Hi Reverend Brown,
I would like you to provide me with the name of the Assistant US Attorney from the Division of Civil Rights who you claim is going to defend the mission. I think you lie, since the Civil Right's Division would never get involved in defending a religious organization in a civil litigation involving a group of concerned citizens or the city of Asbury, that would be a violation of the separation of Church and State.
    With respect to your argument that this lawsuit is solely about upset homosexuals in Asbury Park, I suggest you read the pleadings in the Stand up for Asbury appeal. The basis of the lawsuit is fundamental fairness, and the fact that Asbury Park and its' citizens shoulder more that their fair share of social programs which address the needs of our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
    Since you live in Long Branch, you need not concern yourself with our fiscal well-being or that of Asbury Park. In fact, when we prevail in this lawsuit, the citizens of Asbury Park will save millions that it would have to pay to house the thousands of homeless who will come to this mission, be rejected, or thrown out of the shelter, with no where else to go, except the Asubry Park department of Social Services, Which will spend millions of our tax dollars to meet their needs.
     I find the tenor of your comments to me to be quite homophobic, and anything but Christian, coming from a supposed man of God.
      With respect to your offer to arbitrate and play the part of Jesse Jackson. Let me say this, I have met Jesse Jackson, and once worked with him, as an attorney, on a civil rights lawsuit, and I can tell you, your no Jesse Jackson.
An arbitrator, by it very definition, is an un-biased, neutral, third-party, you obviously are none of these things. Thanks, but no thanks for your offer.
   In closing, I suggest you read the Good Book, ask God for some guidance, and try to live the virtues which Jesus Christ preached, instead of hiding behind you collar and perpetuating hatred.
God Help You,
Frank Farrell
Stand Up For Asbury
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 10:19 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] fighting a mission is a futile action

I applaud Councilman Keady for standing up for the least among us, in our communities.
I stand with him and rely upon the following scriptures of Christian faith:
Matt: 25:35 and following.

I would also point out something you need to consider.
Before you take on such a legal battle, you need to realize what it has cost the taxpayers of the City of Long Branch to fight The Lighthouse Mission here.  The ongoing litigation is in it's 7 th year.  You being a citizen driven private dollar venture - it will cost you more.  Having the City Council ask the City Attorney to file an amicus will now cost your tax payers as well.
The expert damages report for the Lighthouse Mission is in excess of $3,000,000.00 and growing and this does not include the legal costs associated with the litigation. 
The Department of Justice's Civil Right's Division will most likely defend the mission and you will cost additional tax payers dollars, because tax payers fund the DOJ.
Obviously the gay community of Asbury is grinding a single issue - all because the shelter will not house homeless gay men.  However, practical operations of any institutionalised organization prudently provides services in shelters seperately.  A men's shelter does not serve women.  Nor does a women's shelter provide for men.  If the gay community really wanted to do the right thing and save themselves a lot of money, they would open a gay men's shelter.
I am saying this with all due respect.  If you wanted to arbitrate some resolve I would be willing to play Jesse Jackson for you guys in this issue. 
God Bless Us All.
Reverend Kevin Brown
Lighthouse Mission
Long Branch, NJ


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