pulled the official P L A N off the web site.
Who knows how many lawyers, architects, engineers, and planners  where at each of the meetings representing the city, the Partners, and Metro Homes looked at that Plan. What P L A N were they given to represent their respective clients. Nobody ever said C-8 could be rebuilt if it came down. Metro was entering this part of picture at it own risk. Reidy, Metro, and the lawyers said so.
Lofferdo, who is on the Planning Board offer up a different summery of the P B meetings at a council meeting. At Council public portion, he was call to task.  At the same council meeting Reidy said nothing about his own speech at the Planing Board meeting. Are there tapes or notes of the Planing Board meetings available? Our redevelopment attorney said we have no recourse. Go figure? 

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