Not happy with #8.  So few buildings are owner by others. 

jerseyjohn99 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oak, Oak, Oak. I'm disappointed! You read that story, and saving $40
on a beach pass was all you took away???

1) They interviewed Lamle, not Fishman. Fishman has been the
mouthpiece this whole time, and could spin some tales about what's
going to be on the beachfront. What possible reason could it be for
interviewing Lamle, the Vulture quoted as saying "Default rates are
picking up, so happy days are here again."???

2) "six-month study to come up with proposals". What happened to all
the studying that's been done for the last 5 years???? What happened
to the stuff we were promised? I suppose there's no need to start
the repairs on the boardwalk, since we don't know what the
consultants are going to hash together, right? Why don't we just see
if those consultants recommend restoring the properties we agreed to
restore before we actually start restoring them!

3) "The project that gets the city's approval in the end could be up
and running by 2010." Hmmm...COULD be ready 9 years after Asbury
Partners took possession??? 4 more years of NO ratables on the
boardwalk? So basically this city council will have 2 full terms and
NOTHING will be on the boardwalk? And I suppose these condo owners
will just have to make due with only Madam Marie on the boardwalk in
the meantime. Good thing THOSE contracts were signed right away, huh?

4) "They also spoke of a mix of nightclubs, restaurants and the kind
of environment children will love." Yeah, 13 year olds when Partners
took possession in 2001 will be legal age to love those nightclubs
in 2010. I like that wording. They "spoke" of actual places like
nightclubs & restaurants, but couldn't formulize one single
description for a children's amusement.

5) "They're serious about Asbury Park, and the combination of having
a strong retail background and being well-funded all bodes very well
for the city." What does "well-funded" have to do with anything???
Doesn't Asbury Partners have to agree to keep a certain net-worth?
Isn't that well-funded enough?

6) "the two companies will jointly own the entertainment and retail
venues where spaces will be leased." AHA! a joint partnership to run
the boardwalk. As in an off-balance sheet corporation, so they can
leverage the financial assets of Madison with the retail experience
of Asbury Partners, and neither will be on the hook when things go

7) "Asbury Partners will spend $60 million in road, sidewalk,
utilities and sewer plant improvements but is recouping that money
as the planned 3,164 residential units are built." Absolutely
nothing to do with the boardwalk, but we thought we'd throw it in to
show how generous the great savior of Asbury Park is.

8) "Lamle said Asbury Partners would like to acquire the Berkeley
Carteret Oceanfront Hotel" Greedy bast!d. Let's see you put up this
Palace Hotel before you destroy another gem on the ocean.

From 2001 to 2010, Stanley Kubrick and Arthur Clarke went from
colonizing the Moon to exploring Jupiter. In that same time period,
Larry Fishman & Hugh Lamle can't even guarantee they can generate
revenue from the best piece of undeveloped oceanfront in the world.
How long is this charade going to continue???

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "oakdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems somoene may be listening to all these loonies on this board.
> According to the press interview, the MUSICIAL past and kids
> will be addressed in the NEW plan.....
> FREE BEACHES was mentioned (as one who experienced FREE while
running a
> boardwalk DID work in an otherwise DEAD town).
Then the
> city managed to f it up. FREE is FREE and to a family, FREE it is.

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