At 12:24 PM -0500 3/16/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Now is the time to stop the Planing Board from putting ultra modern lights through out the beachfront redevelopment/ Wesley Lake Area. They look like outdoor heating
>lamps and are completely out of character for our city. Somebody needs to stop the purchase of the heat lamps. The city should consider lights that are more in keeping with
>the history of this city.

At 6:51:49 PM 3/16/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As usual... you're uninformed and too late. Whatever one's opinion of the street lamp fixtures, that plan was presented, studied, re-studied and finally approved close to two years ago. When will the back row deal with current events?
Joe:  The sarcasm in your response to my posting undermines your sincerity  and makes you appear to have an axe to grind.  Everyone on the list is entitled to express his or her opinion.  Why do you feel that you have to attach people on a personal level when you don't agree with their ideas? 

When I was in Bryan Grant's office, nobody said the lights were a done deal.  Even if it is, I believe that nothing is written in stone - If enough people express concern about the design of the lights, the board could reconsider its decision.  Over the past six years or so, you and I have both witnessed what appeared to be good ideas turn into bad investments for the city.  As to your comment about the "back row," I would only remind you that solutions to many problems came out of that  back row, so don't throw away the baby with the bath water!  Like yourself, at least we are there and take an interest in what is going on in the city! 

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