The article said acquired so it makes me think it has already happened.  So which lots have been taken?

In the Press today under the description of the Asbury plan, it says 6 lots owned by two property owners were acquired by eminent domain.  Does anyone know what lots these were and when?  I believe according to the plan if land is acquired then it must be developed within a year.
You are right......I was told by Rita that somebody in city hall told her place was on the agenda for Wednesday night. And not by the city manager, although why did he not call her?
Her and her lawyer response is that she believes that the partners did not follow the correct steps to take her place before the process taking them to eminent domain by the city?   Does the partners have a paper work to ask the city to make a motion? I wonder if the city even follows its own guidelines. 
One of her question is why her place and not all the lots on her block were brought up at the last meeting. Why could she not just sell her land directly to the company that wants to buy the whole block. Why does Larry have to be the middleman. Who are his real partners? Or  puppets. 
She was already told, whom? who has the dibs or already wants to buy the whole block. Does this company not want to rock the boat (lawsuits) with the city or the partners?
Did the city or Larry find out she was talking to a developer directly? 
Are the negotiations in the works for months or just days or hours before the public gets the news? 
Maybe some on the council, some of the city employees and Larry feel their problems will go away if only the silence the detractors. Why not just give Rita and the other property owners the going rate for land and something reasonable for the time they paid taxes to the city while others did not. That part of my problem with Terry Weldon, the 3 stooges( they must think they are the Musketeers), and the Partners .
New condos, 14 stories high with retail, according to the news will be sold for $400,000 - $4,000,000 each. So how valuable is the land that is in private hands?
Six years ago under the new plan, the public was told the condo would sell for $250,000.00 - $400,000.00 and owners of empty lot(s) may be worth $90,000 - $150,000 in the redevelopment zone. I would think if condo would now be listed for 10 times the value in six years the land value would be close to that or more. Building costs and fuel did not go up that much in 6 years? We even have the luck to have a real estate expert on the council. 

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